Do you want to be the 8th Excómunion member? Collaborate with our third album! Assist in the crowdfunding of the third Excómunion album. After two experiences of self-financing, self-management and self-production, we want to use Verkami to produce our third album: "From what might happen”. Rock / Free licenses, Folk 111% Project crowdfunded on November 07, 2015 🎉 213 Pledges 4.450€ From 4.000€
New Freak Fandango Orchestra Album The Freak Fandango Orchestra is about to finish their 3rd studio album. Collaborate and get their awesome music and a lot of cool rewards Folk / Free licenses, Punk, Rock 117% Project crowdfunded on December 30, 2013 🎉 88 Pledges 2.927€ From 2.500€
BALLUGALL: "RODAMÓN" Ballugall this summer 2014 want to finish its first album "RODAMÓN." The album will include twelve new songs and a version of the popular "fandango Pollenci". Shake the first album with your help!!! Make sound BALLUGALL around the world!!! Folk / Free licenses 104% Project crowdfunded on July 04, 2014 🎉 94 Pledges 2.600€ From 2.500€