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Disorders: Collaborative artistic and solidary project about mental health

Multidisciplinary project about mental health: music, lyrics and visual arts created by patients. Benefits will go to FEAFES Galicia

Fear Of Missing Out

A project of


From 1.000€
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View project in Castellano and Galego

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Disorders is more than a music album: it's a multidisciplinary and collaborative project inspired by mental health.

The first component of Disorders is a progressive metal/ambient album, with influences such as Tool, Tesseract, Metallica or Pain of Salvation. The songs move around a wide range of moods, allowing to express the big diversity of emotions needed to talk about mental health.

The album features, in addition, guest musicians from other bands such as Quaoar, Stoned at Pompeii or Sweet Death.

Each song talks about a different mental disorder.

This is, still today, a taboo subject: patients with any kind of mental disease suffer from a huge stigma.

This project has the humble aim of fighting that stigma. From the biggest respect, empathy and love.

The songs talk about depression, anorexia, autism... We all have a case close to us, and yet nobody talks about it.

The lyrics for each song are written by people who have firsthand contact with mental health, people who have volunteered to help with the project. People from all over the world, who know what it feels like to live with a mental disorder, in the first-person, or in a relative, and that have portrayed that experience in lyrics that make this album unique. Gathering the lyrics has been amazing.


  • Empty (anorexia)

  • Mindful (bipolar disorder)

  • Holocaust (schizophrenia)

  • Over-Controlling Demon (OCD)

  • Everlasting Omnent Souls (depression)

  • The veil (Autism-Spectrum Disorder)

  • Rewind (Borderline Personality Disorder)

  • Migas de pan (Autism-Spectrum Disorder)

In addition, based on the lyrics, the album booklet showcases illustrations created by other patients and, depending on the chosen perk, you could get other art pieces (sculptures, paintings, etc), all of them created by people with different mental disorders.

Illustrations/paintings created for the project:

Album cover, based on the illustration created by a member of FEAFES
Album cover, based on the illustration created by a member of FEAFES

Illustrations thumbs, click for more details
Illustrations thumbs, click for more details

Where will the money go?

All the profits will go to FEAFES Galicia: Patients and Relatives Federation in Galicia (part of Spanish Mental Health Confederation).

This is a 100% solidary project and we want the recipients to get as much money as possible. That is why the recording, mixing and album mastering is payed by us. In addition, the revenue generated by the song's rights (music part, 50%) will also be donated to FEAFES (after taxes). Documents proving the donation to FEAFES, from Verkami and SGAE, will be provided.

The money we collect will be used to produce the physical album (CD) and the merchandising that you can get with the perks: t-shirts, sculptures, notebooks, posters...

Verkami gets a share of what we collect (6'35%). Once we substract that share, and taxes, all the rest of the money will be donated to FEAFES.

About the perks

The reason why we created this campaign is all the material created by the collaborators: lyrics, illustrations, sculptures...

You can get different objects generated based on the illustrations of FEAFES members, including the original artworks themselves. There are not plenty of times when you can take home the original artwork for an album cover :)

If you want to buy an original illustration, since there is only one, you must first contact us to our email telling us which one you want to get from this list, in order to confirm it is still available.

Shipping to Spain is included in the prices.. For international shipping, please add the special International Shipping perk that best applies to your case.

  • High Quality Digital Download (5€): The music album Disorders, in high quality formats + the album booklet in PDF, featuring the lyrics and accompanying illustrations.

7 songs about OCD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Schizophrenia, Anorexia, Depression, Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder (+ 1 bonus track about Autism Spectrum Disorder, in Spanish).

  • Download + Notebook (10€): created by Lenda Association. 75 pages, size 10x15, hard case with kraft cardboard and printed with one of the illustrations creaded for the album, wireO bookbinding.

Notebook preview
Notebook preview

  • Download + CD (14€): Digital download + CD. Color booklet with lyrics + accompanying illustrations + your name in the booklet.

  • Download + CD + Lyric Poster (20€): In addition to the CD, get a poster (A3 size) with the lyrics for the song you prefer, illustrated with the image you prefer (see list)

  • Sculpture (25€): Created specially for the project by APEM (Asociación Pro Enfermos Mentales), based on the album cover. Some other sculptures created by this association.

  • Download + CD + T-shirt (35€): Album + high quality cotton t-shirt. Choose from 2 designs:

T-shirt, Reyes design
T-shirt, Reyes design

T-shirt, Ith design
T-shirt, Ith design

  • Download + CD + T-shirt + Poster (35€): Offer! Same price as the t-shirt pack, get in addition a poster with lyrics and illustration to your liking.

