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Katāvaka · a sinhala tale

An illustrated book, an original tale of Sri Lanka, supportive and multilingual, made by Project Tree + Arogya Matha Primary School


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Publish a tale of original sinhala, illustrated, solidario and multilingual. The book will be reproduced in 4 languages: Sinhala (its transcription phonetics), Spanish Valencian and English, in the same book, size 21 x 21, with cover hard and to colour. It includes a glossary, line of the time and video so that you can see how we did . The book will be illustrated by the pupils of the same school in Sri Lanka.

La liebre y el genio del bosque (wolof, valencià, castellano, francés)
La liebre y el genio del bosque (wolof, valencià, castellano, francés)


This book is the 4º volume of the PROJECT TREE, that is born to collect oral tales of the world and transform them in books illustrated by children of the same community of origin. Each one of our books has a direct profit on the community through a NGO or local public school.

Escuela Infantil Machallah. Senegal
Escuela Infantil Machallah. Senegal

Twashukuru Ecoschool. Lamu, Kenia
Twashukuru Ecoschool. Lamu, Kenia


In this volume we will travel to Kalpitiya, north of Sri Lanka, and will look for our tale between the community sinhala. Katāvaka Is the fictitious name that have given to the book.

The School director, Devika, and the team of volunteers will look for between the community a short oral tale. The tale will be transcribed to English by local person. The illustrator, Empargrafia, will organise several sessions of artwork where the students of the same school will make the illustrations. Once in Spain we will make the translation, setting and impression of the book.


The Primary School Arogya Matha of Kalpitiya nowadays has 159 students from the area. The conditions of the classrooms are not good, so they decided to build a new classroom, but with the increase of prices, they had to stop it, so with the purchase of this book, we can help them to finish the new building, and on the other hand are contributing a profit that is not quantifiable in money. The experience of being in the project with something that is own, valorise their own culture, the use of artworks to create development for their community and also, children's artworks, will have direct economic impact on his own school.

Arogya Matha Primary School. Kalpitiya, Sri Lanka
Arogya Matha Primary School. Kalpitiya, Sri Lanka

Construction for finishing of the new classroom of the Arogya Matha School
Construction for finishing of the new classroom of the Arogya Matha School


In this project collaborates the Margarita Kiteschool. Eusebi And Ruben have been the links with the Arogya Matha Primary School. Some time ago they opened this kitesurf school in Kalpitiya, they are two guys that love the place where they live and what they do, and besides they are engaged with the environmental and social projects of the area, and alzo THIS ONE. Sthuthi!!

Margarita Kiteschool, Kalpitiya. Sri Lanka
Margarita Kiteschool, Kalpitiya. Sri Lanka

We also collaborate with of the NGO Valencian One Day Yes, all engaged with the 2nd Millenium Goal that aims to achieve UNIVERSAL PRIMARY EDUCATION for all.”.


AUGUST> Travel to Sri Lanka, look for oral tale, make the illustrations, his translation and transcription phonetics.

SEPT-OCT> Translation of texts and correction

NOV- DIC> Layout

JANUARY> Printing

Audiovisual> FEBRUARY and calendar of presentations

MARCH> Presentations and sendings

Kalpitiya, Sri Lanka. Map
Kalpitiya, Sri Lanka. Map







+ Info

Instagram de Proyecto Árbol


  • In how many languages will be written the book?

    The story will be collected in language sinhala, the sinhala has a different alphabet, so in the book you will see: Sinhala written, phonetic transcription (as it sounds, so that we can read it), Spanish, Valencian and English.

    There will be short paragraphs in each double page, will see the 4 forms in each, each language in a different colour so that it remain very clear.

    Besides, at the end of the book you will find a glossary with the translations of the keywords and the alphabet sinhala.

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  • ampiebo@hotmail.com

    [email protected]

    almost 2 years

    ¡Muchas gracias por vuestro apoyo! ¡VAMOOOOS!

  • Judith


    almost 2 years

    Venga, animaros!! Q es una iniciativa chulisima

  • CIMBurkina


    almost 2 years

    Ánimo!!!! Ya queda menos.

  • Damian


    almost 2 years

    Tengo la suerte de conocer los proyectos anteriores, y sin duda, esta iniciativa aporta luz al mundo y merece ser apoyada. Enhorabuena Empar!

#02 / ¡Lo hemos CONSEGUIDO!

Queridos y queridas mecenas, en primer lugar queremos agradeceros vuestra confianza. En estos momentos estamos enviando a imprenta el libro que pronto tendréis en vuestras manos.

Tenemos muchas ganas de compartir con vosotros la experiencia y que podáis conocer un poco más las aportaciones que hacéis a través de Proyecto Árbol y One Day Yes, por eso os convocamos a las próximas PRESENTACIONES y RECOGIDA DE RECOMPENSAS los próximos*:

En ALZIRA: 15 de diciembre a las 17:30h en la Biblioteca Pública (Plaça de les Lletres Valencianes, 5. Alzira)

En VALÈNCIA: 28 de diciembre a las 17:30h en el Espai Llimera (C/ de Timoneda, 6. València)

*Os informaremos sobre nuevas fechas.



Queridísim@s mecenas, estamos pletóricas, gracias por confiar en este proyecto, sabemos que vamos a estar a la altura.

El día 7 de julio volamos a Sri Lanka y prometemos teneros informadas día a día a través de nuestras redes sociales @Proyecto_Árbol (Instagram).

En el blog, de una manera más puntual, haremos un resumen del proceso del proyecto.

Un abrazo y buen verano.

Empar, Oureye y Clemen

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