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Feminist Caravan 2015

2015 is the 4th international action of the World March of Women ! In Europe, the Feminist Caravane will travel the continent to make links between women's struggles, strategies and resistances, and to spread our diverse realities, alternatives and utopias. We affirm that a better world is possible!

World March of Women

A project of

Created in

Paris, France
From 12.000€
Contribute to the project

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Thank you so much to all of you who supported this beautiful dream that will start in just a few weeks! We are very grateful and happy to see that there are so many people who believe in change, who believe a better world is possible, who believe in women and who dear to dream together. :-)

This money will help us increase the reach of the caravan and make it more inclusive and powerful. If you want to keep supporting us materially, you can keep sending us your contributions directly to our bank account:


FR76 4255 9000 6941 0200 3557 333

Thank you, thank you & thank you !


the caravan dream team

Women who are FED UP with racist, sexist, classist, fascist, violent, misogynistic, militaristic and capitalistic colonial patriarchy are making her story!

We want to build solidarity and sustainability of women's struggles and movements across the European continent in order to also make links with women’s struggles globally.

We intend to start from March 8th until October 17th, 2015 - as the World March of Women - to link grassroots feminist movements, struggles and resistances in a Feminist Caravan.

The Caravan will begin in the East of Turkey, Kurdistan, and travel North, West, East and South to end in Portugal.

Our aim is to bring visibility to our various political, economic, cultural and social struggles and resistances as part of the World March of Women's 4th International Action.


From 8 March to 17 October 2015.


During the Action, a high number of feminist events will be organized at the local, national and regional level. In the places where national coordinations of the WMW exist, the activities around the caravan will be organized by them or with their support. We are working in alliances with various women groups, progressist organisations, collectives and networks. The Caravan will make links between these women and these struggles, collecting memories, priorities and strategies, spreading info about Women's resistances. The events will be diverse and multiple, as are our alternatives, and as are women in Europe.

The caravan will consist in several vans/cars, but we plan to complete some streches on bicycles or walking, depending on the number of women participating at each stage, on the local organization and on our energies. We hope to meet a lot of women on the road, a lot of resisting people who will host us for an evening and/or join us for a few stop-overs. Together we will share our realities, our utopias and our strategies of resistance. Our scope and the number of women who will take part in this great experience depend on our resources, and this is what makes your support so crucial!


Our 8 months trip will begin in Kurdistan, Turkey, with a big Opening Event organised by the Kurdish women movement and the Turkish Coordination of the WMW for 8th of March.

Then we'll take the road through Greece (Thessaloniki) end of March, to the Balkans (april), to Italy and Switzerland (May).

Then we'll cross north of France (June), Belgium and Germany (July) and stop in Poland for an International Feminist Camp (August).

We'll return South through Hungary and Austria to Roma, Italy (August), then cross south of France, and go to Catalunya, Bask Country and Galicia (September), to arrive in Portugal for another big Closing Event on the 17th of October.


BECAUSE there are too many oppressions dividing women and women's struggles world-wide and we must connect our struggles, demands, realities and strategies across the local, regional and global spheres!

BECAUSE there are not enough resources available to us as women to learn our HERstories of oppression and resistance, and we must document our own lives in order to resist together!

BECAUSE we must make visible alternative ways of life and resistances against capitalism and patriarchal reality created by women, saying high and loud that Another World is possible.

BECAUSE poverty, xenophobia, racism, increased loss and dispossession of our rights, austerity, and the rise of fascism make women's lives unlivable, and we must connect these intersecting oppressions in order to link and strengthen our resistances and liberation struggles .

BECAUSE our diversity is our strength. We must continue to work in solidarity, communicating our feminist alternatives to the world and to the sisters of our movement, building our networks and strengthening our alliances and our feminist political practices.

