Iago Fernández' New Album "LUZADA" "Luzada" is the title of Iago Fernández' fourth work as a leader and composer. Jazz 101% Project crowdfunded on January 01, 2023 🎉 78 Pledges 4.021€ From 4.000€
"Baldo Martínez CUARTETO EUROPA" Album of the new project of Baldo Martínez I encourage you to take part in this project. Jazz Free with original compositions that look at Europe; the Jazz of our continent Jazz 107% Project crowdfunded on December 23, 2017 🎉 118 Pledges 5.330€ From 5.000€
4Mal Quartet Jazz Perspectivas 4Mal Quartet Jazz estamos á procura de mecenas para poder lanzar o noso primeiro disco. É un proxecto cheo de ilusión e de ganas de dar a coñecer o noso traballo. Jazz / Vinyl 104% Project crowdfunded on August 01, 2017 🎉 89 Pledges 2.076€ From 2.000€
DOUS - A viaxe de Yoyo Hola, somos "DOUS", un dúo formado por Pablo Carrera (guitarras) y Fernando Abreu (clarinetes), un proyecto que bebe de las músicas del mundo y del jazz. "A Viaxe de Yoyo" es el título del que será nuestro tercer trabajo discográfico. Jazz 101% Project crowdfunded on July 01, 2017 🎉 128 Pledges 3.525€ From 3.500€
ESD, vinyl edition Our new album, "ESD", is about to be released! We only need a little boost to be able to make everything as we imagined, specially to release the album in vinyl format, which is the most expensive part of the production. Thanks for your collaboration! Jazz / Rock 102% Project crowdfunded on August 17, 2016 🎉 71 Pledges 1.535€ From 1.500€
The Rock Band Show DVD The Rock Band Show é un espectáculo que pretende unificar dous mundos diferenciados, o mundo das bandas de música populares y, en contraposición, os grupos de música moderna, tales coma pop-rock, soul, funk, jazz. Jazz / Pop, Soul, Rock, Funk 131% Project crowdfunded on December 18, 2012 🎉 53 Pledges 1.965€ From 1.500€
Production of Pi Graos first album After three years playing, we're prepared to release Pi Graos' first album, and we need your help to record, produce and distribute it. All of our songs are to be released under a Creative Commons license. All our music is careful hand made, and so will be this album. Jazz / Free licenses, Latin 110% Project crowdfunded on June 05, 2012 🎉 45 Pledges 1.096€ From 1.000€