Producción de "La Entrevista", un cortometraje dirigido por Uri Bueno. Un amante incondicional del cine decide ponerse tras la cámara para dirigir su primer cortometraje guionado con su propio hermano. Short movie 100% Project crowdfunded on August 30, 2024 🎉 36 Pledges 20.000€ From 20.000€
"Ay el Chacho... sí que sabe" Cortometraje de ficción costumbrista con rasgos surrealistas entorno a una familia numerosa compuesta por la abuela, el matrimonio y seis hijos, de los cuales algunos, sobre todo el chacho tiene alguna discapacidad intelectual. La trama se desarrolla en parte según dicta el inconsciente impulsivo. Short movie 101% Project crowdfunded on October 17, 2016 🎉 104 Pledges 19.615€ From 19.500€
NO BAJES DE LA CAMA Mario descubre que debajo de su cama hay algo... monstruoso Short movie / Terror 119% Project crowdfunded on September 14, 2022 🎉 410 Pledges 15.450€ From 13.000€
Travel by feet, a 2D animated short film Travel by feet is a 2D animated short film by Khris Cembe. A black comedy co-written along with his traveling mate Laura Aguado, a proposal that puts together a brilliant graphic design and recognizable elements from thriller genre. Do you want to join this trip? Animation / Short film 102% Project crowdfunded on November 11, 2012 🎉 180 Pledges 12.195€ From 12.000€
Cunetas Cortometraje ambientado en la Guerra Civil española cuyo tema central gira alrededor de los desaparecidos del franquismo. A ratos terror, a ratos acción y western crepuscular, y a ratos una seca y contundente película de venganzas. Short movie 120% Project crowdfunded on March 18, 2017 🎉 355 Pledges 12.040€ From 10.000€
Millor la llengua Recordes de la teva primera vegada? Col·labora en aquest curtmetratge sobre educació sexual per a adolescents. Dir "no" és sexy! Short movie 117% Project crowdfunded on September 18, 2022 🎉 137 Pledges 11.655€ From 10.000€
Calladita In a summer mansion in the Costa Brava, a young domestic worker has to serve two rich kids while she looks for her own way of having fun Short movie 112% Project crowdfunded on May 20, 2019 🎉 105 Pledges 11.200€ From 10.000€
SAURÍ film Explica la història de retrobament entre una mare i el seu fill, desaparegut fa seixanta anys, durant la Guerra, en un to de realisme màgic. Short movie 107% Project crowdfunded on June 10, 2024 🎉 54 Pledges 10.705€ From 10.000€
The Revolution of Angels "The Revolution of The Angels" is a project of fiction that supposes a shift in power. In a situation of social and personal limits, how far will we go to try and change the world around us? Will there come a time that a majority justifies what we never would have imagined? Short movie / Publications, Thriller, Books 105% Project crowdfunded on June 04, 2013 🎉 199 Pledges 10.485€ From 10.000€
Pinocchio´s death This is a short film project that deals with the responsibility and power in our hands to change what subdue and humiliate us as individuals, as community. It will be impossible to mature as a society if each one of us has not done it before. Short movie / Clown 103% Project crowdfunded on January 19, 2014 🎉 151 Pledges 10.330€ From 10.000€
Ni oblit, ni perdó Curtmetratge d’ESCAC Films que narra la història real d’una família que lluita per mantenir intacta la memòria d’un fill mort. Short movie / History, Positive impact 242% Project crowdfunded on November 14, 2018 🎉 216 Pledges 9.680€ From 4.000€
Joan tiene un secreto Dos agricultores, Joan y Pere, echaran a suertes cuál de los dos debe "irse" con el fin que sus familias tengan más comida para repartir. Short movie 102% Project crowdfunded on February 14, 2021 🎉 117 Pledges 9.150€ From 9.000€
Letter soup Clara has moved with her Alzheimer's mom to take care of her. Everyday she does what she can to overcome the obstacles this illness causes. Short movie / #8m, Positive impact 101% Project crowdfunded on April 18, 2020 🎉 81 Pledges 8.580€ From 8.500€
Brick Skin A fantasy short film about the strength and will to overcome. If we strongly work for it, we’re able to overcome almost any obstacle, loss, fall or ditch. Do you want to know more about this project dealing with social issues? Jordi Cortés and the Liant La Troca collective show you how to begin. Short movie / Performing arts, Dance 104% Project crowdfunded on May 26, 2013 🎉 135 Pledges 8.353€ From 8.000€
La dignitat Un curtmetratge sobre la mort digna, escrit i dirigit per David Gonzàlez i produït per Cornelius Films, amb la col·laboració de DMD-CAT. Short movie 111% Project crowdfunded on May 28, 2018 🎉 121 Pledges 7.740€ From 7.000€
esta nit a foix Creació d'un curtmetratge de ficció amb aire documental que té com a escenaris i cronologia les terres, els paisatges i els monuments arquitectònics de la Catalunya Prepirinenca de la Baixa Edat Mitjana. Documentary / Short film 100% Project crowdfunded on July 01, 2012 🎉 87 Pledges 7.530€ From 7.500€
Mai oblidis que t'estimo (Never forget I love you) Through the visit of her musician grandsons, a grandma suffering from Alzheimer can reconnect with memories that seemed long forgotten Short movie 150% Project crowdfunded on July 15, 2022 🎉 197 Pledges 7.500€ From 5.000€
Adrià: Un amor genuí o un deure? Curtmetratge sobre salut mental que tracta la problemàtica de l'adopció en les relacions filio parentals. Short movie 124% Project crowdfunded on October 27, 2022 🎉 143 Pledges 7.430€ From 6.000€