                            **No one is free until all women are free!**

In resistance to patriarchal violence, often perceived as natural and legitimate, and further aggravated by inequalities of class, race and nationality we intend to build a feminist solidarity-based economy, one that alters existing patterns of production and reproduction, distribution and consumption, in addition to recognizing and appreciating domestic and care work as crucial to the sustainability of human life.

We connect women's struggles with the struggle for food sovereignty. We declare that women's self-organization is our strategy for strengthening women as political actors and building a global force in alliance with social movements that share our anti-capitalist and anti-patriarcal fight for a society based on the values of freedom, equality, justice, peace and solidarity.

What do we need the money for?

We need your help to have a powerful caravan, to be able to reach many women in many countries and to develop different kinds of collective resistance. With the money raised, we will be able to cover the costs of transportation and living for the women who will travel and live in the Caravan (mostly food & gas).

All money raised will permit us to kickstart the Caravan in order to have more women join the Caravan at different moments on the road, and to have the possibility of a bigger international feminist women’s space inside the living Caravan.

Our budget is 40,000 Euros, which is why we are looking to exceed the amount we are asking for here and find more ways to raise funds. The 12,000 we are asking for initially will help kickstart the Caravan and it is the crucial first step you can be a part of by helping us reach our goal!

When are we going to send you the rewards?

The majority of the rewards will be sent during the caravan, as we pass through different countries and as we make them. The calendar for 2016 will be sent after the end of the caravan, but before the end of the year.

We are cool about rewards and may have other things to propose that we'll find on our way : )

Who is the World March of Women?

The World March of Women has been active in the women's struggle since 1998, marching to eradicate the root causes of violence and poverty in women's lives.

The strategies we use are based on discussions and international alliances, reaffirming ourselves through resistance, confrontation and the construction of alternatives to the patriarchal, capitalist, racist, lesbophobic and colonial model.

The Caravan will use our realities as women across all age, race and class difference to connect and link women resisting against misogyny, austerity, fascism, patriarchy and all forms of violence against women, including poverty, in Europe.

We intend to build women's alternatives in the face of an increased imposition of militarist and masculinist reality, so that we may all live more dignified and peaceful lives. We affirm “Another World is Possible!”.

A few links if you want to know more about us:

World March of Women
Marche Mondiale des Femmes
Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres
Young Feminists Summer Camp/ Campamento de verano de jóvenes feministas/ Campement d'été de Jeunes Féministes

Help us spread the word and encourage others to donate!

We intend to make some of our resistances visible, and to inspire and be inspired by women’s strength and resistance confronted with a conservative, racist and sexist backlash. We'll collect memories and produce documentation and knowledge from our experiences, making them available via social networks, blogs, radio shows, theatre, pictures, films, etc.

Share your ideas!

We want to avoid as much as possible a capitalistic world and to find alternative ways of living, through networks of solidarity, material support (food, place to camp, old fourgons, etc.). If you have any ideas, contact us!

We will keep you updated about the life in the caravan and the events organized on the road through our website - which will be ready in February -, social networks and a monthly newsletter that will be sent to you and to anyone interested. The documentation produced during our journey will be published and shared on the web, so that anyone can acces it and benefit from it!

Check Femvan !


There are none published yet.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

Ask the author


If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.

  • Montserrat


    over 9 years

    Hola, somos un colectivo feminista de Terrassa, queríamos asistir al evento de clausura pero no nos queda claro si será en Lisboa o en Coimbra. ¿Dónde será?

  • Vanessa


    over 9 years

    Hola chicas,

    soy Vanessa del grupo de Mujeres de Amnestia Internacional de la Suiza italiana. Estamos organizando su llegada en el TIcino (sur de Suiza) donde las esperamos para el 14 de mayo. Hemos ententado varias veces de ponernos en contacto con

  • World March of Women

    World March of Women

    almost 10 years

    Hi Sandra!

    Yes, sure, you can send your contribution directly to our bank account:


    FR76 4255 9000 6941 0200 3557 333

    Thanks a lot for your support!

