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Experimental and social project which uses plane toys as tools to connect people and stories around the world.

Stoyries Team

A project of

Created in

From 2.875€
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View project in Castellano, Català, Euskara and Galego

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  1. STOYRIES project

  2. How to become a pilot/patron

  3. How does Verkami work?

  4. How will the funds be used?

  5. Schedule.

  6. What will happen next?

  7. Who is the team behind the project?

  8. FAQ


Note: Before deciding to become a pilot/patron we ask you to read all the information below.

1. STOYRIES project:

Stoyries is a project that creates stories through toys - or as we like to call them 'playful activators' - connecting different people throughout the world.

Stoyries started as an experimental and academic project which studied the possibility that small elements linked to the game could build great stories. Inviting three essential verbs: to interact, to move and above all, to play.

Over time, Stoyries has become a mix between a social enterprise, an NGO and a way of creating real stories connecting people through games.

The idea is simple, we create toy planes all different, with a code that allows you to locate them in space. In 2015 we launched 50 planes. Such was the success that sold them out the same day. Since then our planes have travelled all over the world, from Madrid to California, North Africa, Europe, Lake Bakalar in Mexico, Kentucky, Morocco or Australia.

Bakalar Lake (Mexico)
Bakalar Lake (Mexico)

How it works is very basic, whenever someone buys a plane we create 2; one for the buyer and one for someone in an exceptional situation, as children suffering from cancer or in refugee camps. Since then, the two pilots are linked and can tell the adventures of their plane toys in any social network using the tag #stoyries or through the PLAY button on our website (www.stoyri.es).

Yosemite park. California (EEUU)
Yosemite park. California (EEUU)

StoyriesxGreece is part of a project which, in this case, seeks to take toy planes to refugees camps in collaboration with the NGO Solidarity Now (www.solidaritynow.org).

2. How to become a pilot/patron

The pilots are a fundamental part of STOYRIES, without them we won’t be able to do the project, that is why we have prepared different profiles so you can find the one that fits you the most.

3. How does Verkami work?

For Verkami, crowdfunding is a way of funding projects through pledges from many different people who, in return, get exclusive rewards in the form of products, services or experiences.

It is not an investment to make a profit. Creators keep 100% ownership of their project and the profits it makes. Each project has a funding goal set by the creator and 40 days to reach it.

In our case we recommend:

  • First: Understand how STOYRIES works and choose your reward.

  • Second: make your contribution.

  • Third: be patient, once we finish the campaign we will get to it. But remember that we will only get the funding if we reach the 100%.

  • Fourth: We will print the toy planes once we finish the campaign and when everything is ready we will travel to Greece.

  • Fifth: when we come back, we will send all the rewards.

4. How will the funds be used?

5. Schedule.

Once we get the funding we are committed to create 150 pairs of plane toys in less than one month (each plane takes 4 hours to be printed).

Then, we will travel to Greece where we will meet our partners from Solidarity Now to deliver the toy planes to children and to film the whole process. We will inform about the process continuously on our social networks.

After our travel- no later than 5 weeks since we get the funding – we will send all the toy planes, and the other rewards, to our patrons indicating the data and wishes from the children collected in Greece.

6. What will happen next?

If we can complete the first step: finance 150 plane toy pairs, we guarantee that the first thing to do will be travelling to Greece to deliver the toys and film a documentary about the process STOYRIESxGreece. In that case, we will extend the campaign to 150 extra couples and we will continue sending planes to places in an emergency situation.

7. Who is the team behind the project?

Behind STOYRIES is a great team that makes it possible:

  • Aida Red: architect and a PhD student focused on how the game can change the use of the space. Creator and co-founder of STOYRIES, she coordinates the project, acts as a copywriter, divides the work to do, and solves everything.

  • Agustín Flowalistik: 3D designer, he has a degree in Fine Arts. Co-founder of STOYRIES, manufacturer and creator of the toy planes' design and everything related with it. Multidisciplinary artist.

  • José Manuel Blasco: Multimedia engineer and restless mind. In STOYRIES, he is in charge of all the virtual and web issues (that’s why our page works so perfectly!). What’s more, he also records, programmes, and has fantastic ideas.

  • María Talaverano: She studied a degree in Law and Business Administration.. Co-founder of STOYRIES, she organizes things and coordinates our beautiful social networks.

  • Anna Andújar: English philologist, she currently works as an English teacher. In STOYRIES she checks and translates texts for our communication team and webpage, she is also in charge of the international communication. She is a wise person, especially when it comes to the legal setting of STOYRIES.

  • Virginia López: Fabulous graphic designer. She designed everything for STOYRIES and she works to make everything look so beautifully.

  • Juan Gálvez: Journalist and perfectionist. In STOYRIES, he is in charge to cheek everything is correct and talk about stories; he manages all communication with the media.

  • Beatriz Catalá: Pedagogue and educational counsellor who loves helping others. In STOYRIES she coordinates that everything is appropriate for our exceptional pilots. She also tries to make everyone happy.

We could not live without Sara Blasco (our actress and dubbing voice), Elena García (she helps us in everything and coordinates the logistics), Andreas Kyriakou (Animations’ creator) and the Research Hypermedia group (ETSAM; UPM, Aida belongs to this group) which encourages and supports us.

They are all different
They are all different


Why is there a minimum sponsorship option that does not include a second plane toy?

It is very simple, many people want to contribute to the project, but they don't want to know that there is another plane toy connected to them (either because they don't want to become emotionally involved or for any other reason). That’s why we offer the possibility to become a patron without a proper plane toy (but we’ll send you a small plane toy, yes!).

