Muno Na Baka vinyl. Muno Na Baka releases their first album after several singles. Vinyl record that will be a unique piece, in its music and its design. Electronic 149% Project crowdfunded on December 31, 2024 🎉 37 Pledges 1.114€ From 750€
Libro FREE PARTY IS NOT A CRIME Narrativas críticas dentro del movimiento Free Party. Books / Design, Electronic, Photography 102% Project crowdfunded on October 24, 2023 🎉 61 Pledges 1.279€ From 1.250€
Álbum de Niño Bando Con esta campaña busco apoyo para la realización de mi próximo Álbum. Electronic 102% Project crowdfunded on May 12, 2023 🎉 35 Pledges 715€ From 700€
"SIMETRIES" Primer disco de David Cases Quintet Luces de neón, sonidos espaciales y tradición: La música que abre un nuevo camino y que explora la fusión entre el jazz y la electrónica. Jazz / Electronic 135% Project crowdfunded on May 21, 2022 🎉 69 Pledges 2.019€ From 1.500€
PRONOISE “The Border Crossing” - Vinyl & CD Help PRONOISE make their second album “The Border Crossing” a reality! Show your support for independent music, subsistence of the underground and for those who dare to self-release! Available in vinyl, CD and digital download. Electronic 102% Project crowdfunded on March 14, 2015 🎉 89 Pledges 3.061€ From 3.000€
Nuevo disco MEDITERRANEAN ROOTS Mediterranean Roots, banda de reggae formada por 8 músicos con una dilatada trayectoria en el panorama jamaiquino nacional. Necesitamos financiación para poder grabar nuestro segundo disco. Canciones positivas de amor y lucha que vais a disfrutar, sentir, vibrar y bailar! Colabora con nosotros !!! Reggae and Ska / Electronic 109% Project crowdfunded on November 24, 2013 🎉 247 Pledges 6.548€ From 6.000€
TERRORUTERINO Disco debut de SIESTA! Siesta! nos disponemos a grabar nuestro primer disco. Con el dinero cubriremos la grabación y masterización del mismo. Pero el beneficio no será exclusivamente económico y particular sino también espiritual y social. Estaras financiando el baile en la Tierra. Recordad: *Siesta! es la fiesta!* Electronic / Punk, Psychedelia, Rock 109% Project crowdfunded on June 30, 2012 🎉 72 Pledges 1.850€ From 1.700€
Orxata Sound System's 3.0 album We are a musical collective from Valencia playing with the meeting points between oral tradition and electronics. Next year we accomplish 10 years and to celebrate it we want to publish our third disc in it big, because the music industry has become boring, make it fun, let's do it together! Electronic / Free licenses, Cassette 176% Project crowdfunded on June 19, 2012 🎉 390 Pledges 14.085€ From 8.000€