  • Sandra


    almost 10 years

    Hi even if the crowdfunding closed on Feb 7th is it still possible to send a donation?

  • World March of Women

    World March of Women

    almost 10 years

    Hola Susana,

    En principio el trayecto de la caravana no incluye Madrid. Llegaremos a la península apenas a finales de septiembre (a Cataluña) y nos quedará por recorrer País Vasco, Galicia, Oporto, Lisboa, Viseu y Coímbra, hasta el 17 de octubre. Hay poco tiempo en ese tramo final, muchas paradas y multitud de eventos...

    Pero si hay un grupo interesado en participar a la caravana, podéis subir a una de estas ciudades del norte en esas fechas o contemplar una caravana paralela en Madrid. En Andalucía también hay algún colectivo interesado (Granada, Sevilla, Málaga...) y tampoco nos dará tiempo a pasar por allí, pero quizás podáis organizar algo juntas?

    Si tenéis alguna propuesta o preguntas, escribidnos a [email protected].

    Gracias! abrazos

  • Susana


    almost 10 years

    ¿Pasáis por Madrid? Habla del norte de España, pero no menciona Madrid.

  • World March of Women

    World March of Women

    almost 10 years

    Hola Carla,

    Gracias por tu propuesta, qué bueno que quieras colaborar con la caravana! :)

    De hecho, la música va a estar presente en cada paso de la caravana, formará parte de nuestras actividades y procuraremos hacer circular por donde vayamos músicas de mujeres de diversos lugares. ¡Incluso nos gustaría poder montar una coral!

    ¿Dónde vives y dónde te gustaría participar?

    Te propongo que nos escribas a [email protected] para ver qué posibilidades hay.

  • Carla


    almost 10 years

    Hola! Soy una compositora y pianista española; hago música para medios audiovisuales. Me gustaría colaborar como compositora/músico en los eventos que se realicen, ¿sería posible? Gracias!!

  • World March of Women

    World March of Women

    almost 10 years

    Salut, ici tu peux trouver le RIB du compte en banque de la caravane :



  • Ursula Petzold

    Ursula Petzold

    almost 10 years

    J'aimerais l'ADRESSE et Iban dela banque Marche des Femmes


#07 / Caravan preparation /Préparation de la caravane /Preparación de la caravana

It's been 3 weeks now since we launched this campaign and we've been working hard to make this project possible. Thank you so much for you support, for sharing our excitement and hopes about this beautiful action!

Meetings are being held in Europe to prepare the Caravan, as the starting date is getting closer. Last week, around 30 women attended the preparation meeting in the Balkans. This week, Portugal held presentations in Coimbra and Porto.

Next week, there will be a preparation meeting in Barcelona with participants from different countries.

Hace ya 3 semanas desde que lanzamos esta campaña y, desde entonces, hemos trabajado mucho para hacer este proyecto posible. ¡ Muchas gracias por vuestro apoyo, por compartir nuestra ilusión y nuestras esperanzas por esta bonita acción !

A medida que la… read more

#06 / Thanks for supporting this feminist dream! You will make Caravan bigger! / ¡Gracias por ayudar a hacer realidad este sueño feminista! /Merci d'appuyer ce rêve féministe!

After 15 days, since the Campaign was launched, we want to thank YOU ALL who are helping to make this dream come true! You are giving us strength and hope that we will be succeeded on reaching our goal!!!

We share with you this World March of Women declaration in solidarity with the kurdish sisters (next)!

We want to thank to ALL WOMEN who are resisting bravely and inspiring us to keep struggling and continue to believe that another world is possible!

The Caravan Dream Team :)

Pasados 15 días desde el lanzamiento de la campaña, queremos agradecer A TODAS LAS PERSONAS que estáis ayudando a hacer realidad este sueño. Nos estáis dando fuerza y esperanza para confiar en que conseguiremos nuestro objetivo!!!

