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Ölivia Musyk first songs

Ölivia Musyk

A project of


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From 4.000€
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ÖLIVIA MUSYK are Clàudia Balletbó (voice) and Isabel Archs (violin and piano). We are words set to music and experimental music compositions situated between the classical and the intimated mainstream.

ANTICH VENTURA—CLAMARE It is our first job, it is currently in the middle of its production phase. We launched this crowdfunding campaign to be able to complete it. It’s a project that consists in two independent parts but articulated under the same line of investigation: loss, grief and the ways of expressing it. Side A of this project, ANTICH VENTURA, was released in the spring of 2021 and we would like to be able to publish CLAMARE, side B, in the spring of 2022.

In order to provide the project with the versatility that it deserves, we count on various expert hands that have embraced the project body and soul. Borja Ruiz for the musical production, Mariona Ibáñez Balletbó, Manar Taljo and Maria Ollé for the stage direction, Ignasi Àvila Padró for the artistic direction and Oscar Garrobé for the production and creation of the live music.

CLAMARE will be three pieces that articulate the need to prolong the farewell, and at the same time, it will be a kaleidoscope of the multiple silhouettes in which the farewell takes shape in the popular folklore of our people.

Collaboration is the epicenter of CLAMARE, and that is why the melodies, lyrics and ideas of three different artists have been added to it.

❶ The first movement, ENCARA ENS SURTEN FLORS takes place within the astral atmosphere of the pianist, producer and singer Marina Herlop, it’s a poem about physical and emotional emptiness.

PRUNE it is the musical portrait of the most familiar expression of pain, crying. Alongside the singer and songwriter The Bird Yellow it makes up the second movement.

LA XARRANCA, the third movement sheds light on the cultural traps we use to innocently evade any notion of death. Like a sea of ​​voices, the a cappella singing duo, Tarta Relena, makes an impression on this musical game.

The audiovisual team of this second project will be plural. The artist Clàudia Serrahima will connect PRUNE with her photographic proposal #aplordepell. On the other hand, Bruna Garcés and Marcel Pascual will reinterpret the musical notes of LA XARRANCA.

ANTICH VENTURA is the first part of our work and it was born from the need to give a musical meaning to the loss and mourning. At the same time, it’s a tribute to iaia Irene, girl, mother and grandmother. Antich Ventura proposes a narrative strategy for the process of the phases of grief:

LA MORT I LA PRIMAVERA is the first theme and comes from a list of flowers found in the works of Mercè Rodoreda.

❷ The second movement SEPULTURA EN RE MENOR is a reinterpretation of Malher's symphony, dressed as an epistolary collage from a granddaughter to her grandmother.

ELLA TRANQUIL·LA, the third movement has been built from real and imaginary conversations with Irene Antich Ventura.

The audiovisuals are three pieces with a symbolic continuity directed by Gerard Vidal and Pau Cruanyes, two film directors who work in the small format. Creators of “Celebració” (2016) and “Les dues nits d’ahir” (2020).

The money obtained through this campaign was secured in the following way:

❊ EARLY DIGITAL DOWNLOAD AND NAME IN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We send you CLAMARE in digital format before publication.

❊❊ SCREEN-PRINTED POSTCARD: We send you a screen-printed and dedicated postcard made by us manually in the creative space of art and screen printing the Àrtica Taller from la Barceloneta. Postcards are made with linen paper.

❊❊❊ TOTE BAG: We send you a tote bag with an exclusive design of ANTICH VENTURA—CLAMARE, made by us manually in the creative space for art and serigraphy, the Àrtica Taller from la Barceloneta. 100% cotton bag screen printed on both sides.

❊❊❊❊ VINYL: We send you our first ANTICH VENTURA—CLAMARE vinyl.

❀ SERIES OF ANALOGUE PHOTOS: We send you a series of analogical photographs framed in the atmosphere of grief and loss. Made by Isabel Archs.

❀❀ 2 TICKETS FOR THE VERKAMI PARTICIPANTS CONCERT: We send to you two tickets to attend the Verkami's party-concert on June 11, 2022. It will be a space where we can get to know each other and we will share to you our music. We will send you the location and time of the concert a week before.

❀❀❀ BOUQUET OF DRIED FLOWERS: We send you a bouquet of dried flowers.

☞ A SONG MADE FROM AN IDEA OF YOURS: We send you an exclusive song. You will be able to be part of the creation process of Ölivia Musyk. Send us an idea and it will be our starting point to make a song. The authorship of the song will be registered to the SGAE by Ölivia Musyk.

☞ PRIVATE CONCERT AT YOUR PLACE: We will do a concert at your place. The Ölivias bring music to your home. In a duo format, you can propose a space and a date and we will play an acoustic concert for you, an unusual and close experience.

