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SoMMeliers first album

Sommeliers is a group composed of five girls who come from the professional musical world, and our project is based on the merger of classic and jazz styles. In this album, you are going to find from opera arias to jazz standards, as well as original songs, passing for our particular musical filter.


A project of


Created in

From 3.500€
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View project in Català and Castellano

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Why an album?

Our name comes from the wine world, where the figure of the sommelier approaches a natural product produced with patience and a lot of dedication. We, as a sommelier, would like to approach our music, in a merger of classic and jazz styles, in a different way to reach a wider audience.

This album is born from our love to music and especially to share it with all you, approaching music to everybody in the most sincere way. Despite that, we need your help to reach this dream!


Sommeliers is a group composed of Rocio Seligrat (voice), Maria Tió (violin), Teresa Noguerón (clarinet), Laia Reverté (cello) and Marta Puig (piano), five girls who come from the professional musical world who combine an instrumental classical part with a jazz voice. In our repertoire people can find from opera covers with a jazz touch to the best known international hits, as well as original themes.

What have we done so far?

This project started the past December with a charity musical video for the Catalan Association of Cystic Fibrosis. From here, some new projects have enabled as to perform in many different Catalan media: Els matins de TV3, Enderrock TV-El diari El Punt Avui, Rac 105, Catalunya Ràdio and Ràdio Nacional Rne 4.

Currently, we are being sponsored by the wine producers "Caves Agustí Torelló Mata" and being invited to perform to many different cities from Catalonia and many other Catalan festivals. More over, our song T'he trobat has been one of the candidates to the Catalan Summer Song of the Acústik competition of La Vanguardia.


For us is very important the sustainability of our project. Despite being a music group, we do not forget the social part and for us is important to help people by doing our jobs. It is as well another reason to love what we do. That is why every year we collaborate with a charity association to spread their work: Cystic Fribrosis, Down Catalunya and Petits Somriures.

Why a Verkami?

Economically it is very difficult to cover the expenses for this album. Despite the support of the wine producers "Caves Agustí Torelló Mata", which we are very grateful to, we need your help to cover a third part of the expenses!

Recording: sponsored by "Caves Agustí Torelló Mata"

Stamp record, postproduction and mastering(3500€): VERKAMI

Design, photography and another expenses from mastering (2500€): we are going to cover this expenses with the money achieved in our concerts.

What are your contributions for?

Your contributions will help us to cover the Stamp record expenses, in which are included distribution, album copies, online distribution, legal registration, SGAE rights, marketing… and to make possible this exciting project!

What will happen in case we achieve more money?

If we achieve more than 3500€ we will be very grateful and you will help us to cover a part of postproduction, design and photography expenses, what would be a very big help for us!


Album: for only 15€ we will send you the first album from Sommeliers or we could give it to you personally in order you could listen to it every time you want to! You will be also included in the acknowledgements in the booklet and in every social Network!

Album + Presentation concert: for only 25€ we will send you the first album from Sommeliers and also you could enjoy the first presentation concert where there would be a surprise! Your name will be as well included in the acknowledgements in the booklet and in every social Network of Sommeliers!

Album + 2 tickets for the presentation concert: for 35€ you could share our first presentation concert with the person you prefer to. Your name will be as well included in the acknowledgements in the booklet and in every social Network of Sommeliers! It would be a very special concert for us and we would like to share it with you all!

Album + 2 tickets for the presentation concert + 1 overall score signed: for 40€ you will be able to share our first presentation concert with the person you prefer to, enjoy our first album and you will obtain the overall score signed of your favorite Sommeliers’ song! Your name will be as well included in the acknowledgements in the booklet and in every social Network of Sommeliers!

Album + 3 tickets for the presentation concert + 1 overall score signed: this pack is the best for families, if you are three at home and you would like to enjoy a concert full of surprises, do not hesitate, this is your pack! Paying 50€ you will have our album and 3 tickets for the presentation concert, our first album and the overall score signed of your favorite Sommeliers’ song! Your name will be as well included in the acknowledgements in the booklet and in every social Network of Sommeliers!

Album + 2 tickets for the presentation concert + access to a rehearsal : with this pack for 65€ you will have access to one of the rehearsals of Sommeliers, as well as to obtain 2 tickets for our presentation concert and enjoy our album every time you want to. Your name will be as well included in the acknowledgements in the booklet and in every social Network of Sommeliers!

Album + 2 tickets for the presentation concert + one lesson of one of our musical specialties: this pack for 70€ is the best for those with musical restlessness. If you want to take a lesson with one of the members of Sommeliers this is your pack! Moreover, you could also enjoy our presentation concert with the person you want to and our album. Your name will be as well included in the acknowledgements in the booklet and in every social Network of Sommeliers!

