EnFemme is not just a documentary about crossdressing in the Catalan context. EnFemme (as a woman) is the name of the private club in Barcelona that has been a shelter and has pushed and accompanied many to step forward in their lives. This project witnesses the birth of this community.
The project shows the links inside the club, the support to personal identity and body projects, the recognition of the others' pain and desire, as well as the links with their families. The documentary aims to create alliances between people and groups working for the acceptance of the free body presentation and gender expression, together with the eradication of the gender violence and the LGTBIphobia.
Video in English subtitles below
Cooperatives, associations… Collaborators
Associació Benestar i Desenvolupament | Associació Candela | Associació Drac Màgic | Associazione Culturale Sudtitles | Centre de Cultura de Dones Francesca Bonnemaison | Chrysallis, Asociación de familias de menores transexuales | Cooperativa Fil a l’agulla | EnFemme | Generem! Associació Trans* | Grup de Recerca en Exclusió i Control Social, UB | ideadestroyingmuros | Institut Català d’Antropologia | Observatori Contra l'Homofòbia | Pol·len edicions | Trànsit, Servei de promoció de la salut de les persones trans
What is the documentary about?
With the boom of the Internet, a group of individuals that start thinking of themselves as cross-dressers emerges. They were not fitting with the travestí, the iconic image left by the sexual liberation movements during the late Francoism or "Transition".
The documentary aims at revealing the silences of a life experience that has remained hidden for years. It deepens into the complexity of the decisions once the persons are exposed "out of the closet" after twenty, forty or sixty years. It browses among the doubts, fears and opportunities that emerge in the family as the "Secret" comes to light: I like to dress like a woman. The documentary also addresses the difficulty of sustaining the ambivalence of gender in our society.
EnFemme is above all an attempt to reveal the shared feelings, the solidarity and the collective caring and healing practices at the club. The documentary shows the importance of the erotic enjoyment and pleasure when dealing with gender expression and identity. Although the experience of the Secret is the main bond of EnFemme, the club has finally become a second family for most of the members.
Some of the main characters
Sofia Dior
“Soul” of EnFemme and president of the club for nine years. She is a reference in the international “cross-dresser community“. She is the linking host for the newcomers to the club. Her drive, together with others, has eased the entry of the cross-dressing scene into the political movements pushing for the despathologization of the Trans identities. She succeeded in including the discrimination of the gender expression in the debates of the Law 11/2014, devoted to protect the rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex and to eradicate homophobia, the biphobia and Transphobia, at the Catalan Parliament.
Júlia Justinne
She always finds a small slot in her agenda to come to EnFemme to get dressed. She is more than sixty and is co-director of a company. Shortly after marrying, she tried to share the experience of cross-dressing to her wife. The refusal led her to continue the cross-dressing in secret. Month after month she saves a little money, which spends on clothes, makeup, travel, holidays, etc. She has traveled to London to visit icons such as the Way Out club or the shop Transformation.
Judit Roura
She lives in Barcelona. She is in her happy forties doing research in a scientific institution in the field of Natural Sciences. The skin of her gender is fluid, and flips from black to white and viceversa, without passing through gray. For years she shared the experience of dressing up with her previous couple. She has met other groups in Madrid, Paris or New York. She is a beginner activist and member of the Generem! Trans* Association.
Xesca i Carme
Married couple living at Poblenou neighborhood, Barcelona, for over 30 years. Xesca has opened a craft beer brewery and Carme is a primary school teacher. Five years ago Xesca revealed to Carme that she was cross-dressing. All sorts of questions popped up to her: "are you gay?", "will you become a woman?" "How far will you go?". Last question was "then, who am I?”. The relationship became a roller coaster until recently. The growth as a couple and the involvement of their daughters have placed themselves fighting for the rights of cross-dressers and trans* people.
Soraya Vega
Activist and psychologist at "Trànsit", a health service for transgender people at Barcelona. She has an extensive experience in therapeutic support to cross-dressing, transgender and gender diverse people, as well as to their families and educational environments. For a long time she has driven therapy groups for transgender people at the club EnFemme and at Casal Lambda.
The crew, who are we?
