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AGROPERIFÈRICS, by Ignasi López; a new publication from Bside Books. Agroperifèrics is a book based around the archive of a photographic fieldwork project carried out in peri-urban allotments between 2006 - 2012. The project was conceptualised in collaboration with Marta Daho and Carles Marcos.

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AGROPERIFÈRICS, by Ignasi López; a new publication from Bside Books.

Agroperifèrics will be a book based around the archive of a photographic fieldwork project carried out in Barcelona's peri-urban alegal allotments between 2006 and 2012. The project was conceptualised with the collaboration of Marta Daho and Carles Marcos. It includes a text by Joan Nogué.


"I grew up in an agricultural area on the city outskirts, which gradually became more impermeable and urban over time. Thirty years later I started poking around among the traces of people who, for different reasons, had decided to change sands by asphalt.

Most of these people had moved from rural areas to major urban centres in order to contribute to the construction and transformation of new territories. They actively participated in changing the landscape and the imaginary bound up in the identity of their children. Over time, some of these people began to return to leftover permeable lands near their new cities, creating new “agro-peripheral” areas. These places are simultaneously the memory, representation and transposition of a notion of landscape that they have been carrying with them for many years.

Agroperifèrics is the first book in a two-part project that begins with a journey through these constructed paradises.”

Ignasi López



In terms of our approach to the financing the project, we think that a crowdfunding platform is the most appropriate and the most consistent with the dynamics that we’ve been working with over the past year. The idea is to invite anybody who is interested in this project – and more generally in Bside Books as a platform for the production of independent books through collaborative processes – to participate in making it possible. We hope to reproduce the wonderful experience we had when we published Clara Nubiola’s La guía de las rutas inciertas through Verkami, in which friends, micropatrons and all kinds of people who were interested in the project were able to actively participate in it through the crowdfunding system.

The entire amount raised through Verkami.com will go towards covering the printing costs of the book and the shipping of rewards. If we achieve our funding goal on Verkami.com , the book will be published by Bside Books and printed in June 2012, with the following specifications:



Print run: 411 copies, signed and numbered

Pages: 64 (book) + insert with texts in Spanish, Catalan and English

Dimensions: 25.5 x 33.5 cm

Binding: stitched in sight + flyleaves + semi-rigid etched cardboard covers

Inks: 4 + 4 + varnish

Here is an abstract of the book.



Ignasi López (Premià de Mar, Barcelona.1970)

Photographer, designer. Co-editor of Bside Books.

Ignasi López uses photography as a medium to explore the areas on the outskirts of cities and the human need to transform them.

In 2003, the Centre National des Arts Plastiques de Paris (CNAP) commissioned him to create a contemporary postcard imaginary of the city of Toulouse. In 2005 he exhibited “Sport Places” at PHotoEspaña, and he was shortlisted for the festival’s Discoveries award in 1999 and 2000.

In 2007 he began to work with Carlos Albalá; together, they founded Bside Books and went on to work on various photography and research projects.

They were the recipients of a BCN Producció (La Capella) grant in 2008 and a CoNCA grant in 2010 and they have participated in several exhibitions in Spain and internationally, including the Leandre Cristòfol Biennial at La Panera (Lleida), Madrid Photo 2009, Estampa (Madrid), Zphoto (Zaragoza), the 2010 Fotografia Festival in Rome, Salon Light (Paris), and the 2010 and 2011 Emergent-Lleida Festival (Museum of Lleida). Their work has been published in international publications such as Livraison (Sweden) and City Pulse (Chile).

They created and edited the “Transigrafías” project-workshops based on visual perception of the territory, which won the best educational project award at the PA-TA-TA festival of emergent photography in Granada in 2011.

They are currently working with Jon Uriarte on “V.V.E.E”, a workshop- collective publishing project that will take place in Córdoba (Spain) in July this year.

Ignasi Lopez



Bside Books (Self Produced & Limited Editions) is an independent publishing project. Its philosophy is based on offering a self-production and distribution platform for books and limited editions relating to urban migration processes and to the representation of the territory that is transformed as a result of them.

