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Lock yourself up with us in La Cabina

The only half-length international film festival. Films between 30 to 60 minutes. November 9th to the 18th in Valencia. “Virtue is found in the middle” Aristotle.

From 4.000€
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Five years ago we realized that there were hundreds of movies around the world that were between short films and feature films. Great stories from here and there, suffering a big problem: nobody knew they existed.
(If you’re curious, keep on reading….)

Very often, to enter the traditional commercial circuits, films have to adapts their story to demands that conflict with the creator’s original idea. But half-length films remain essential, believing in the idea that between 30 and 60 minutes there is “time enough to tell THEIR story”.

The film’s rights are owned by their producers, we are just a platform to promote them. What we want to do is improve the importance of half-length films and put them on the same level as short and feature films.

Welcome to La Cabina Once-in-a-world Festival


Our festival is celebrated during*ten days in the month of November.*

The opening night will take place at the Filmoteca and the screenings will take place at the IVAM (Valencia).

This year we’ve received 235 half-length films. 22 of them have been selected to participate in the festival. Among them, you’ll find what you like best: whether it is laughing, crying, heart attacks or discussion group beers, to figure out who really understood the ending of the movie.

Of course, we give awards. 7 awards + 1 (the public choice award, that’s to say YOUR award).

We also organize conferences and discussions to speak about the production, funding and creation of half-length films with guest directors. Very interesting for those of you that are students in any type of Audiovisual, Image and Sound careers; for those of you that love movies, or if you are simply an eager learner.

This 5th Edition counts with littleisdrawing. You don’t know who she is? Don’t miss our rewards.



La Cabina is a nonprofit festival. Whatever money we make, we reinvest in the Festival: trips and hotels for guest directors, equipment rental, prizes, funding the advertisement campaign, paying the staff…

Any extra money is reinvested in the Festival: making the prizes larger, bringing more guest directors, preparing work-shops for the public, extending the screening days, streaming the conferences…

We need you for several reasons:

  1. You are with us in the idea that culture is not a luxury item.

  2. You think Valencia has already suffered enough cultural cutbacks and don’t want La Cabina to become part of that list.

  3. You believe in our project and are crazy about movies.

COME, meat a great young team, relax after work, have some beers, check out some half-length films and remember to tell everyone what a blast you had!.


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#01 / ¡Llegamos a 10 mecenas!

Hoy hemos amanecido con nuevas aportaciones, alcanzando así al primer número redondo: diez mecenas. Lo que iniciamos la semana pasada con tanta ilusión como riesgo parece que va tomando forma, acortando pasito a pasito el camino que separa lo real de lo inalcanzable.

Queremos dar las gracias a nuestros 10 mecenas actuales por creer en nuestro proyecto y confiamos en que la fuerza que os ha llevado a darnos este apoyo, os moverá también a compartirlo con amigos y conocidos. Éste es un barco que movemos entre todos y el objetivo final no será posible si no conseguimos la cifra total.

De nuevo, y mil veces más si fuera preciso, GRACIAS.

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