Director, Co-writer, Producer: Alba Barbé i Serra
Script editor: Laia Manresa Casals
Director of photography: Mar C. Llop
Editor: Zoraida Rosselló Espuny
Sound editor: Pol Galofre Molero
Compositor: Clara Peya
Color correction: Maria Escala Ribas
Curricula are shown at the webpage of the documentary
Calendar of the project
PHASE 1, Development / Pre-production: October 2012 - March 2016 (Implemented phase)
First filming
Budgeting and fundraising strategy
Planning for production.
PHASE 2, Filming: March 2016 - May 2016
PHASE 3, Post-production: May 2016- September 2016
Sound edition
Color correction
Translation / Subtitling
PHASE 4.1, Distribution: February 2016- April 2016
Web design/ Crowdfunding Campaign
PHASE 4.2, Distribution: Novembre 2016 - March 2017
Social Media Campaign
Festival Distribution / Specialized networks
Presentations / Awareness campaign
Documentary premiere expected: December 2016
We need your contribution to meet the schedule!
What we are going to do with your funding?
The contributions of this campaign will be used for filming and post-production of the documentary.
• Filming
• Edition
• Sound edition
• Soundtrack
• Color correction
It will be fantastic!
The remaining will be devoted to the soundtrack, subtitling and disseminating the project
• If 12.000 euros is collected… Translation and subtitulation
The documentary will be in Catalan. It will be subtitled to Spanish, Italian, French and English. Subtitulation for deaf people is foreseen.
• If 14.000 euros is collected… We are going to include 2 musicians to the soundtrack!
• If 17.000 euros is collected… Dissemination to general audience, social agents, specialized networks, alternative circuits alternatius and festivals!
When will I have my reward?
The rewards will be given personally at the premiere or will be sent by conventional mail.
Payment Method
Credit and Debit Card: Mastercard, Visa, Visa Electron, Maestro.
If you prefer another payment method such as a Bank Transfer, please write to:
* Confidenciality
Personal data will be treated confidentially. If you want to contribute without giving the bank acount data,write to:
Links of the project
Web del documental
Twitter EnFemme | Twitter Generem
If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.
Alba Barbé i Serra
I és clar! Aquí seguim on fire!
A més, en un temps breu totes les mecenes tindreu notícies de com evoluciona el projecte!! Ens estàvem esperant a encetar la nova etapa i a informar d'aquelles que hem anat tancant. Qualsevol cosa, seguim al mail: [email protected]
encara funciona el mail?
bon bany a formrntera
Alba Barbé i Serra
En primer lloc, gràcies per la teva col·laboració Amanda! Pots combinar l'aportació ÁGATA LYS amb la SARA MONTIEL que inclou sols l'entrada a l'estrena!! Tan de bo ens veiem allà! Una abraçada!
Bon dia!
Si fem l'aportació ÁGATA LYS, es podria aconseguir una altra entrada per l'estrena de Barcelona?
Una forta abraçada i tot de bo!
Alba Barbé i Serra
¡Genial! Estamos ya en contacto...
Ana Satchi
Hola, soy Ana de www.inoutradio.com, nos gustaría dar difusión de vuestro proyecto en alguno de nuestros programas, a partir de una entrevista. Os apetece? nuestro mail de contacto es [email protected]. Muchas gracias
Alba Barbé i Serra
Bona tarda i gràcies per la pregunta, Olga!
Molts d'aquests aspectes i tants d'altres són difícils de simplificar en l'organització d'una campanya de micro-mecenatge. Calen de respostes complexes que es pretenen abordar en el documental! Ara bé, hi ha persones que desitgen fer un trànsit i persones que no el desitgen. I hi ha persones que per ubicar la seva experiència es comprenen com a heterosexuals, i d'altres que no, tal com les persones cisgèneres. No obstant i per respondre't un poc més, sí que és cert que moltes de les persones qui practiquen el cross-dressing s'identifiquen com a heterosexuals i lesbianes. En el moment que hi ha una ubicació/comprensió pròpia en el gènere femení, l'orientació erotico-sexual es desplaça amb ella, sigui quina sigui la direcció del desig.
Si desitges informar-te un poc més, pots mirar el capítol 4.2 que aquí t'adjunto. Serà d'agrair el teu feedback, també com a antropòloga.
Olga Viñuales Sarasa
Ese impulso avasallador por vestirse con ropas del otro género.... ¿implica que las personas deseen cambiar de sexo? Es decir, se puede ser hombre/mujer heterosexual y desear practicar el crossdressing? No queda claro en este documental.