Founded by Carlos Albalá & Ignasi López in 2011, Bside Books lovingly explores different ways of materialising the work of artists in the sphere of print publications. In its first year of life, they published their own works and three others co-produced with Clara Nubiola, Pau Faus and Xavier Rivas, respectively. Different funding methods were used in each case.



Follow us at BsideBooks Blog , facebook.com/bsidebooks or twitter @bsidebooks. We'll introduce news, pictures and texts of the project.


Bside Books


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#07 / 111 gràcies!!! // 111 gracias!!!

[en castellano, mas abajo]

Moltes gràcies!! (exactament 111) a tots i a totes vosaltres per fer possible l'èxit del procés de microfinançament del llibre AGROPERIFÈRICS.

Ha estat un procés molt intens i feixuc en alguns moments, però no ens hem sentit sols en cap moment. No només us agraïm les aportacions que heu fer a través de Verkami sinó també els ànims constants, suports esperats, col·laboracions inesperades i empentes cap endavant. Només així ha estat possible. Moltes i moltes gràcies!!

Ja hem començat la fase de preimpressió del llibre i durant aquest mes de juny s'imprimirà. El procés més llarg serà el d'enquadernació. És un llibre amb diversos tipus d'enquadernació alhora i volem respectar els temps marcats per aconseguir un resultat òptim. Creiem, doncs, que tindrem i tindreu el llibre a les vostres mans durant la segona quinzena de juliol.

Ens anirem posant en contacte amb vosaltres per pactar l'entrega i demanar-vos l'adreça on fer arribar el llibre.

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#06 / El Museu de la Vida Rural parla d'"Agroperifèrics" // El "Museu de la Vida Rural" habla de "Agroperifèrics"

Falten 2 dies per acabar el crowdfunding i seguim amb els enllaós que parlen d'AGROPERIFÈRICS. Avui és el blog del Museu de la Vida Rural.


Gràcies als 93 micromecenes que heu donat suport a aquest projecte, sortirà si o si. Una petita empenteta i ja hi som!

93 moltes gràcies!!



A falta de 2 días para acabar el crowdfunding seguimos con los enlaces relacionados con AGROPERIFÈRICS. Hoy en el blog del "Museu de la Vida Rural"


Gracias a los 93 micromecenas que habéis apoyado el proyecto, éste saldrá sí o sí.

Un pequeño empujón y ya lo tenemos!

93 muchas gracias!!


#03 / Novetats, entrevistes i blogs // Novedades, entrevistas y blogs

[sigue en castellano]


Aquesta darrera setmana han estat més de 20 els nous micromecenes que han donat suport al projecte AGROPERIFÈRICS. Això ens dóna molta moral i confiança per encarar aquests 9 dies restants.

Us posem al dia del projecte: aquesta serà una setmana plena de novetats, d'entrevistes, textos, opinions. Podreu triar i remenar.

Per començar, avui Paco Navamuel estrena blog de fotografia i ho fa amb una entrevista sobre AGROPERIFÈRICS, la qual cosa és un honor i ens fa moltíssima il·lusió. Llarga vida al "Blog a sangre"!


Per altra banda us enviem l'enllaç de l'entrevista emesa el passat dilluns a RNE4 al programa "Tinc un pla secret" de Chema Carrasco:


Aquesta setmana es publicarà una entrevista a Seeking Photography Magazine.


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#01 / ¿Quieres ser micromecenas del nuevo libro de Bside Books?

¿Quieres ser micromecenas del nuevo libro de Bside Books?

[in english below]

Hemos empezado el plazo para poder financiar el nuevo libro de Bside Books a través de Verkami. Verkami es una plataforma de micromecenaje que permite financiar proyectos culturales a partir de la suma de pequeñas y múltiples aportaciones económicas, a cambio de las cuales los mecenas reciben una parte del proyecto dependiendo de la naturaleza del mismo. Cualquier persona puede ser mecenas si le interesa el proyecto.

En este caso se trata de AGROPERIFÈRICS de Ignasi López, un libro de edición firmada y numerada de una tirada prevista de 411 ejemplares. Los micromecenas pueden recibir desde el libro en formato electrónico o el libro firmado pasando por copias fotográficas firmadas o suscripciones al proyecto Bside Books.

AGROPERIFÈRICS será un libro… read more

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