Do you sea? A photobook on plastic waste pollution on Mediterranean beaches. Photography 109% Project crowdfunded on July 03, 2022 🎉 115 Pledges 4.043€ From 3.700€
Libro artigianale Dolce Amaro La vita di campagna, il loro quotidiano, fatto di scontri e di grande amore. Una storia di altri tempi e di un umanità infinita. Photography 101% Project crowdfunded on November 10, 2019 🎉 34 Pledges 3.035€ From 3.000€
21 días en Senegal Siempre hay otra forma de ver las cosas "21 días en Senegal" quiere mostrarte la belleza de este país a través de su gente. Photography / Positive impact 105% Project crowdfunded on January 12, 2018 🎉 114 Pledges 5.237€ From 5.000€
LIBYA CLOSE UP by Ricardo García Vilanova - photojournalist released in Siria Ricardo Garcia Vilanova, freelance photojournalist, has spent 194 days in Syria kidnapped and has received no income since then. All profits from the publication of his work LIBYA CLOSE UP will go to ensure his economic security until recovery. Photography / Journalism 125% Project crowdfunded on May 13, 2014 🎉 840 Pledges 37.416€ From 30.000€
Manilio Digital Photographic Archive Manilio Prignano left about 20,000 slides: both naturalistic and abstract images, on several occasions used for multivisions, theatrical performances, visual settings for electronic music... In order to protect and promote this assests, we want to scan the slides then making them accessible online. Photography 103% Project crowdfunded on September 30, 2013 🎉 115 Pledges 7.862€ From 7.600€ in the Berliner Liste An original venture: to set an independent exhibition in a prestigious contemporary art fair. Help us make this project real by co-funding the booth rent and the shipment of the artworks to the Berliner Liste! Awesome rewards guaranteed! Thank you!!! Photography / Exhibitions, Art, Events 126% Project crowdfunded on September 18, 2013 🎉 67 Pledges 4.930€ From 3.900€
“Just being there. Somewhere in Teksas-Land” “Just being there. Somewhere in Teksas-Land”, the curatorial project of Gerda Kochanska and Luca Tronci, presents a hereto unpublished photographic archive by Jan Reutt, Polish born doctor and keen amateur photographer, who passed away in 2003. Photography / Exhibitions, Events 121% Project crowdfunded on June 12, 2013 🎉 74 Pledges 4.250€ From 3.500€
Soy un esqueje Queremos financiar la edición de un libro objeto, "Soy un esqueje", en el que unimos las creaciones de Gadea Quintana (textos poéticos) y Clara Graziolino (texturas: imágenes fotográficas y dibujos). Photography / Poetry, Publications, Illustration, Books 152% Project crowdfunded on October 31, 2012 🎉 69 Pledges 1.920€ From 1.260€
Noroc Maroc II The Noroc Maroc II project is the second chapter of Noroc Maroc, which tells the history of five romanian gypsies who lives in Barcelona. Now I got documentation to two, they are partners. Finally they see the dream of come back to Romania, to give birth the baby they're waiting, and get a new life. Photography / Documentary, Film 101% Project crowdfunded on July 28, 2012 🎉 30 Pledges 1.005€ From 1.000€
Play with Food - La scena del cibo PLAY WITH FOOD is the first visual and performing arts festival devoted to food: theater, dance, video, photography, sound design and cooking. Food / Performing arts, Art, Events, Photography, Dance 117% Project crowdfunded on March 26, 2012 🎉 28 Pledges 1.400€ From 1.200€