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Living, Dying and Being Born in Gaza

It is a photography book accompanied by poems by different authors from the Mediterranean along with our own chronicles. We want to show the hidden face of Palestine. We want to witness daily life as also resistance. We want to make a tribute to the beauty of the people from Gaza.


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From 6.000€
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Living, Dying and Being Born in Gaza is a book looming of a tragedy and a miracle. It is a book with a hundred pictures about people, life, beauty and pain in the Gaza Strip, accompanied by Mediterranean authors and own texts explaining them.

Written originally in catalan language includes a book with english, spanish and arabic translations.

This project began in 2009, when I stayed just for three days in Gaza and I was expelled because of the Egyptian pressure. In 2010 I sailed with the Freedom Flotilla and spent three days in Israel prisons. This 2014 I managed to shirk all difficulties and live three months along with the people from Gaza just before the Israeli attack.

The mass media have repeated endlessly scenes of death and destruction. But they have hidden us the most extraordinary things about everyday life there.

This is a book that, among the tragedy, collects the beautiful things I have witnessed. The miracles that Gaza creates: the ability to live, love, resist and generate beauty to survive the horror. These pictures and words are stories of patience and perseverance, of courage and daily gratitude to life.

What will we do together?

Along with Verkami we make way to break out the silence. We want to walk altogether, to know and learn of the Palestinian people. Since I came back, and with the help of Sembra Books, I began to shape this idea: to show the beauty and the wisdom hidden in Gaza. The result is the project of a book which gathers more than a hundred pictures shot in one hundred days.

Beside the pictures you will find the old words of the Mediterranean. Poets, writers and thinkers of our cultures: Catalan-Valencian, Andalusians, Palestinians, French, Turkish, Romans and Greeks. We walk with Ausiàs March, Estellés, Al Russafí, Llach, Espriu, Aub, Ibn Arabí, Lorca, Darwish, Kanafani and Cavafis. Voices of the traditions that forged us as civilizations.

You’ll also find pieces of tales and less known informations that I found out in Gaza, like the stories of Saint George and his people, the communal property of the land, the conquerors that disappeared one after the other, or the 17 journalists who died in this land in one month time. And maybe the most important stories: Abu Hassan’s, the mechanic of Gaza, the woman that lost an recovered her daughter, the cat that died, the school girls of the Al-Andalus market. Or the family that walks smiling among snipers and war planes. That is, a mosaic of stories about love and war. About resilience. About the will to live.

We’ll be able altogether to edit a book to shout out to the world that Gaza wants to live in peace. That they are people are as we are. That they’ve got many things to tell. And that we’ve got many things to tell them. We want to listen to them. We want to learn. And we want to reach them.

The author

I am David Segarra (València 1976), independent journalist and documentary film maker. In 2000 I co-founded the independent newspaper L’Avanç. Six years later I departed towards Venezuela where I’ve been living for many years and where I directed and produced over forty documentaries and video clips along with Guarataro Films and Causa. In 2010 I was crew member of the Freedom Flotilla. About this experience I shot the documentary Fire on Marmara.

What will we do with your contributions?

We will publish a book with a well thought, cared edition.

The contributions will be addressed to a very special first edition of 1.500 copies of 21cm x 21cm carved hardback, with book jacket and 240 pages of special paper for pictures.

About the rewards

We don’t want the book to stay at home. Do you know that most of the people who are shot never see themselves in the pictures that fill museums and appear in the front covers?

we want this book to reach Palestine. We want that they have this book at their homes. We want it to tie both shores of our Mediterranean.

That’s why, besides a POSTER of 50cmx70cm and a set of 5 POSTCARDS with pictures from the book and a T-shirt with a verse of Mahmud Darwix on it, we propose a reward in the shape of a BOOK OF SOLIDARITY that we’ll make it to reach the people from Gaza and Palestine.

Estimated calendar

The book is well advanced and we foresee to send it to you in the end of november.

+ Info:

Twitter David Segarra
Twitter Sembra Llibres
Facebook Sembra Llibres
Web Sembra Llibres


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  • Javier


    over 8 years

    Hola, quería saber si realizan el envio a Buenos Aires, Argentina, cual es el costo, cuanto tiempo tarda en llegar y cuales son las vias de pago


  • SembraLlibres


    almost 9 years

    Hola, muchas gracias por tu interés. Por favor, escríbenos a [email protected] con tus datos y te indicaremos cómo conseguirlo.

    Un saludo.

  • ramon santamaria

    ramon santamaria

    about 9 years

    Hola, desconocía vuestro estupendo proyecto y ahora que lo he visto en verkami, me gustaría disponer de un libro de los publicados. Si es posible os agradecere me informais del procedimiento. Gracias y saludos

  • fdepedro


    about 9 years

    Hola, hace meses que el proyecto parece estar acabado, pero no he recibido el libro ni tengo más información sobre el mismo. ¿Está ya distribuido? Si es así, no lo he visto aún. Gracias.

  • karmenduran29@yahoo.es

    [email protected]

    about 9 years

    Soy Carmen Durán Pérez(77541220-D) ice una aportación de 25€ para el proyecto, fue cobrado el pasado 25 de Octubre. Me correspondería Libro dedicado por el autor + libreto con traducción. Sin embargo nonhe recibido.



    about 9 years

    Hola, soy Carmen Durán Pérez (52564039T) y me han cobrado mi participación en su proyecto (lo pasaron por mi cuenta el día 25 de octubre de 2014): doné 25 euros. ¿Qué ha pasado?

  • peguej


    about 9 years

    Sòc l'únic a qui no li ha arribat el llibre?

  • marisa sanchez

    marisa sanchez

    over 9 years

    Me gustó mucho la entrevista que le hicieron en Radio3 este fin de semana y he buscado más información en internet con la idea de comprar el libro y cooperar. Lo siento, en catalán no me entero de nada y me da mucha pena,.......

  • elena


    over 9 years

    Ja podrem tenir-lo per a regalar-lo en Nadal?

  • Belinda Edo

    Belinda Edo

    over 9 years

    Hola, bon dia.

    Han començat ja els enviaments dels llibres? Estic impacient per rebre'l :)

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