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Calista Walks

Calista Walks is a music project of funk, soul and black music influences, was born in 2012 from the merger of cultures and knowledge with which the creators have been involved professionally in the last 10 years.

Sandra Fern

A project of


Created in

From 3.000€
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Who we are

Calista Walks is a project created by Sandra Fern, Francesc Ubanell and Lluís Costa, knowns musicians in this side of our country. A music project with funk, soul and black music influence that began in 2012 from a mix of experiences than they lived.

Those who came in 2014 Black Music Festival's inauguration were tested that who promise to be one of the best CD's in our region of this year about black music.

What will allocate your help

The help that we get will be full dedicated to record 11 original songs in a CD on english language with musicians and recording studios of our city, .and design, image and copies of this first album. Musicians that are going to recording with us and will be part of our shows are high level: Àngel Abad (Drums), Jordi Ruiz "popi" (Bass), Àlex Carbonell (Hammond), Albert Comaleras (Sax), Anna Pérez (back vocals), Cristina Collado (back vocals), Marta Pérez (back vocals) and some others colaborations to define.

Planned schedule

  • Entry on recording Studio: 1st november 2014

  • End recording: 15th december 2014

  • Mixing and mastering: during january 2015

  • Design and copies: during february 2015

  • Completion and delivery: 20th february 2015

Delivery of rewards will turn directly or send by mail.

Our dream and illusion is on your hands. Please, help us to get it and we will create the soundtrack of your lifes.

To learn more about us, you'll find:
Calista Facebook and Calista Twitter

Thanks you!!!


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#03 / Feliç any nou! Feliz año nuevo!

Hola amics, volem desitjar-vos un any nou ple de bona música i bons moments. Aviat us contactarem per recollir les vostres dades, mentrestant, acabeu de passar unes molt bones vacances.

Feliç any nou!

Hola amigos, queremos desearos un año nuevo lleno de buena música y buenos momentos. Pronto os contactaremos para recojer vuestros datos, mientras, acabad de pasar unas felices vacaciones.

Feliz año nuevo!!

#02 / Campaña finalizada: Gracias!

Hola amigos, han pasado estos dias de fiestas y volvemos a ponermos en marcha para terminar el disco de Calista Walks. Os agradecemos muchisimo vuestra ayuda! En breve os contactaremos individualmente para recoger vuestros datos y determinar la forma de entrega de las recompensas que seran, como indicabamos en la descripcion del Verkami, a mediados de febrero. Gracias de nuevo por vuestra ayuda! Seguimos en contacto.

#01 / Campanya finalitzada: Gràcies!

Hola amics, han passat aquests dies de festa i ens tornem a posar en marxa per tirar endavant el disc de Calista Walks. Us agraim moltíssim el vostre ajut! En breu us contactarem individualment per tal que ens detalleu les vostres dades i escolliu la forma d'entrega de les vostres recompenses que seràn, tal com us indicàvem al detall del Verkami, a mitjans de febrer. Gràcies de nou! Seguim en contacte!

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