After FETISH PHOTOGRAPHY and the HEAVY RUBBER BOOK follows the third volume of Peter W. Czernich’s best photos from over 25 years of fetish photography for MARQUIS and HEAVY RUBBER.
The WHITE ROOM BOOK presents incredible scenarios and stunning images from the white tiled sets of the legendary White Room films, from as early as pre-Marquis times, up to recent productions.
Like it’s predecessors, the book has 256 pages and is printed in the highest quality (page by page varnished for protection), and solidly stitched and bound in heavy carton. The edition is limited to only 500 copies.
All supporters of this campaign will receive a signed copy of the book, plus a CD with appr. 1.000 photos - all the photos from the book, plus all the final selection that did not make it into the book. This CD is not for sale, but will only be owned by you!
Furthermore, depending on the amount of your pledge, you will receive original photo prints from photos of your choice from the book, plus DVDs with the legendary WHITE ROOM films, up to a shooting with me personally, in the MARQUIS studio in Solingen, Germany.
The value of the pledge rewards exceeds by far the regular value of these items when purchased in the Marquis Online Shop! You get more for less by pledging to the campaign!
What do we need the money for?
The money will help to finance the printing of the book, which costs roundabout 6.000, plus the photo prints and considerable packing and shipping cost of all the books and prints, all over the world.
Financing a book is always a big risk for a photographer. The printer wants to be paid in advance, and it can take a year or longer before the money comes back
In times of incalculable sales, it is hard to determine the print run. By doing it the Verkami way, I can be sure how many copies are needed, and that their printing is well financed. For this comfort, I'm happy to give away a large discount on the books!
Estimated calendar
Like before, the book will go to press right after the crowdfunding money has been received, which was 10 days after the project had ended. The printer wants to be paid in advance. It then takes about three weeks to be printed, and one week for me to process & ship out all pledge awards. Everybody should have their books about 6 weeks after the end of the crowdfunding period.
A few relevant links for this campaign
Facebook Peter
Facebook Marquis
Peter W. Czernich's photographer site
MARQUIS website
If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.
Peter W. Czernich
Hello Ronnie, the books will be sent end of May. We expect delivery some time next week, then it will take time to sign and pack them all etc.........
Best regards, Peter
Ronnie Mado Solbakken
Hey Peter, have you started to send these out yet? I sent you a personal email with my address, but I didn't get any reply.
Thanks in advance.
Peter W. Czernich
Yes of course - what a question!
I would like to know if the packed will hide de book. Because, in my case, i need de book not to be seen from my neighbours. Thank's! Paul
Peter W. Czernich
Ich kann die Bedingungen jetzt nicht mehr ändern, sorry! Die Zahlungsäbläufe werden hier auf Verkami generall erklärt - mach Ablauf des Projektes - morgen! - werden die Beträge abgebucht, das dauert ca. 1 Woche, dann bekomme ich das Geld, dann wird das Buch gedruckt etc. Wie gesagt, steht alles schon in der Projektbeschreibung...
Jörg Schultze
leider würde für mich nur die 75,- € Option in Frage kommen, falls es da noch eine Möglichkeit gibt lassen Sie es mich wissen. Bitte auch wie das dann weiter abläuft mit der Zahlung etc. Danke und "Frohe Ostern" noch.
Peter W. Czernich
Sorry, ich nahm an alle kennen die Vorgängerbücher. Das Buch wird genauso sein: A4-Format, 256 Seiten, und wiegt ca. 1,5 kg.
Welches format wird das buch haben, bitte?