During all this work process we have embraced two branches, pillars, in order to make our music available to the public.

Amen Discos is the record label of our project that, together with the El Pumarejo concert hall, provides us with a physical and virtual space where we can give voice to our proposals.

Masanai is the reservation, management and communication agency that embraces our project and at the same time it's a space where we can grow and transform ourselves into whatever we like the most.

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  • Rosa Uzñate

    Rosa Uzñate

    about 2 years

    Mucha suerte en vuestro nuevo proyecto.

  • Jordi Montblanc

    Jordi Montblanc

    about 2 years

    ¡Molts ànims i endavant amb projectes tant bonics!

  • Isabel Díaz

    Isabel Díaz

    about 2 years

    molt d'art per la vida

  • PRibera


    about 2 years


  • Alba Plou

    Alba Plou

    about 2 years

    Mi más sincera enhorabuena por el proyecto y el trabajo que realizáis. ¡Mucha suerte con la segunda parte del disco! Deseando escucharlo :D

  • Mariona Ibáñez Balletbó

    Mariona Ibáñez Balletbó

    about 2 years

    perquè en feu sortir moltes, de flors!

  • Irene Albarracin

    Irene Albarracin

    about 2 years


  • Xavi


    about 2 years

    Un projecte preciós d'un conjunt supertalentós! ART en majúscules! Per molts èxits!!

  • Alex Serrano

    Alex Serrano Martinez

    about 2 years

    Dando pasta pa que lo que vaya sobre la pena i el dol sea el disco y no el verkami. Oye puedo cambiar el vinilo por otra cosa? Soy minimalista. Quiero lo minimo de cosas materiales. Salu2

  • martacardus


    about 2 years

    Amb moltíssimes ganes de veure Antich Ventura fer-se realitat. Guardeu-me un seient a primera fila per l'amigui de Londres. Una super abraçada a les dues!!!


Estimades mecenes

Ja hem estrenat CLAMARE i estem molt contentes de com va anar el concert a la Sala Harlem Jazz.

Doneu-li molt amor i escoltes a la nostra música i feu-la arribar allà on considereu que és oportuna.

Dit això, COMENCEM A ENTREGAR RECOMPENSES DEL VERKAMI durant aquest mes de maig, rebreu les vostres recompenses amb tot l'amor del món.

Tenim moltíssimes ganes que pugueu tenir amb vosaltres el nostre Vinil i la resta del merchandising.

Estem en contacte per qualsevol cosa i molt amor a totes!



Estimades mecenes,

Aquestes últimes setmanes hem anat de bòlit!

Hem estat al taller de serigrafia de l’Àrtica, on les bosses i les postals del Verkami han començat a agafar color. Tenim moltes ganes d’acabar de fer els vostres paquets de recompenses i que ho pugueu gaudir de primera mà!

També estem assajant de valent amb full team Adri Cubells a l’atmosfera de percussions i Narr Eph a l’ecosistema del baix, perquè DIJOUS 5 DE MAIG TENIM UNA CITA.

El dijous 5 de maig a les 20h farem un concert de presentació de Clamare a la Sala Harlem de Barcelona, dins la programació del festival BarnaSants.

No us ho podeu perdre! Us deixem el link de les entrades aquí!!!

Seguim en contacte i amb moltes ganes de veure-us aviat.

Full pack Love a tuti <33



Estimades mecenes,

Esperem que poguéssiu gaudir en primícia de la nostra música i que fos del vostre grat.

Avui preestrenem el primer senzill de l'EP CLAMARE, una col·laboració amb Tarta Relena.

Enderrock ens ha fet una nota de premsa xulíssima. Cliqueu aquí i visiteu-la.

A partir de demà estarà disponible en totes les nostres plataformes, per tal que pugueu compartir-la amb tothom que ho desitgeu!

Estem molt contentes!

Aviat us farem arribar informació sobre les recompenses :)

Full love a tuti,




Ahir vam quedar anestesiades d'emoció, tanquem la campanya de Verkami amb el cor encès i a punt de vessar.

Antich Ventura - Clamare ja és una realitat i us estem molt agraïdes perquè és gràcies a cadascuna de les vostres aportacions que podem continuar dedicant hores i energia de qualitat a aquest treball.

Durant aquesta setmana vinent us farem arribar, a través de la mateixa pàgina de Verkami, un formulari per poder obtenir les dades d'enviament i començar a tramitar les recompenses.

Tenim moltíssimes ganes de compartir la nostra música i merchandising amb vosaltres.

Anirem posant-vos al dia a través d'aquest blog dels avenços del projecte.

Una abraçada gegant i full pack love


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