Una furgoneta per dur el circ social arreu de Catalunya Gràcies a aquesta furgoneta podrem portar el circ adaptat i inclusiu per tot Catalunya... i tant de bo més lluny encara! 🤞 Circus / Positive impact 82% 10 days 3.302€ From 4.000€
Campaña Urgente de apoyo a Gaza Campaña para recaudar dinero de apoyo a los niños y niñas de Gaza lanzada desde la Gaza Stars Circus School y desde Pallasos en Rebeldía Community / Clown, Circus, Positive impact 118% Project crowdfunded on March 04, 2024 🎉 403 Pledges 17.669€ From 15.000€
El Libro de 30 años de Payasos Sin Fronteras Un cuaderno de bitácora coral de reflexiones, experiencias y fotografías Books / Clown, Circus, Community, Positive impact 133% Project crowdfunded on February 21, 2024 🎉 249 Pledges 10.673€ From 8.000€
REFLEJOS, new show of the company Circo Ceive Acrobatics, humor, physical theater and object manipulation. A journey that will make you think about how you see the world Circus 112% Project crowdfunded on August 08, 2022 🎉 78 Pledges 3.912€ From 3.500€
Vaudeville Circus: un auténtico Cabaret Un espectáculo de variedad en auténtico estilo retro, una forma de entretenimiento “diferente”: extravagante, divertida y cómica Performing Arts / Magic, Cabaret, Circus, Music, Dance 115% Project crowdfunded on January 19, 2022 🎉 67 Pledges 2.870€ From 2.500€
Moonkey Pills Acroyoga Cards (English/Spanish version) Help us make this new version of the Moonkey Pills illustrated card deck come true! Circus 103% Project crowdfunded on December 05, 2021 🎉 89 Pledges 3.101€ From 3.000€
Mobile Circus in Gaza With the Mobile Circus minibus, Stars of Gaza school and Pallasos en Rebeldía will bring circus and joy to the children of Gaza. Circus 100% Project crowdfunded on October 28, 2021 🎉 120 Pledges 20.055€ From 20.000€
CIRCUS FAMILY ON THE ROAD... Mexico direction!! After all of Europe and all of Morocco... We are preparing our next dream: to spread smiles throughout Mexico. Can you help us...? Circus 101% Project crowdfunded on August 17, 2021 🎉 44 Pledges 3.530€ From 3.500€
La Carpa rota Una tormenta ha causado importantes destrozos en la carpa, necesitamos arreglarlos para que pueda seguir estando activa. Circus 102% Project crowdfunded on January 24, 2021 🎉 113 Pledges 6.660€ From 6.500€
Support the development of the professional circus scene in Valencia! CREAT is a new education and creation center for Circus Arts in Valencia. Circus / Community 100% Project crowdfunded on October 25, 2020 🎉 107 Pledges 10.030€ From 10.000€
We need your help to continue flying The circus school "Circo Volátil" depends on getting a structure to be able to continue developing his training in aerial techniques. Circus / Community 103% Project crowdfunded on October 17, 2020 🎉 148 Pledges 6.190€ From 6.000€
ZIRKUS contes il·lustrats La Dona barbuda, el Llançador de punyals, l'Home-bala... Un recull de relats il·lustrats sobre un circ molt especial. Que comenci la funció! Artbook / Circus, Illustration 105% Project crowdfunded on August 08, 2020 🎉 133 Pledges 4.484€ From 4.284€
La Forzuda. Espai de circ i teatre Nos solidarizamos con todas las víctimas de esta situación. Seguimos con nuestro proyecto porque la vida continua. Quieres formar parte? Performing Arts / Magic, Circus, Cooperative, #8m, Theatre 101% Project crowdfunded on April 08, 2020 🎉 44 Pledges 2.825€ From 2.800€
1 Sonrisa = 1 Euro Dos payasos llevan sonrisas a varias comunidades de Bengala Occidental (India) en situación de riesgo y exclusión social. Documentary / Circus, Positive impact 514800% Project crowdfunded on February 23, 2020 🎉 307 Pledges 5.148€ From 1€
Tempus Fugit. Cia. La Tête surt a la carretera amb el seu nou espectacle: Tempus Fugit, amb l'ajuda del còmplice artístic Piero Steiner. Circus 151% Project crowdfunded on October 23, 2019 🎉 142 Pledges 3.015€ From 2.000€
III ENCUENTRO DE CIRCO JÓVEN de la FEECSE Encuentro que reúne a jóvenes de escuelas de circo de todo el país permitiendo un intercambio cultural y artístico en un entorno rural Circus / Events 102% Project crowdfunded on June 17, 2019 🎉 104 Pledges 5.080€ From 5.000€
FRIDA KAHLO: viva la vida Frida es superación, arte, amor, vida y muerte. Música, circo, teatro, pintura... aúnan fuerzas en una obra dedicada a esta gran mujer. Performing Arts / Circus, Painting, Theatre, Music 108% Project crowdfunded on December 17, 2018 🎉 160 Pledges 5.950€ From 5.500€
Circular Concert 'Palestine Beats': Al Kamandjati Ensemble and Strings of the World We want the Palestinain voice and music to be listened loud and clear. Music / Circus, Festival, Positive impact 105% Project crowdfunded on November 10, 2018 🎉 20 Pledges 1.570€ From 1.500€