Ink the Familia Plómez Familia Plómez is a cultural association dedicated to promoting typography through courses, workshops and conferences, and the recovery of traditional printing with lead and wood types. Books / Artisanal, Design, Art 313% Project crowdfunded on August 05, 2012 🎉 284 Pledges 12.502€ From 4.000€
My Name Is Janez Janša 'My Name Is Janez Janša' is a documentary film about names and name changes, focusing on one particular and rather unique name change that took place 5 years ago, when three artists officially changed their names into the name of the Prime Minister of Slovenia, Janez Janša. I am one of them. Documentary / Art 120% Project crowdfunded on May 20, 2012 🎉 181 Pledges 7.185€ From 6.000€
In Situ, landart para la memoria histórica Una intervención artística en la ermita Santa Maria de la Serra de Farrera por los artistas Dario Zeruto y Hélène Genvrin como llamamiento participativo para el rescate del edificio en peligro de derrumbamiento. Art / Performance 115% Project crowdfunded on August 12, 2015 🎉 146 Pledges 7.045€ From 6.100€
MUDNESS A multilingual, independent mockumentary focusing on ART and raising philosophical questions about technology and the future of humanity. Feature film / Art, Sci-fi 101% Project crowdfunded on May 23, 2021 🎉 58 Pledges 5.030€ From 5.000€ in the Berliner Liste An original venture: to set an independent exhibition in a prestigious contemporary art fair. Help us make this project real by co-funding the booth rent and the shipment of the artworks to the Berliner Liste! Awesome rewards guaranteed! Thank you!!! Photography / Exhibitions, Art, Events 126% Project crowdfunded on September 18, 2013 🎉 67 Pledges 4.930€ From 3.900€
Tipografia Artinpocket Regular Iniciem el projecte Artinpocket Regular per a desenvolupar, una tipografia pròpia i adequada per al món de les arts plàstiques i visuals. Sota una llicència de Creative Commons tota aquella persona i/o entitat la podrà utilitzar i compartir lliurement a les seves edicions, textos i webs. Design / Free licenses, Art 100% Project crowdfunded on May 04, 2014 🎉 117 Pledges 4.000€ From 4.000€
Poemario devorador ilustrado: En el nombre del Hambre Dramaturgia poética de la performance En el Nombre del Hambre con la voz poética de Lucía Callén e ilustrado por Edén Herrera Artbook / Art, Poetry 113% Project crowdfunded on April 22, 2023 🎉 83 Pledges 3.945€ From 3.500€
IL FIORE DELLE MILLE E UNA NOTA #3 'Il fiore delle mille e una nota' is a contemporary music and dance festival organized by Claudio Jacomucci and Kathleen Delaney together with the members of Accademia Fisarmonicistica and Kathleen Delaney Dance Co. It is self-financed and does not receive any official financial support. Theater / Performance 100% Project crowdfunded on March 01, 2014 🎉 21 Pledges 3.510€ From 3.500€
Benimaclet conFusión festival - II edition It is a no-profit artistic-cultural event based on free expression. An unique, explosive and exciting experience that invites all the participants to open themselves to the others. The magic of collaborating, sharing and donating in a wonderful atmosphere where everything becomes possible. Art / Community, Festival 106% Project crowdfunded on October 11, 2015 🎉 93 Pledges 2.227€ From 2.100€
Abusive Mushroom Free Art Project Abusive Mushroom is, therefore, my own personal journey designed at providing art spaces and events, free of commercial constraints. Since 2011, I have dedicated time and resources to a special form of exhibition: “la semina dei funghi” (literally, “the planting of mushrooms”). Painting / Performance 109% Project crowdfunded on April 01, 2015 🎉 34 Pledges 2.175€ From 2.000€
Vámonos a Marte: nueva puesta en escena de La Perla Teatro Madre e hijo antes y después de emigrar. Habana 2022 como punto de partida. Espectáculo con elementos del musical, Performance y videoarte. Musical / Performance 110% Project crowdfunded on September 27, 2022 🎉 27 Pledges 2.030€ From 1.850€
Pornoterrorismo - Diana J. Torres in Italia Il libro di Diana J. Torres "Pornoterrorismo” è un testo essenziale della lotta del femminismo pro-sex è ora disponibile in Italiano. Il Verkami é per pagare le spese di vitto e trasporto dell'autrice durante il tour di presentazioni e per le spese di le ricompense. Books / Erotica, Performance, Art 112% Project crowdfunded on April 02, 2014 🎉 86 Pledges 1.675€ From 1.500€
Play with Food - La scena del cibo PLAY WITH FOOD is the first visual and performing arts festival devoted to food: theater, dance, video, photography, sound design and cooking. Food / Performing arts, Art, Events, Dance, Photography 117% Project crowdfunded on March 26, 2012 🎉 28 Pledges 1.400€ From 1.200€