Bon Vent! Transmetem a les generacions del segle XXI l’esperit de l’univers de Xesco Boix | El projecte de música familiar impulsat per Ebri Knight Folk / Children's books, Children, Positive impact In presale 130% 575 Pledges 23.393€ From 18.000€
Documental "Jaume Arnella, el joglar" El documental "Jaume Arnella, el joglar" ens aproxima a la figura i l'obra d'en Jaume Arnella, un dels nostres joglars. L'acompanyem en el seu itinerari vital, cantant i fent cantar la gent, escoltant històries, creant romanços i viatjant pels pobles per recuperar cançons populars. Documentary / Songwriter, Folk 111% Project crowdfunded on June 08, 2015 🎉 250 Pledges 13.325€ From 12.000€
"Entre Tierras" el nuevo álbum de Coetus & Eliseo Parra!! Queremos que todos vosotros os llevéis no sólo la satisfacción de haber contribuido en la elaboración del disco, sino que también podáis llevaros compensaciones que os nutran y que os sean útiles: unas entradas, un instrumento de percusión tradicional, una masterclass, etc. Un verdadero intercambio! Folk 140% Project crowdfunded on February 01, 2012 🎉 186 Pledges 11.205€ From 8.000€
El nuevo disco de Daniel Higiénico: "Esperando a Robin Hood" Proyecto para mi nuevo disco de folk producido por Toni Pastor. Canción francesa, celta, medieval, ranchera, africana... y mucho más. Folk 102% Project crowdfunded on November 30, 2019 🎉 292 Pledges 8.641€ From 8.500€
Ravi Ramoneda & Manu Om - NEW ALBUM RAMA will be an album of devotional songs. It will be produced in the sacred city of Varanasi, with the participation and leadership of master violinist, Sukhdev Prasad Mishra. We hope to make and enlightened and profound piece of work, with Mantras dedicated to Rama, Hanuman, Shiva, Lakshmi, Krsna Music / Folk 135% Project crowdfunded on December 05, 2015 🎉 152 Pledges 8.530€ From 6.300€
Ven de gira con RIU! RIU presentará su segundo disco, "Amb canya", tal como entiende su música: innovando en el estilo, la forma y vinculando al que lo desee. RIU no viajará solo, sino que hace una llamada popular a 40 persones que quieran vivir la experiencia de una gira colectiva del 31 d'oct. al 4 nov. Vente de gira! Folk 111% Project crowdfunded on October 23, 2012 🎉 154 Pledges 6.655€ From 6.000€
Primer disc de Rufaca Folk Jazz Orquestra Hola! Som Rufaca Folk Jazz Orquestra, una big band formada per les noves generacions del jazz català i del folk pirinenc, capitanejats pel Sergi Vergés, arranjador i director. En breu volem entrar a l'estudi de gravació per plasmar la música que hem estat preparant aquests darrers mesos. Jazz / Folk 110% Project crowdfunded on November 12, 2016 🎉 259 Pledges 6.600€ From 6.000€
Locus Amoenus: més enllà de la tradició GRÀCIES l'hem aconseguit!!! Hem aconseguit gravar la banda sonora de l'espectacle dansa i música tradicional versionada per Big Ban Music / Folk, Events, Dance 109% Project crowdfunded on March 26, 2023 🎉 233 Pledges 6.525€ From 6.000€
Sorgina Cuatro aventuras para reivindicar el grimdark nacional y el folclore del Norte de España (y de otros lugares de la península) Books / Folk, Lgtbiq, Illustration 253% Project crowdfunded on July 02, 2024 🎉 148 Pledges 6.327€ From 2.500€
Samantha de Siena: Lifting the Veil Lifting the Veil is my second album, a project very close to my heart and a journey i've been living over the last few years. We have a magical team of people collaborating on this album and we're excited to be able to share it with you soon. Thank you for all your support in making this happen! Folk / Blues, Punk, Jazz 104% Project crowdfunded on August 30, 2012 🎉 136 Pledges 6.210€ From 6.000€
Escarteen Sisters, our first album Through various tours and adventures we want to hold on to these sounds.You can listen to them at home and more , you can make them reality. Songwriter / Folk 150% Project crowdfunded on December 23, 2017 🎉 142 Pledges 6.000€ From 4.000€
Aires del Montseny a l'estudi Després de cinc anys difonent la música tradicional catalana, ens llancem a fer un pas més, gravar el nostre primer disc: Lliure Albir. Folk 143% Project crowdfunded on February 17, 2019 🎉 135 Pledges 5.710€ From 4.000€
"Dotze Temps", a banjo album for the 2024! Recording of my third album, from Bluegrass to Flamenco through...?! Folk 113% Project crowdfunded on November 11, 2023 🎉 160 Pledges 5.645€ From 5.000€
¡Primer disco de El Pezpsiquiatra! Somos El Pezpsiquiatra y vamos a grabar nuestro primer disco "La Gravedad del Asunto". Once temas propios de estilo caliu-pop-folk grabados como se merecen. Queremos hacerlo CONTIGO, como hemos hecho hasta ahora las cosas. ¡¡¡COLABORA!!! Pop / Folk 113% Project crowdfunded on May 18, 2015 🎉 223 Pledges 5.638€ From 5.000€
Alexia Chellun - New Album The idea for this album is to record a collection of my songs in a live studio setting. Recording instruments live is taking things back to the old fashioned way, where recordings were made to capture an energy, capture a performance or capture a vibe. This is what I want with this album. Folk 110% Project crowdfunded on April 18, 2016 🎉 99 Pledges 5.505€ From 5.000€
Una, cordes i veu UNA som cinc. Cinc dones, 4 instruments de corda i una veu. Fem música d'arrel llatinoamericana. Ens ajudes a editar el nostre primer disc? Folk 136% Project crowdfunded on June 07, 2018 🎉 192 Pledges 5.451€ From 4.000€
Manu Om - New album Recording of the new album from Manu Om . "Bhakti" is a project dedicated to devotional singing. With prayers for Mother, Guru, Shiva and Radha, among others. In collaboration with Sukhdev Prasad Mishra and his friends in Varanasi and produced by "the room Barcelona" with Jordi Navarro. Folk / Songwriter 116% Project crowdfunded on October 13, 2014 🎉 136 Pledges 5.220€ From 4.500€
Nuevo LP de Pigmy "HAMSTERDAM" Colabora para que "Hamsterdam" el segundo disco de Pigmy sea una realidad y no una leyenda urbana. Gracias a todos por adelantado...! Folk / Psychedelia, Pop 101% Project crowdfunded on May 26, 2013 🎉 109 Pledges 5.050€ From 5.000€