Queremos compartir con vosotrxs esta declaración de solidaridad de la Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres con las compañeras kurdas (ver más abajo).

read more

#05 / Entrevista a Sultan Safak, integrante del movimiento feminista kurdo DÖKH /Entretien à Sultan Safak, membre du mouvement féministe kurde DÖKH

Leer aquí la entrevista a Sultan Safak.

El movimiento feminista DÖKH apoya la resistencia de las mujeres de Kobani contra los ataques del Estado Islámico. Una de sus integrantes cuenta a 'Público' cómo se organizan las Unidades de Defensa de Mujeres en este enclave kurdo sirio fronterizo con Turquía.

mujeres refugiadas en la frontera Turquía-Siria

Artículo de Corina Tulbure para el diario Público



**Sultan Safak: “Les femmes ont le don de changer les agendas politiques”

Le mouvement féministe DÖHR soutient la résistance des femmes de Kobani des attaques de l’État islamique. Une de ses intégrantes raconte à 'Público' comment s’organisent les Unités de Défense de Femmes en cette enclave kurde-syrienne à la frontière avec la Turquie.**


BARCELONE.- read more

#03 / Preparation meeting in the Balkans /Encuentro de preparación en los Balcanes / Réunion préparatoire dans les Balkans

Join us for the next preparation meeting in the Balkans, which will be held on 17-18th January in Belgrade, Serbia.

Ver mapa más grandeIndicaciones de ruta

The main objectives of this meeting is to prepare the 4th International Action of the World March of Women, in view of the feminist caravan going to the Balkans in April. This Feminist Caravan of the World March of Women will cross Europe to meet local groups of women and to share and give visibility to women's alternatives and struggles.

If you're interested in participating, please register by sending us an email to: [email protected], specifying whether you need support for transport (how much?), accomodation or, for those in Belgrade, whether you can provide solidarity accomodation.

We would also like to share with you the video from the Young Feminists' Summer Camp held in Romania (Moroieni) in 2012:

#02 / 3rd International Action of the WMW, DR of Congo, 2010 / 3ª Acción Internacional de la MMM, RD del Congo, 2010/ 3ème Action Internationale de la MMF, RD du Congo, 2010

We are happy to share with you two videos and a documentary that have been compiled to display the lessons learned and images of the actions carried out around the world during 2010, the year of our 3rd International Action.

Nous sommes heureuses de partager avec vous deux vidéos et un documentaire qui montrent les leçons apprises et les images des actions menées partout dans le monde en 2010, l'année de notre 3ème Action Internationale.

Nos alegra compartir con vosotr@s dos vídeos y un documental compilados para mostrar las lecciones aprendidas y las imágenes de las acciones llevadas a cabo en todo el mundo en 2010, el año de nuestra 3ª Acción Internacional.

The first video, The Third International Action of the World March of Women, 2010, provides a 9-minute summary of the various actions carried out at the national, regional and international levels around our 4 action areas, which also paid homage to women’s historical participation in liberation struggles all over the world.

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#01 / Seeds for food sovereignty/ semillas por la soberanía alimentaria /semences pour la souveraineté alimentaire

SEEDS are the common symbol for this IV international action of the World March of Women and also one of its 4 fields of action!

Why? Because we want to evocate our struggle for FOOD SOVEREIGNTY, which means stand for our right to access the most basic common good of all – land vital resources – and to decide what we plant and what we eat! Among many others, we want to denounce the harmful consequences of land privatization, agricultural monoculture and the irresponsible and unbridled exploitation of energy resources lead by big corporations that are destroying our health and our well-being, which are so crucial for a dignified life!

We want to demand a change on the assumption of the land as property to be exploited… but we also want to build alternatives ourselves and take responsibility and action! We want to PLANT sustainable solutions to face this problem!

We are the seeds that can grow and sprout for a better world!

*********************************** Españolread more

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