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Production of the show "IRON CARESSES"

MÚCAB DANS are a dance company that work with technology and multimedia in research of a close and decipherable language for the audience. We are preparing "IRON CARESSES" a spectacular, visual and poetic proposal taht will premiere at the Festival TNT - Terrassa New Trends 2013


A project of


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From 4.000€
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Múcab Dans are a dance company that work with technology and multimedia in research of a close and decipherable language for the general audience.

We like to take advantage of technological resources to provide innovative dimension to the public, and to the proposal, but having them always at the service of the movement, choreography and drama.

We are currently working on our second show for adults, * "IRON CARESSES" , which will be premiered in early October 2013 in **Festival TNT - Terrassa New Trends 2013* official program.

CAET (Center of Performing Arts of Terrassa) have relied in our work and they have decided to co-produce this show.

Other shows of the company

Pirouette en Re menor

Paper bubbles


"IRON CARESSES" is the evolution of a dance piece and articulated structures, "MUT[is]#01", which we premiered in 2011. A piece of 20 minutes where we began to work with an automaton and structures.

Was root of this work, "MUT[is]#01", that the TNT Festival decided to invest in our project and entrusted to us the premiere for the next edition Festival.

In this evolution, we have built a articulated scenery with pneumatic pistons that generate different scenic spaces and audiovisuals for that the dancers, and an automaton, will transport us to an unreal world.

A dance show, about 60 minutes, in that we will work with motion sensors to generate multimedia interaction, in real time, and with the mapping technique (projected non-flat surfaces) to generate visual resources on the articulated scenery.


The money we collect in this campaign will help us cover production costs, clothing, equipment hire, video recording, editing DVD and promotional material.

We do like to share with you the creative process, so from the website ** Múcab Dans ** we will keep you informed weekly of the creation process evolutions and, if you come to some exercise day, you can give us your * feedback* will help us a lot in the evolution of the show, to not get lost in the speech and maintain the connection with the audience.

  • We would like to offer you more rewards but our resources do not reach more. What we can guarantee is that we will all our heart into this project to make you feel proud to have brought your two cents. *


As we mentioned, this project began in 2011 with the creation MUT[is] since then we've been circling the proposal and have been building the set of the show.

Between May and June 2013 we have been defining the show and closing the team that should shape "IRON CARESSES".

In July and August begin the creation process in the Graner. We generate choreographic material, musical compositions and visual and multimedia tests.

In September we will be in Estruch de Sabadell closing the choreography on the drama of the show.

In this period of testing, we are happy to share with you the process of creating.

It will be in September when we will show an EXCLUSIVE Preview only for patrons.

It will be very special for us to share it with all who have helped us.

At the beginning of October, we will premiere "IRON CARESSES" in the official program TNT Festival.**

We will share this moment with all who want, from an exclusive position and end up with a glass of Cava.


Idea & creation: Múcab Dans company

coreography: Irina Martínez

dancers: Marta Fleta + Irina Martínez

scenography: Santi Cabús

control scenography: Joan Laporta

multimedia developers: Marco Domenichetti+Joan Laporta


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1 comment

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  • paqui borjasss

    paqui borjasss

    over 10 years

    Irina intento comunicarme contigo , me parece muy interesante vuestro proyecto y me gustaria un encuentro y donde y cuando actuais ..un abrazo.

    paqu borjas


hola a tot@s!!

HO HEM ACONSEGUIT!!!.. estem moooolt emocionaaaats!!! buuufff!!:)))

hem arribat als 4000€ per la producció del nou espectacle "CARÍCIES DE FERRO".. MOLTÍSSIMES GRÀCIES A TOTHOM, DE VERITAT!!!

us agraïm a tot@s el vostre suport i la vostra energia.. a tot@s l@s mecenes, als qui heu compartit el projecte, als qui haguéssiu volgut participar però la situació actual no us ho ha permès, a la família, als amics, als amics dels amics.. a tothom!.. MOLTES GRÀCIES!

Si tenies pensat fer-te mecenes de "CARÍCIES DE FERRO" i acompanyar-nos en aquest projecte, ENCARA HI ETS A TEMPS!

Verkami permet rebre aportacions fins que no es compleixin els 40 dies, en queden 5.. és per això que totes les aportacions que arribin a partir d'ara les destinarem a ampliar les despeses que havíem previst inicialment i que, en el seu moment, havíem pressupostat sota mínims per fer possible la campanya..

sou increïbles!

Múcab Dans company

#01 / Procés de creació al Graner - juliol/2013

hola a tots/es!!

el treball que estem fent a El Graner està donant molt bons resultats. Treballar de manera intensa en un espai tan ben equipat, és la millor manera per crear i poder-nos concentrar en el procés.

continuem investigant amb el moviment i la tecnologia, en trobar un llenguatge visual que pugui arribar al públic, sense abusar de les seves possibilitats. NO posar tecnologia perquè sí, si la dramatúrgia o l'escena no ens ho demana.

comencem a treballar amb Xarlene per generar el contingut de vídeo i l'estètica visual per l'espectacle Carícies de Ferro. Ens ve molt de gust treballar amb ella i donar matisos visuals que mereix cada moment.

MOLTES GRÀCIES a tots i totes per les vostres aportacions, esperem seguir a aquest ritme per arribar al nostre objectiu.

aviat us podrem oferir més novetats!!:p

Múcab Dans

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