What will exactly happen with the twin plane toy once we get to Greece?

In Greece we will visit the Solidarity Now facilities in several parts of the country, focusing above all on the outskirts of Athens. There, we will give away all the plane toys to the children and we will record their data and wishes. This information will be included in your parcel, then you will know all about your twin pilot and their wishes.

If there are any extra plane toys, we will give them to Solidarity Now because everyday new families reach their facilities, in this way they will be able to share these toys with more children. Our aim is to continue this project after the first 150 couples.

But, can I lose contact with the plane?

Of course, that’s a possibility. It is important to understand that these places are transitory, these families spend a few weeks or months and, then, they go to another location. This is the reason why it is important to understand that; we will distribute the plane toys among the children living in these facilities at the time of our travel (this place has points of Internet access that the children and their families will be able to use them to keep in touch) but once these families travel to another location, no one can guarantee the connection between the two plane toys. It is part of the game, the connection may be lost for some time and, then a few months later reconnect, when their lives have stabilized in another European country. It can also keep connected all the time or, even lost forever. The uncertainty about what will happen with the other plane is part of the project and the risk of donating toys. But this, far from being a problem has sometimes given us amazing stories, such as; that about a travel guide that sent us a picture of children in a nomadic town from the North of Africa having one of our plane toys. We got to know the story thanks to the printed code, which makes it possible to track them and follow their adventures. This gives us the opportunity to reconstruct the story from the start.

Will I be able to continue all this process somehow?

Of course, you will be able to follow it on our social networks, and especially in the documentary that we will show when we come back, where you will find out about adventure: where do the planes go, how they are used and all the things that happen.

Will I be able to choose the colour of the plane?

Yes! If you want to choose it, once you become a patron send us a mail and we will tell you the options.

If you still have any doubts leave us a question here below or contact us directly through:
Our website

Or send us an e-mail to [email protected]


  • Would it be possible to donate my plane to a different NGO, as for example to ASPANION?

    Although we would love to continue working with Aspanion as we do with Solidarity Now, we have structural limitations. We can only create one plane toys phase at the same time.

    Before summer we donated 25 plane toys to hospitals with children suffering from cancer to honour our friend Laura. These hospitals are currently using our toys in their summer schools in the Valencian Community hospitals.

    We would love to continue creating plane toys for sick children, but we have to wait for the data collected from Aspanion about how our donation has worked throughout their summer school. In autumn, we want to start a new edition exclusively for this cause - the former was a donation-funded by the STOYRIES’ team as a promise to our friend Laura.

    While we wait for the response, we have released the Greece version because there we can also find children in exceptional situations.

    So if you want to donate your plane toy to a different cause we would like to ask you to be patient, because we will release new editions and there will be plenty plane toys for everyone.

    You can also send us a mail to suggest other causes we can collaborate with.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

Ask the author


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  • dcremer


    over 6 years

    Este proyecto lo tiene todo: entusiasmo, creatividad, talento a raudales en el equipo que le da soporte y un fin solidario. Imposible no colaborar. Ya tenemos puesto el casco y calentamos motores. Gracias !!!

  • bulentyusuf


    over 6 years

    This is a FANTASTIC project and I wish you every success.

  • Christian


    over 6 years

    Me parece una muy buena idea y hare que mis dos enanos sean participes, compartiendo juntos esta aventura de tres.

#03 / Presentación del documental y concierto

Estimados pilotos,

Volvemos con grandes noticias: ¿no tienes planes para este finde? Yo te propongo uno, ¿Qué te parece venir el sábado 3 de noviembre a las 20h a compartir con el equipo Stoyries la proyección del cortometraje que hemos realizado?

Además tendremos música en directo de la mano de @lorelei_green y una consumición gratis para los pilotos-mecenas del proyecto.

¡Coge tu avión y vente! ✈️✈️ Te esperamos 😉

stoyries #valencia #proyecto

(Dirección: Espai Colector, Calle Trinitat 10, Valencia.)

**Para más información consulta nuestras redes sociales (Instagram, Facebook, etc.) o nuestro mail.

#02 / ¡Actualización!

Queridos pilotos,

Aunque hemos estado actualizando todo el proceso de la evolución del proyecto en redes sociales (Facebook, Instagram, etc), queremos poneros al día también a través de Verkami.

Vuestros aviones llegarán a vuestras manos según lo previsto en las próximas semanas; hemos acabado la producción hace apenas unas horas. Junto a ellos os llegará también toda la información necesaria para poder subir vuestras aventuras y comunicaros con vuestro avión gemelo.

Por nuestra parte hemos tenido un par de contratiempos que hemos sabido solventar con creces, pero debido a los mismos, el viaje a Grecia junto a Solidarity now ha tenido que ser pospuesto. Iremos finalmente del 7 al 9 de diciembre.

Sentimos mucho esta demora pero hay muchos factores que afectan al proyecto a nivel internacional que no siempre podemos controlar.

Quedamos como siempre a vuestra disposición para cualquier duda que tengáis en nuestro correo [email protected], así como en nuestras redes sociales.

read more

#01 / Fotos

Queridos mecenas,

Hemos conseguido nuestro objetivo para poder financiar el proyecto y estamos super felices...

Seguramente habréis recibido un correo para que rellenéis los formularios con vuestros datos, en caso de querer adjuntar una foto para los agradecimientos no os dejará, ya que viene predefinido.

Por esta razón, os recomendamos que nos la enviéis directamente al correo: [email protected]

¡Muchas gracias a tod@s y feliz vuelo pilotos!

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