"Per Sant Jordi: #OperacióEspanya"
Per ajudar-me a enviar **Muchos pequeños granos de arena a polítics i
periodistes espanyols** (#OperacióEspanya), seguiu aquest enllaç: #OperacióEspanya
Thanks to your generosity and enthusiasm, we made it to our original goal of 10,000€ and we'll be able to publish this important book. I'm so honored by your confidence and so jazzed by your enthusiasm. With each additional 1000€, we can translate the book into another language so it can reach more people: German, French, Spanish (ideas?). Upward and onward! And thank you!
A grain of sand is a Catalan expression which means doing one's part, making one's individual contribution, which no matter how small, is an essential and integral piece of a much larger puzzle. Millions of Catalans have participated in a variety of ways in their collective struggle to demand independence from Spain.
Each and every one of these events has been characterized by its non-violence, good nature, plurality, and emphasis on democratic process. At press time, Catalonia is firmly on its way toward independence, despite continued resistance from Spain, and may well be an example to the world of how to redraw borders peacefully and democratically.
The strategies that the Catalan people have designed are innovative and noteworthy and could well be used to inspire other peaceful movements for change. Catalonia's insistence on non-violence and its inventiveness should be shared around the world.
The book Many Grains of Sand will show what kinds of actions the Catalans have taken to convince both their own political leaders and those around the world to pay attention to their demands. From candle lightings to marches, from motorcycle rides to informal elections, from human chains to massive million person mosaics, Catalans have created a veritable catalog of attention-getting, mass-mobilization techniques that have been very successful in getting their ideas across to a wider public and attracting support of the politicians who lead Catalonia.
This book will give photographic evidence of these events as well as practical information about how they were organized in an effort to inspire and help others around the world to make positive changes in their own communities.
Many Grains of Sand will feature the work of prominent, professional photographers, like Lluís Brunet and Jordi Borràs, as well as pictures from the broader community. (Details below)
What's the money for
The money will be used to pay for the design, photographs, layout, editing, proofreading, translations, initial printing, distribution, marketing and promotion of the book.
The book will measure 8.5" x 8.5" (21.6cm x 21.6cm), be professionally designed, and be printed in color at various qualities to satisfy different budgets.
About the rewards
All sponsors will be thanked on our website. We couldn't create this book without you—or at the very least it wouldn't be nearly as much fun. A book lives through its readers and we hope you will share the book far and wide.
The book is available at three levels of quality to satisfy different budgets. There is a full color basic paperbook edition, a high quality color paperbook edition, and a no-holds barred, premium quality hard cover edition that is perfect for gift-giving. Thank you for helping support this project.
Finally, we really appreciate your economic support, but even more important is that you share this project with your friends, buy copies of the book for your family and especially your far away acquaintances, and that we tell people that there are lots of peaceful ways to change the world.
We hope to publish the book in early March, 2015 well in time for Catalonia's fabulous Sant Jordi festival the following month.
Submitting your photos
We have a long list of events that we are planning to add to the book, but we haven't been everywhere nor do we have photographs of every event. If you would like to submit your photograph for possible inclusion in the book, please fill out this form. If we choose your photo for inclusion in the book, we will contact you so we can get your express permission and also arrange for compensation.
Please share this project with your friends
We can change the world in a peaceful, democratic way. Please help spread the word through our Facebook page, Twitter, or other social media, or even (gasp!) email.
You can more information about the book on my website.
Who am I?
My name is Liz Castro, and I am a computer book author who has lived on and off in Catalonia for the last 25+ years. I have edited several books about Catalonia in English, including What's up with Catalonia? which you all helped me crowdfund a few years ago and which was a rounding success.
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Liz Castro
Glups. Gràcies. Sí, i tant. Puc fer noves recompenses: una cosa simbòlica, una quantitat més gran de llibres, o també he pensat en oferir de traduir un compte Twitter a l'anglès durant un dia, setmana, o mes... suggeriments a [email protected]
Jaume Sampériz
Es pot donar més de 250€?
Liz Castro
Hola Oriol. Sí que es poden enviar fotografies, però és més fàcil per mi si les penges en algun lloc (Flickr, Dropbox, etc.) i em dones l'enllaç. Així puc descarregar només les que faré servir al llibre. N'hi ha moltes, moltes! Pots trobar el formulari aquí: www.lizcastro.com/un-granet-de-sorra.html
Es poden enviar fotografies? Són de l'equip tècnic a la Plaça de les Glòries de l'11 de setembre del 2014, gràcies.
Liz Castro
Sí, la veritat és que m'encantaria tenir vídeos i ja en tinc uns quants. Però m'has d'enviar l'enllaç, no l'arxiu. Gràcies!
Puc enviar un vídeo?