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“Poemari per a acordió” by LA COMPANYIA MINIMíssimA

Compilation of poetic texts in the form of a book and a musical version on the networks.


From 4.000€
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This is LA COMPANYIA MINIMíssimA, so MINIMíssimA, that it has only one component but live concerts are often accompanied by writers, dancers, illustrators or poets offering multidisciplinary shows. It is mainly dedicated to root music and poetry.

The current project of the MINIMíssimA is "Poemari per a acordió". It is a collection of his own poetic texts in the form of a book, and at the same time it is also an album with more than 50 texts with the music of the accordion, and it will be open on the networks.


La MINIMíssimA was born in 2018 with the idea of ​​making traditional music and composition based on traditional, and to perform in small places that allow direct contact with the public. In 2019 he won the Sons de la Mediterrània competition and in 2020 he released his first album, ranked among the 75 best albums of the year in Catalan by the critics Enderrock.

He has played at festivals such as Tradicionàrius, the Fira Mediterrània, FIMPT, Ethnocatalonia, Càntut, Aplec dels Ports, Vincles, etc. During these years, his own compositions and poetry have gained weight, which is why he has now decided to publish the texts and record them accompanied by the diatonic accordion.

The album will be recorded by Pau Vinyoles at So.cat studios and distributed by Segell Microscopi. Pepon Meneses will take care of the layout and printing of the book.

You can find more information about other projects at:


Contributions do not only have the value of the advance purchase but are also understood as the intention to get involved and collaborate in the minimíssima project, which by its characteristics is, and it will be, a small, independent and obviously fragile project. LA COMPANYIA MINIMíssimA is infinitely grateful for this gesture and will send to the patrons different rewards depending on the contribution given. Among the rewards offered, in addition to the book itself, you will find:

  • An illustration by Pepon Meneses. Offset two colours printing, made at L'Automàtica de Gràcia.

  • The first album of LA COMPANYIA MINIMíssimA. Recorded in 2020 in collaboration with other artists including Lixsania Fernández, David Vila, Pep Divins and others.

  • T-shirt with one of the texts in the book:

    Si no fos pel si no fos
    no hi hauria un pam de terra
    on no poguéssim sentir
    que és allà i just allà
    on la mare ens va parir.

That would be something like that:

 If it weren’t for the same old things
 there wouldn't be an inch of land
 in which we could not feel
 which is there and right there
 where our mother gave birth to us.
  • Poetry recital (half hour)

  • Concert by LA COMPANYIA MINIMíssimA (one hour).

Both the recital and the concert can be done on stage or not, with or without sound equipment, and in any type of space: theaters, bars, bookstores, or even in any house.


The amount required to record at the album al the studio and print 300 copies of the book has been calculated at a minimum of 4000 € and LA COMPANYIA MINIMíssimA does not have the resources to do it. That is why the help of the patrons is essential, making small contributions to allow this project to go ahead.

Most of the funds raised through verkami will be invested in the printing and binding of the book (35%) and 21% will be invested in the recording of the disc. Layout and design expenses represent 20% of the total and 10% are diffusion and rights management expenses. The rest (14%) are the costs of preparing the rewards, shipping, etc.

La MINIMíssimA is one from those who think that culture is done in common, and whether it is achieved to print the book or not, it is grateful for your collaboration from the start, but thinking about it... why shouldn't be achieved?

  Fer-se a la mar
  i no mirar enrere.
  Agafar el tren sense diners
  ni bitllet de tornada.
  Travessar una frontera.
  O senzillament
  posar un peu davant de l'altre.

  Get to the sea
  and don't look back.
  Take the train without money
  and no return ticket.
  Crossing a border.
  Or simply
  put one foot in front of the other.



There are none published yet.

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    almost 2 years

    Gràcies! Amb ganes d'enviar-lo!

  • Gab


    almost 2 years

    Felicitats!! Amb games d’escoltar el poemari.

  • gabiclown


    almost 2 years

    Tant de bò el projecte arribi a bon port i gaudim del poemari.



    about 2 years

    gràcies per la col.laboració! aviam si ho aconseguim!

  • Núria Robert

    Núria Robert

    about 2 years

    Gerard, espero que pugui fer-se realitat el projecte i poder lluir la samarreta! :)

  • Maragu


    about 2 years

    Can Camps ja és mecenes d’aquest fantàstic projecte de la Minimissima!! Desitjant que arribi el dia del concert i poder gaudir de la poesia de la ma del Gerard, us esperem a tots!!

  • polaumedes


    about 2 years

    Amb ganes de llegir-lo i escoltar-lo!

#01 / Verkami aconseguit

Companyes i companys,

La campanya ha sigut un èxit i no sabria ni com expressar-vos l'agraïment... va ser una aposta certament arriscada però ha funcionat i ara toca posar-s'hi:

Durant les properes setmanes aniré treballant amb el Pau Vinyoles que s'encarregarà de la gravació del disc, el Pepon Meneses i L'Automàtica pel llibre i també amb el Segell Microscopi.

Us aniré informant de com van els progressos i quan ho tinguem tot a punt us avisaré per fer-ne l'entrega.

Un bon moment per les entregues serien els bolos que han anat sortint durant el procés d micromecenatge: a Can Camps (Sant Quirze), a La Fura (Solsona), A Berga (amb la Berguedana de Folklore Total), a l'Escola de Música Tradicional de Sant Cugat, a Vic a la presentació de l'exposició fotogràfica de l'Àlex Monfort. Quan anem tancant dates les anirem comunicant, i qui no pugui venir rebrà el material a casa sense problema.

Estem en contacte, e ancora una volta

Moltes gràcies MECENES MAXIMíssimS!

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