If you chose the option of taking the clarinet, violin or cello lesson, personal instrument is required.

Lessons in Barcelona.

Album + 2 tickets for the presentation concert + breakfast/afternoon snack with the members of Sommeliers: if what you wish the most is to share some time with the members of Sommeliers and to know them, this pack for 80€ is yours! With this pack, you could also enjoy our presentation concert and our album. Your name will be as well included in the acknowledgements in the booklet and in every social Network of Sommeliers!

Breakfast/afternoon snack in Barcelona.

We will arrange together the time and day for the breakfast/afternoon snack.

Album + 2 VIP tickets for the presentation concert + access to backstage + welcome drink: this pack is for people who want to enjoy our presentation concert in the best seats and with a welcome drink to make everything more special! For 100€ you will have 2 tickets to go to the concert with the person you prefer to, the first Sommeliers album and a welcome drink, and also the possibility to access to the Backstage with us! Your name will be as well included in the acknowledgements in the booklet and in every social Network of Sommeliers!

Album + 2 VIP tickets for the presentation concert + we will recite one of your poems in the presentation concert + welcome drink: if you want one of your poems to be recited in our presentation concert this is your pack! For 120€ we will recite your poem in live with music by Sommeliers. You will also be able to enjoy the best seats in our presentation concert, as well as a welcome drink and to listen to our album every time you want to! Your name will be as well included in the acknowledgements in the booklet and in every social Network of Sommeliers!

Album + 2 VIP tickets for the presentation concert + welcome drink + little private concert: this is the closest pack. Making a contribution of 300€ for our album we will come to your home and you will be able to enjoy a private concert of 30 minutes of duration for you and for the ones you would like to share it with. You could also enjoy our presentation concert with the person you want to in the best seats and a welcome drink. You would also obtain your Sommeliers album and our acknowledgements in the booklet and in every social Network of Sommeliers!

If the concert is outside Barcelona, the transportation cost will be counted part. We will arrange together a day and an hour for the concert.

Album + 4 VIP tickets for the presentation concert + welcome drink + big private concert: with this pack of 600€ you will be able to enjoy a concert of an hour of duration at home with the ones you would like to share it with. You will as well obtain 4 tickets for the presentation concert in the best seats and a welcome drink. Your name would also appear in the acknowledgements in the booklet and in every social Network of Sommeliers!

In case of being a business, your logo will appear in our album.

If the concert is outside Barcelona, the transportation cost will be counted part. We will arrange together a day and an hour for the concert.


·Medusa Estudio BCN (18/08-21/08):recording of the album

·VERKAMI (01/09-10/10): We need your help!

·Sharing REWARDS (early December): You are going to have your Sommeliers album in your hands. You could enjoy our presentation concert, as well as more surprises!

More information:

Facebook group Sommeliers
Youtube Sommeliers
Instagram Sommeliers
Twitter Sommeliers
Soundcloud Sommeliers


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  • Sommeliers


    over 8 years

    Hola Katja, hemos preguntado al equipo de Verkami a ver si hay otro modo de apoyar nuestro correo. Cuando nos contesten te lo hacemos saber.

    Muchas gracias por confiar en nosotras!

  • Katja Rothamel

    Katja Rothamel

    over 8 years

    Hola a todas, Quiero poner dinero pero no tengo una tarjeta de crédito. Verkami aquí me da solo esta opción. ?Qué y cómo lo hago? saluods desde Alemania - Katja

#20 / 10 dies feixucs, alegres, nerviosos...

10 dies feixucs, alegres, nerviosos...

Necessitem, ara més que mai, la vostra ajuda per seguir així d’entregades (com a Catalunya Ràdio) amb aquest disc 8am!! Ja veieu que serà diferent aquest CD! Ens ajudeu a fer-lo realitat?

#19 / Ja som més de 80 en aquesta aventura :D!

Tornem d'aquest pont amb molt bones notícies! Ja som més de 80 mecenes en el nostre segon verkami i gràcies a molts de vosaltres hem pogut superar la xifra de 3500€!!

Encarem aquestes dues últimes setmanes amb molta força per aconseguir el nostre objectiu i poder fer realitat el nostre segon disc!!

Ens podeu seguir ajudant compartint el nostre projecte amb els vostres amics i coneguts!

Moltes gràcies! :D

#18 / Queden 20 dies!

Hola a tothom! Ja estem a la meitat de la campanya de verkami per a poder fer realitat el nostre segon disc 8 am. Tot i així encara ens falten gairebé 3000€ per arribar al nostre objectiu.

