THE INVISIBLE MONSTER, A FILM BY JAVIER AND GUILLERMO FESSER Become the co-producer of a unique short film against hunger Short movie / Documentary, Positive impact 120% Project crowdfunded on June 22, 2019 🎉 364 Pledges 23.945€ From 20.000€
Dama Blanca, el curtmetratge Campanya per cobrir la postproducció i distribució de Dama Blanca, protagonitzat per Jordi Sánchez, Marc Ribera i Núria Montes. Short movie 100% Project crowdfunded on April 13, 2024 🎉 139 Pledges 21.000€ From 21.000€
Producción de "La Entrevista", un cortometraje dirigido por Uri Bueno. Un amante incondicional del cine decide ponerse tras la cámara para dirigir su primer cortometraje guionado con su propio hermano. Short movie 100% Project crowdfunded on August 30, 2024 🎉 36 Pledges 20.000€ From 20.000€
"Ay el Chacho... sí que sabe" Cortometraje de ficción costumbrista con rasgos surrealistas entorno a una familia numerosa compuesta por la abuela, el matrimonio y seis hijos, de los cuales algunos, sobre todo el chacho tiene alguna discapacidad intelectual. La trama se desarrolla en parte según dicta el inconsciente impulsivo. Short movie 101% Project crowdfunded on October 17, 2016 🎉 104 Pledges 19.615€ From 19.500€
16 de Decembro Cae a noite. Lucía, 25 anos, sae dun adestramento de balonmán e vai a buscar ao seu irmán baixo o frío dunha cidade sen nome. Short movie 115% Project crowdfunded on March 16, 2019 🎉 200 Pledges 18.355€ From 16.000€
NO BAJES DE LA CAMA Mario descubre que debajo de su cama hay algo... monstruoso Short movie / Terror 119% Project crowdfunded on September 14, 2022 🎉 410 Pledges 15.450€ From 13.000€
PROSOPAGNOSIA Une batez gelditu eta nor garen hausnartzera gonbidatuko gaituen film laburra. Short movie 142% Project crowdfunded on June 02, 2023 🎉 254 Pledges 14.200€ From 10.000€
El baile del estornino - Short Film “I want us to be like two starlings away from the flock, continuing the flight with their own synchrony”. Directed by Bárbara Fdez. Short movie 101% Project crowdfunded on August 15, 2020 🎉 148 Pledges 14.075€ From 14.000€
Cortometraje terror "Fe" Cortometraje de terror psicológico escrito y dirigido por Juan de Dios Garduño, escritor de la novela en la que se basó la película "Extinction", con el apoyo de Hollywood y actores como Matthew Fox (Perdidos) y Clara Lago. Short movie 131% Project crowdfunded on August 09, 2016 🎉 246 Pledges 13.115€ From 10.000€
El Beso The Kiss is more than a short film, is the tale of two lovers that meet on the subway tunnels that plow the city. Francesca is the magician that changes Paolo’s life waking up with an unforgettable kiss. Written by David Priego, with Lourdes Hernández and Carlos Troya. Short movie 122% Project crowdfunded on November 29, 2015 🎉 117 Pledges 12.195€ From 10.000€
Travel by feet, a 2D animated short film Travel by feet is a 2D animated short film by Khris Cembe. A black comedy co-written along with his traveling mate Laura Aguado, a proposal that puts together a brilliant graphic design and recognizable elements from thriller genre. Do you want to join this trip? Animation / Short film 102% Project crowdfunded on November 11, 2012 🎉 180 Pledges 12.195€ From 12.000€
Cunetas Cortometraje ambientado en la Guerra Civil española cuyo tema central gira alrededor de los desaparecidos del franquismo. A ratos terror, a ratos acción y western crepuscular, y a ratos una seca y contundente película de venganzas. Short movie 120% Project crowdfunded on March 18, 2017 🎉 355 Pledges 12.040€ From 10.000€
AINHOA "Ainhoa" is the new short film of award-winning filmmaker Ivan Sáinz Pardo. A poetic and heartbreaking look to a social-themed short film, winner of the "Movistar+ Project Award” at the Gijón International Film Festival in 2015. This crowdfunding campaign will help to complete the funding. Short movie 146% Project crowdfunded on August 30, 2016 🎉 135 Pledges 11.685€ From 8.000€
Millor la llengua Recordes de la teva primera vegada? Col·labora en aquest curtmetratge sobre educació sexual per a adolescents. Dir "no" és sexy! Short movie 117% Project crowdfunded on September 18, 2022 🎉 137 Pledges 11.655€ From 10.000€
Calladita In a summer mansion in the Costa Brava, a young domestic worker has to serve two rich kids while she looks for her own way of having fun Short movie 112% Project crowdfunded on May 20, 2019 🎉 105 Pledges 11.200€ From 10.000€
El regreso de Nicanor Cuatro amigas, sentadas a la orilla del mar tras una noche de fiesta, se cuentan sus secretos más íntimos. Short movie 112% Project crowdfunded on October 30, 2021 🎉 63 Pledges 11.170€ From 10.000€
Epitafios As a result of their mother’s death, Adriana and her brothers have to decide her epitaph. How do we resume Mom’s life in one single line? This is what Epitaphs is about, a shortfilm by Maria Ballesteros with Natalia Mateo, Arturo Valls and Francesco Carril, and original song by Joaquin Sabina. Short movie 158% Project crowdfunded on September 16, 2013 🎉 74 Pledges 11.075€ From 7.000€
Downunder Have you ever thought how would it be if you couldn’t be content with anything? If you would get tired again and again of how you are? Have you ever wanted to be someone you are not, to have what you have not? Be prepared for ‘Downunder’. Nobody is who they say they are, something is hidden beneath. Short movie 108% Project crowdfunded on April 30, 2016 🎉 181 Pledges 10.800€ From 10.000€