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Campaign to fix the #600Independent car

The #600Independent had a car accident when it was being driven back from Brussels. We are kicking off a merchandising campaign to fix it

Pep Pladeveya

A project of

Created in

From 4.000€
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View project in Català and Castellano

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Who I am?

My name is Pep Pladeveya and I am the #600Independent's owner.

The idea of the independent car was born in 2011 to help explain the wish for Catalonia's Independence.

With this idea and a great car, we have been everywhere!


The Story

In 2010, I bought an old and rusty Seat 600 with the intention to retore it, starting by painting with the independence flag we call 'Estelada'. With this, I was hoping to add my own little grain of sand to the Catalan Independentist Movement.


Since then, the #600Independent and I have participated in all types of events to support the Independence Cause. We have been to fairs, parties, meetings, demonstrations, concerts, talks and solidarity events like "Trailwalker" and "Oncotrail".


Somatents Celrà
Somatents Celrà

Wherever we go the #600Independent is a hit! People have taken numerous photos with it, sit in it and some have even taken it for a spin.

This is why #600Independent was born, to be the 600 of the people, it is my own joy to see that other's feel the same emotion.



In 2014 we drove to Brussels to support the right to decide for the Catalan people. This was a big challenge for such a small and old car... however it did very well.


In 2015 we drove to Scotland to support the independence movement.

The 600 endured it like a champion!


Last year, in 2017, we went to Brussels for a second time. We participated in the large demonstration organized by Omplim Brussel.les. Unfortunately, on our way back at home, we suffered an accident and the car was damaged badly.


The #600Independent has become an icon of the independence process. Many have been, able to enjoy it and for me, it is like the effort and persistence of the Catalan people.

The car’s license plate is from Madrid (represented by an “M”) and it is often questioned. It symbolizes the integration between those born outside of Catalonia, who become Catalan in their heart and identify themselves with the Catalan nation, too. You should know that I bought it on purpose in Madrid!

Brussel.les 2017
Brussel.les 2017

During these years, the 600 needed an extensive list of upgrades, and maintenance which represent a significant expense. Hence, I sold T-Shirts, keychains, cups and small cars to sustain the costs, all in a very amateur and non-profit manner.

Brussel.les 2017
Brussel.les 2017

Now we ask for your collaboration!

When we had the accident, many reached out to help us fix the car, so we can drive it again. The #600Independent is the 600 of the people and a symbol of our fight. After much deliberation on how to go about this, we have decided to begin a merchandising campaign. The aim of this campaign is to finance the work to be done, and to find a way to fund regular car maintenance.

We will produce Keychains, Cups and T-Shirts with the image of the #600Independent and also a limited edition of small cars.

This will allow everyone wanting to help fix the 600 get their own special memory.

Keychain 600
Keychain 600

Cup 600
Cup 600


T-Shirt 600
T-Shirt 600

Those with the largest contributions will get a ride in the car!

For us, all patrons and contributors are very important, however, those funding the project in larger sums will get a larger reward back. It is with this in mind, that we are willing to share our home with them as well, so we can get to know our donors better.

We have an awesome wood oven at home to make homemade bread and pizzas, and my wife and I will delight you and a group of up to 10-12 people to join us! You decide whom to bring.

Next up, for those coming up with extraordinary contributions, besides a day of bread and pizzas, we will invite you to enjoy a weekend in our home, located in the middle of a rural lovely setting, because we want to know you better!

Planned calendar

As soon as we get all deposits via Verkami's (our contribution platform) we will begin to distribute all rewards according to the sums of the contributions. This means that within a couple of months we promise to send you your reward.

Regarding getting a car ride in the 600, we will need to wait until the car is fully functioning. For that, we will keep you appraised of our progress. We hope to get all work done under 6 months.

Thank you every one for your contributions!

+ Info

Pàgina facebook 600Independent
Compte de twitter 600Independent
Perfil facebook Pep Pladeveya


  • When will I receive my reward?

    After 40 days, the payment of your contributions will be effective. Then we will begin to send your rewards. We want to send them in a maximum period of 2 months.

  • How will you know my address?

    After 40 days of the project, the payment will be effective. Then we will send you an email to know the shipping address of your rewards. Be sure, we will ship them!

Do you have any other queries or questions?