Pels que encara no heu fet una ullada al nostre segon verkami us animem a fer-ho! Trobareu recompenses ben boniques com aquesta tassa dissenyada per l'ocasió per la nostra dissenyadora Ariadna Rodríguez Masià.

Una abraçada!

Tassa Sommeliers 8 am
Tassa Sommeliers 8 am

#17 / 2000 gràcies!!

Bon dia! Avui hem despertat amb la sorpresa que ja hem superat la xifra de 2000€!! Estem immensament agraïdes per tot el suport i escalf que ens mostreu dia a dia a les xarxes i també en el concert d'ahir!!

Moltíssimes gràcies!

#16 / 8 am - Nou disc de Sommeliers

Hola a tots i totes!! Fa dos anys que vau fer possible que el nostre primer disc -quinze d'abril- tirés endavant. Avui comencem una nova campanya de micromecenatge per què el nostre segon disc 8am surti a la llum!! Ens ajudeu?

Hola a todos y todas!! Hace dos años hicisteis posible que nuestro primer disco -quinze d'abril- tirara adelante. Hoy comenzamos nueva campaña de micromecenaje para que nuestro segundo disco 8am salga a la luz!! ¿Nos ayudáis?


#15 / Tot preparat!!

Ja ho tenim tot preparat! Ben aviat tindreu les vostres recompenses!! :D

Ya lo tenemos todo preparado! Muy pronto tendréis vuestras recompensas!! :D

We already have everything prepared! Very soon you are going to have your rewards!! :D

#14 / Quinze d'abril!!

Tots aquests "quinze d'abril" us estan esperant!!

Todos estos "quinze d'abril" os estan esperando!!

All these "quinze d'abril" are waiting for you!!

#13 / Ja els tenim aquí!!!

Ja tenim el nostre primer disc entre les mans! Ben aviat podreu gaudir-lo!!

Ya tenemos nuestro primer disco entre las manos! Muy pronto podréis disfrutarlo!!

We already have our first album in our hands! Very soon you could enjoy it!!

#12 / Preparant sorpreses!

Sommeliers estem preparant alguna sorpresa! Dintre de poc tindreu més notícies sobre les vostres recompenses!

Sommeliers estamos preparando alguna que otra sorpresa! Dentro de poco tendréis más notícias sobre vuestras recompensas!

Sommeliers are preparing some surprises! Very soon you are going to have news about your rewards!

#11 / Objectiu aconseguit!!

Ahir va acabar el nostre verkami molt satisfactòriament!! Moltíssimes gràcies a tots i totes per creure en el nostre projecte!

En breus tindreu més noticies de les nostres recompenses :)

Ayer terminó nuestro verkami muy satisfactoriamente!! Muchísimas gracias a todos y todas por creer en nuestro proyecto!

En breve tendréis más noticias de nuestras recompensas :)

Our verkami finished yesterday with a very good results!! Thank you very much to believe in our project!

Very soon you are going to have news of our rewards :)

#10 / Presentació Kripta Caves Agustí Torelló Mata

Avui hem tingut el plaer de tocar en la presentació d'un Kripta molt especial. Us deixem un parell de fotos, una amb Sor Lucía i l'altra amb el pastisser Christian Escribà.

Hoy hemos tenido el placer de tocar en la presentación de un Kripta muy especial. Os dejamos con un par de fotos, una con Sor Lucía i la otra con el pastelero Ghristian Escribà.

Today we have been playing at the presentation of a very special Kripta. We attach here two photos, one with Sor Lucía and the other one with the baker Christian Escribà.

#09 / Concert benèfic Petits Somriures!!

Us deixem aquí el cartell del concert benèfic a favor de Petits Somriures que farem aquest dissabte a Barcelona!! Ens faria molta il·lusió compartir-lo amb vosaltres!!

Os dejamos aquí el cartel del concierto benéfico a favor de Petits Somriures que haremos este sábado en Barcelona!! Nos haría mucha ilusión compartirlo con vosotros!!

We attach here the poster of the charity concert for Petits Somriures that will take place this Saturday in Barcelona!! We would be very pleased to share it wit you!!

#08 / 7 dies!!

Hola a tots i totes! Ja hem entrat en els 7 últims dies del nostre verkami!! Us volem donar les gràcies per haver-nos ajudat a arribar fins aquí! Ja ens queden menys de 500€!!

Hola a todos y todas! Ya hemos entrado en los 7 últimos días de nuestro verkami!! Os queremos dar las gracias por habernos ayudado a llegar hasta aquí! Ya nos quedan menos de 500€!!