  • Download + original illustration artwork (small) (55€): Get one of the illustrations created for the album (size A4 or smaller), choosing from:

  • Download + CD + Poster + T-shirt + Sculpture + Notebook (65€): Add, to the previous pack, the APEM sculpture and the Lenda notebook.

  • Download + CD + Poster + T-shirt + original illustration artwork (small) (90€)

  • Download + original illustration artwork (medium) (120€ ): Get one of the illustrations created for the album (size A3), choosing from:

  • Download + CD + Poster + T-shirt + original illustration artwork (medium) (150€)

  • Download + original illustration artwork (big) (275€): Get one of the illustrations created for the album (size 50x60cm), choosing from:

  • Download + CD + Poster + T-shirt + original illustration artwork (big) (300€)

  • Golden Sponsor Pack (450€ ):

Download + 2 CD + 2 notebook + 2 Poster + 2 T-shirt + 2 sculpture + 3 illustration original artwork (small or medium) + highlighted name in the booklet.

  • Platinum Sponsor Pack (650€ ):

Download + 2 CD + 2 notebook + 2 Poster + 2 T-shirt + 2 sculpture + 5 illustration original artwork (small, medium or big) + Honorable mention in the booklet

  • Special: International shipping to EU (10€ ):

Add this perk if you want to send the material out of Spain, to a country within the EU.

  • Special: International shipping outside of EU (16€ ):

Add this perk if you want to send the material out of the EU.


  • 1000€: Successful project.

  • 2500€: two additional t-shirt designs.

"Cover" Design
"Cover" Design

"Xolo" Design
"Xolo" Design

Who are we

I am Carlos Morales Pereira. I've been into music since I was a teenager, in different rock/metal bands. Fear Of Missing Out is a personal project in which I've been working for a lot of time. I've composed the songs, contacted the lyricists, recorded guitars, vocals, keyboards...

(Picture by SieteGatosBlancos)
(Picture by SieteGatosBlancos)

I've had the help of Héctor Agulla (Loiros) on the drums.

Héctor, recording Disorders
Héctor, recording Disorders

On the bass guitar, Antón F. "Piru" (Stoned at Pompeii, Mooncresta).

Antón F "Piru"
Antón F "Piru"

Aditionally, Aitor "Malamute" Zorriketa (Quaoar, James Room & Weird Antiqua), Xela Rivera (Sweet Death) and Víctor Castro have participated.

Aitor Zorriketa (Picture by Gravelroad 76)
Aitor Zorriketa (Picture by Gravelroad 76)

Xela Rivera
Xela Rivera

Víctor Castro
Víctor Castro

The lyrics have been written by people from India, United Kingdom, USA, Spain and Namibia. I've contacted them through Facebook mental health support groups.

The illustrations have been made by members of different associations belonging to FEAFES.

FEAFES mission is to improve the quality of life of those living with a mental disease and their families, to defend their rights and to bring support and coordination to the associations that belong to the Federation.


The album has been recorded and is being edited at A Casa do Rock (Santiago de Compostela) studios, and will be mixed and mastered at Pouland Studios (Ames).

The album will be out in mid 2019. Digital downloads will be available before the release.

The remaining perks (t-shirts, posters, etc) will be shipped together with the CDs.

+ Info


  • Where can I choose my t-shirt size / shipping address?

    When the campaign ends, and if we reach the goal, you will get an email with a form to send that information.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

Ask the author


If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.

  • Star


    almost 6 years

    Miau :)

  • Sabela Asorey

    Sabela Asorey

    almost 6 years

    Ojalá más personas como Carlos

  • Fear Of Missing Out

    Fear Of Missing Out

    about 6 years

    ¡Gracias Cris!



    about 6 years

    Gran proyecto!

  • Fear Of Missing Out

    Fear Of Missing Out

    about 6 years

    Moitas grazas Bertez!

  • bertez


    about 6 years

    Boa sorte!!

#10 / Envío de la versión digital


Uno de los beneficios de ser mecenas del proyecto era el de poder escuchar el disco antes que nadie, en su versión digital. ¡Ese momento ha llegado!

Mañana, viernes 6, recibiréis en vuestros emails un enlace para descargar Disorders. Esperamos que os guste :)

Muchísimas gracias por vuestra colaboración, en breves seguiremos con el resto de recompensas.