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  • Andreu


    about 6 years

    II*II Som-hi

  • Toni


    about 6 years

    En Puchi no pot tornar sense el cotxe oficial. Salut

  • Eli


    about 6 years

    Et volem tornar a veure passar ben aviat!!! We love 600independent!!

  • Pep Pladeveya

    Pep Pladeveya

    about 6 years

    Moltes gràcies a tots! Sou increïbles! Junts som imparables! Arreglarem el #600Independent i construirem la #RepúblicaCatalana #Seguim

  • MiqSanMar


    about 6 years

    Espero que el 600 torni a rodar per les carreteres i a impulsar la recuperació de la nostra sobirania !!

  • Isabel Zamora Gaitan

    Isabel Zamora Gaitan

    about 6 years

    Ens agrada, molt el 600. Find el infinit i mes enllla.

  • Cisco


    about 6 years

    Has fet, i faràs molt, i nosaltres anirem posant els "granets de sorra" que calguin II*II

  • carlescasacuberta


    about 6 years

    Molta sort! No defalliu mai!

#03 / 2on objectiu assolit i anem cap al 3er: el conte del #600Independent

Sou realment increïbles!! SEGON OBJECTIU ASSOLIT en només 4 dies!! I el més important: Podrem recuperar i posar en marxa el #600Independent, gràcies a les vostres aportacions via merxandatge!

S'acosten dies molt importants i hem d'estar tots a punt i preparats! Per aquest motiu, ens proposem arreglar el #600Independent el més aviat possible.

Us adoneu que tots plegats estem escrivint la història?? Tinguem confiança... ens en sortirem!! //*//

Com a recompensa per haver assolit el 2on objectiu, donarem a tots els mecenes que hi heu contribuit un adhesiu exclusiu del #600Independent. El dibuix és un esboç, us agrada?


Aquestes aportacions ens permeten fer efectives les recompenses i també arreglar el 600. Però lògicament aixo no s'acaba aquí...

Queden un grapat de dies per finalitzar el Verkami i proposem el Tercer Objectiu: arribar fins a 12000€ que permetran posar en marxa El conte del #600Independent i assolir l'autofinançament pel manteniment del propi 600.

Il.lustració Conte
read more

#02 / El mecenatge per recuperar el #600Independent segueix en marxa!

El mecenatge per recuperar el #600Independent va a un ritme increïble! Moltes gràcies per les vostres aportacions!

En només dos dies, un munt de mecenes heu contribuit en el projecte i, per tant, tots teniu la vostra recompensa assegurada. Enhorabona! Entre tots ho fem possible!



Com que encara no hi havia cap aportació a les recompenses de gran mecenatge, hem pogut modificar-les i transformar-les en aportacions per a grups. A veure què us sembla!!

Desitgem que tothom que vulgui, tingui l'oportunitat de contribuir i obtenir la seva recompensa. Per tant, només caldrà que una única persona faci l'aportació del grup per gaudir de la recompensa tots plegats.

És una bona oportunitat perquè els mecenes del #600Independent pogueu gaudir de jornades úniques, exclusives i divertides amb nosaltres. Us engresqueu?



#01 / Primer objectiu assolit! Realment som un poble imparable

És que encara hi ha algú que dubti que el poble català és imparable? En 12 hores ja hem assolit l'objectiu inicial que ens havíem proposat, i tot gràcies a cada un de vosaltres!!

Realment, quan actuem de manera organitzada i amb una motivació al davant, som invencibles, no hi ha aturador possible. És el poder del treball de formigueta.

No tinc cap dubte que com a país ens en sortirem! //*//

Amb els 4000€ del Primer Objectiu assolim el projecte d'iniciar una campanya de merxandatge del #600Independent, això vol dir que tots els que heu fet aportacions ja teniu garantida la vostra recompensa, per tant PRIMER OBJECTIU ASSOLIT.

Aquestes aportacions ens permeten fer efectiva la comanda de recompenses. Però lògicament aixo no s'acaba aquí...

Ens proposem el Segon objectiu: arribar fins els 8000€ dels quals sortirà l'import que falta per arreglar el #600Independent.

Ara, mecenes nostres, us demanem la vostra implicació activa per ajudar-nos a assolir el segon objectiu, read more

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