Construint cultura d'infància Creant un espai on generar comunitat educativa, oferint a famílies i infants la possibilitat de créixer i compartir en un entorn respectuós. Community / Festival, Children, Education 111% Project crowdfunded on December 24, 2019 🎉 240 Pledges 12.190€ From 11.000€
Korricursa Bartzelona Apirilaren 6an Bartzelonan Korrika antolatuko dugu, Euskal Etxean hasita Can Battlora. Etor zaitez gurekin ospatzera! Community 147% Project crowdfunded on April 03, 2019 🎉 367 Pledges 6.623€ From 4.500€
Can Vies Viu! Única solució RECONSTRUCCIÓ! #RefemCanVies és recuperar el patrimoni de la comunitat, però també és donar un cop de timó al rumb marcat pels mercats i institucions. És solidaritzar-nos amb les represaliades del #EfecteCanVies. Ens ajudes? Community / Positive impact 128% Project crowdfunded on July 28, 2014 🎉 2,266 Pledges 89.760€ From 70.000€
#SomCanVies Currently the Can Vies CSA (Autonomous Social Center) with over 15 years of life is under threat of being evicted by the property owners, TMB. So we turned to the social network of the neighborhood to launch the #SomCanVies campaign to stop this action. We call for solidarity and support 2 help us. Community / Events 119% Project crowdfunded on November 26, 2012 🎉 73 Pledges 1.781€ From 1.500€