PD: Los enlaces serán válidos durante 1 semana, y se podrán descargar un máximo de 5 veces. Si tenéis algún problema con la descarga, contactad con nosotros.

#09 / Os presentamos nuestra nueva web


Cada vez falta menos para que tengáis en vuestras manos Disorders. Sabemos que la espera ha sido larga, pero ya queda poco :)

Para preparar la salida del disco, hemos creado una página web, en la que centralizar la información del proyecto: https://fearofmissingoutproject.com/.

Iremos añadiendo fechas de conciertos, exposiciones con las ilustraciones, etc. ¡Guardadla en vuestros favoritos! :)

#08 / Disco mezclado


Hemos terminado el proceso de mezcla y masterización del disco, en los estudios Pouland de Ames, con Iago Pico.

En breve enviaremos el disco a fábrica, y en pocas semanas realizaremos los envíos de vuestras recompensas.

Muchas gracias de nuevo por vuestro apoyo.

#07 / Avance del proyecto


Seguimos trabajando en el disco: estamos empezando a gestionar el diseño de las copias físicas, a la vez que seguimos trabajando en la edición, y pronto la masterización.

Os recordamos que el plazo previsto de entrega de las recompensas es mediados de 2019.

Gracias por vuestro apoyo :)

#06 / ¡Gracias!

La campaña ha finalizado, y casi hemos duplicado el objetivo mínimo. Muchísimas gracias a todas las personas que habéis colaborado.

En las próximas semanas, iréis recibiendo los formularios para personalizar vuestras recompensas (método de envío, talla de camiseta, canción elegida para el póster, etc).

Os mantendremos informados del avance del proyecto, por aquí y por nuestras redes sociales.


#05 / ¡Esculturas en proceso!

Escultura inspirada en la portada, realizada por APEM
Escultura inspirada en la portada, realizada por APEM

¡Ya están empezando a fabricar las esculturas inspiradas en la portada del disco! La asociación APEM de A Coruña, en su taller Kerámikos, nos han mandado estas fotos del proceso de creación, y nos encantan. Si ya son así de bonitas sin pintar, imaginaos al acabarlas.

Recordad que se pueden adquirir en varias recompensas de la campaña. ¡Ya sólo quedan 12 días, último esfuerzo para que podamos llegar al segundo objetivo!

#04 / ¡Videoclip de adelanto!

Estrenamos videoclip de Disorder4: Empty, tema sobre los trastornos de alimentación.

Realizado por SieteGatosBlancos, con este vídeo podéis seguir lo más importante de nuestras canciones: su letra.

Disorder4: Empty cuenta con la participación de Xela Rivera (Sweet Death, Barcelona) en la voz. Estará incluido en Disorders, previsto para mediados de 2019.

¡Esperamos que os guste!

#03 / ¡Nuevas recompensas!

Ilustraciones de Disorders
Ilustraciones de Disorders

Creemos que las ilustraciones son una de las partes más bonitas de este proyecto. Para facilitar que las adquiráis, hemos creado nuevas recompensas: ahora se pueden comprar las ilustraciones de forma individual, sin formar parte de un pack con disco, camiseta, etc.

#02 / ¡Primer hito conseguido!

¡Los Reyes Magos nos han traído la noticia de que hemos superado el primer objetivo de 1000€! ¡Muchas gracias a los/as mecenas!

¿Qué significa esto? Que el proyecto va a recibir vuestra financiación, y vosotros recibiréis vuestras recompensas (siguiendo el calendario previsto).

¿Significa esto que ya está todo hecho? No, en absoluto. Como sabéis, este es un proyecto solidario, queremos recaudar dinero para donarlo a FEAFES, por lo que cuanto más recaudemos, mejor.

Por eso ahora nuestro siguiente objetivo es alcanzar los 2500€. Al alcanzarlos, tendremos 2 nuevos diseños para las camisetas, disponibles para todos los mecenas que hayan escogido una recompensa que la incluya.

Diseño Portada
Diseño Portada

Diseño Xolo
Diseño Xolo

Podéis hacer que este proyecto sea aún más exitoso, difundiéndolo en vuestras redes sociales, y hablando de él a vuestras amistades :) ¡Muchas gracias!

#01 / ¡50% alcanzado!

Acabamos de superar el 50% del objetivo, ¡muchísimas gracias!

Os agradecemos, de corazón, todas vuestras aportaciones: desde comprar una recompensa hasta compartir nuestra iniciativa en vuestras redes sociales.

¡Aún quedan 38 días de campaña, cuanto más consigamos, más dinero recibirá FEAFES!

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