Hello to everybody! We are in the 7 last days of our verkami!! We are very grateful to you to let us be here!! There are only less than 500€ to achieve our objective!!

#07 / Sommeliers a l'Acustik de La Vanguardia TV!!

Avui hem sortit a l'Acustik de La Vanguardia TV!! Esperem que gaudiu el nostre "T'he trobat"!!

Hoy hemos salido en el Acustik de La Vanguardia TV!! Esperamos que disfrutéis de nuestro "T'he trobat"!!

Today we have been on the Acustik program from La Vanguardia TV!! We hope you enjoy our single "T'he trobat"!!


#06 / Resultats sorteig cava Agustí Torelló Mata!!

Hola a tots i totes, avui fem públic el guanyador/a del sorteig d'un cava Agustí Torelló Mata. Les aportacions fetes entre els dies 17 i 21 són les que participaven en el concurs.

I el guanyador/a ha estat... pauet!! Enhorabona!

En l'enllaç podeu veure el resultat del sorteig.

Hola a todos y todas, hoy hacemos público el ganador/a del sorteo de un cava Agustí Torelló Mata. Las aportaciones hechas entre los días 17 y 21 eran las que participaban en el concurso.

Y el ganador/a és... pauet!! Enhorabuena!

En el enlace podéis consultar el resultado del sorteo.

Hello to everybody, today we make public the winner of the draw of one botle of wine Agustí Torelló Mata. The contributions between the days 17th and 21rst participated in the competition.

And the winner is... pauet!! Congratulations!

In the link below you can check the results of the draw.


#05 / Fent feina!

Hola a tots i totes! Aquests dies estem fent la postproducció del nostre disc amb el Ferran Conangla! Us deixem una imatge. Mil gràcies!!

Hola a todos y todas! Estos días estamos realizando la postproducción de nuestro disco con Ferran Conangla! Os dejamos una imagen. Mil gracias!!

Hello to everybody! These days we are doing the postproduction of our album with Ferran Conangla! We attach here one picture of it! Thanks!!

#04 / Nou vídeo de Sommeliers!!

En motiu de la nostra diada us deixem el nou vídeo de Sommeliers, on volem homenatjar tota aquella gent que ha hagut de deixar el seu país.

Aquest Lied de Toldrà serà una de les cançons del nostre primer disc!

Con motivo de la diada de Cataluña, os dejamos un nuevo video de Sommeliers en el queremos hacer un homenaje a esas personas que han tenido que dejar su país.

Este Lied de Toldrà será una de las canciones de nuestro primer disco!

We attach here the new video from Sommeliers in which we would like to do homage to the people who had to leave their country for any reason.

This Lied from Toldrà is going to be in our first album!

#03 / Fotos!!

Bon dia a tots i totes!! En primer lloc donar la benvinguda als nous mecenes!! Estem molt agraïdes!!

Aquí us deixem una foto de la sessió de fotos que vam estar fent ahir per al disc! Esperem que us agradi!!

Buenos días a todos y todas!! En primer lugar dar la bienvenida a los nuevos mecenas!!

Aquí os dejamos una foto de la sesión de fotos que hicimos ayer para el disco!

Esperamos que os guste!!

Good morning to everybody!! In first place we want to welcome the new sponsors!! We are very grateful!!

Here there is a picture of the photo-shoot we did yesterday for our album!! We hope you like it!!

#02 / Design in progress

Bon dia a tots i totes!! Sommeliers seguim treballant per a oferir-vos el millor de nosaltres!! Avui hem estat treballant el que serà el disseny del nostre disc amb Adriadna Rodríguez!!

Buenos días a todos y todas!! Sommeliers seguimos trabajando para ofreceros lo mejor de nosotras!! Hoy hemos estado trabajando en el diseño de nuestro disco con Ariadna Rodríguez!!

Hi to everybody!! We are working to offer you the best of us!! Today we have been working on the design of our album with Ariadna Rodríguez!!

#01 / Moltes gràcies!!

Hola a tots i a totes! En primer lloc volíem agrair la confiança que heu posat en el nostre projecte fent les vostres aportacions. El dia d'ahir, el primer del Verkami, va ser fabulós! Tot i així encara ens queda un llarg camí per a aconseguir el nostre objectiu. Si voleu podeu ajudar-nos un poquet més compartint el nostre projecte amb els vostres coneguts, en les xarxes socials i a tot arreu per a que aquesta campanya segueixi creixent i que aquest somni "sommelier" es faci possible!!

De nou, mil gràcies!!

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