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Remixes is an accordion pop-up book, an art-object book, a hand game, a journey through images. It unfolds and folds in free combinations to create suggestive, yet indeterminate worlds inhabited by characters of multiple personality in ever changing landscapes.

Carlos Cortiles Ballo

A project of

Created in

From 1.800€
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Achieved the goal of 1800€ to 15 days of the deadline.

The project is a reality but ... we can make it better!! we are going to the 2500€!.

If we reach 2500€ we can improve the editing, using a weighing 350g paper and making the covers (box-slide) hard. A deluxe edition thanks to you!

The project

Remixes is an accordion pop-up book, an art-object book, a hand game, a journey through images. It unfolds and folds in free combinations to create suggestive, yet indeterminate worlds inhabited by characters of multiple personality in ever changing landscapes.

The book is created in accordance with nature. Organic paint-work and spontaneous drawing are the creative principle of the imaginary landscapes, open to free interpretation and personal readings. From introspective observation comes the discovery of emotion in the fold of thought, populating the emptiness of ephemeral and changing existences.

The pages are not composed in a narrative form, rather their succession responds to an intuitive creative process. They are living images in the free unfolding of creative experience outwith the author. The book is based on experimentation, as much by the author in the creation of the images, as by the reader in his or her composition in reading, and is an ever changing visual language which is open to personal readings. Through the journey between the page folds and the open-ended suggestive images, the reader is the one who will create the landscapes.

Remixes is the result of the investigation of my imagination in a pop-up book format, to deepen the interaction of the images and their synchrony of meeting, and facilitate the generation of an intermediate landscape, which is situated between the book and a personal mode of perception.


Remixes is an accordion type pop-up visual book, consisting of 32 pages without text.

Format: 12x12cm folded and 12x193cm unfolded, (although to be wholly unfolded is not it’s function)

The technique is a digital remix of paint-work, drawing and photography.

The printed paper weighs 250g, with sufficient thickness to give the pages the rigidity of a book-object.

The cover is a slide-box.

500 copies printed in high quality offset


In addition to being able to purchase the book at a lower price than in bookstores, you have the option to choose between one, four or nine reproductions of pages from the book in 30x30cm size, signed and numbered. You can see enlarged images here.

Or a signed, original pop-up book of ten pages to choose from among five originals like this one.

To see the five books, clik here


This self-edition project is preceded by investigative research into the format of pop-up book as part of the development of my paintings, with the intention of being able to get my work to the public at an affordable price with a quality similar to the original. The edition is in high quality offset.

The publication of the book by self-edition in crowdfunding is the origin of a research of new media funding to make it possible carry out my artistic projects in an independent way, rather than through cultural institutions or publishers.

By your participation in the project as crowdfunder, you will make the printing of this object-book possible, by buying it before it is actually printed.

With your support, you will not only make this project possible, but will also support the creative continuity of my visual-art projects.

The total contributions of this project will be dedicated to the publication of the book. In the case of minimum figure being exceeded, the edition will be increased and improved.


The book will be printed about fifteen days after the 40 days for the support has ended. In accordance with the dates, there will be a presentation in Barcelona to deliver the rewards to the participants, or a mailing to those who could not attend.


If you want to know more about my work, visit my web

Or follow me in facebook


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1 comment

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  • josep


    over 10 years

    Hola buenos días

    Nuestra propuesta de colaboración consiste en imprimir su libro en nuestra empresa de artes gráficas INOM,S.A., con un importante descuento sobre presupuesto.

    Nuestro mail es: [email protected], 610403672


#03 / calendario

hola mecenas!

La edición se ha retrasado debido a la necesidad de presupuestar de nuevo la edición aportando mejoras.

Ahora ya está en proceso de impresión y estará listo en la primera semana de diciembre.

Sobre el 6 o 7 de diciembre se hará la presentación en Barcelona. Para los que no puedan asistir es necesario que me envieis vuestra dirección completa para realizar el envío por correo a mi e.mail: [email protected].

Una vez más, agradeceros vuestra participación en el proyecto, sin vosotros no hubiera sido posible!.

Un saludo.

Carlos Cortiles

#02 / Conseguido!

Hoy ha finalizado el plazo para las aportaciones superando la cantidad mínima y llegando a los 2395€.

Gracias a todas y todos los que habéis participado con vuestras aportaciones y difundiendo el proyecto!!, gracias a vosotros la edición de "Remixes" es una realidad.

En el plazo de 15 a 20 días según fechas de imprenta y agilidad de pagos, podré empezar las entregas.

Según estas fechas, se hará una presentación en un local de Barcelona ,aún por determinar, donde se entregarán las recompensas a los asistentes y a los que no asistan se les enviará por correo.

Os seguiré informando sobre la edición del libro y su presentación.

Un saludo!.

Carlos Cortiles

#01 / éxito

Alcanzado el objetivo de 1800€!!!

Ante todo agradecer el apoyo y las aportaciones recibidas por todos y todas en estos 25 días de proyecto!!

Ahora la edición del libro "Remixes" ya es una realidad pero lo podemos mejorar en los 15 días restantes si conseguimos llegar a los 2500€.

Alcanzando ésta cantidad, será posible editarlo en un papel de mayor gramaje y hacer las tapas (caja-slide) duras.

Desde aquí os animo a seguir compartiendo el proyecto con vuestros contactos con la ilusión de que ya es posible gracias a vosotros y de que podemos conseguir una edición de lujo alcanzando los 2500€.

Un saludo.

Carlos Cortiles

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