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Les catedrals, els orígens (Cathedrals and Origins)

Next February 2022 we would like to record our first album, including sacred Catalan works which have never been recorded before.


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Recording of our first album!

Les Catedrals, els origens (Cathedrals and Origins) is the first recording project of Cor Tessàlia, a vocal group which was formed as a group of ex-pupils of Barcelona Cathedral. Throughout its 23 years, the interpretation and the diffusion of sacred music have been its two principal objectives.

On the 19th and 20th February 2022, we would like to record our first album in a beautiful setting with great sound: the Capella de L’Esperança (Chapel of Hope) in Barcelona. We will work with highly skilledprofessionals: sound engineer Enric Giné and organist Daniel Tarrida, under the artistic lead of our musical director Xavier García Cardona.

Can you help us make this possible? Thank you!

The programme we have chosen will transport us back to the origins of the choir: works by composers (mostly Barroque) who are connected to Barcelona Cathedral, but also to other historical Catalan musical institutions.

What makes this project unique is that five of the pieces are new to sacred Catalan repertoire and have never been recorded before:

  • Benedicamus Domino, by Joan Pau Pujol

  • The hymn Vexilla Regis, by Pere Riquet.

  • Two responses for Maundy Tursday: In Monte Oliveti and Amicus meus, by
    Pere Egidi Fontseca -a very little-known composer-

  • O Crux by Joan Borgueres

These works were found amongst other scores in Manuscript 59 of the Orfeó Català (Catalan Choral Society) Documentation Centre. They were transcribed by the musicologist Bernat Cabré and were edited in 2016 by the music publisher Ficta.

To complete the album:

  • The motets Adoro te devote and Regina Coeli, by Joan Cererols

  • Unus ex discipulis meis, by Narcís Casanovas

  • The motet Peccantem me quotidie, by Francesc Valls (a little-performed piece).

  • Stella splendens, from the Llibre Vermell de Montserrat ("Red Book of Maontserrat")

Alongside the recording, we would like to provide a digital programme presenting all the works, which will include inspirational photography for each piece. These images will be captured by our choir member and photographer, Ignacio Font.

In this manner, this project will unite a variety of different artistic disciplines: musicology, photography and, of course, choral arts.

We have had the opportunity of singing this repertoire, along with works by Ferran Sors, Pau Casals, Bernat Vivancos, Josep Vila or Ferran Cruixent, in various choral cycless and emblematic venues:

  • The Monestary of Sant Cugat del Vallès, at the Cycle: Sacred Music at the Monastery

  • The Petit Palau at the Palau de la Música Catalana (Catalan Music Palace) in Barcelona

  • The Demonstration of Religious Poliphony Fernando Gigante (Damiel, Ciudad Real)

  • St Llorenç Parish, Barcelona

And we plan to continue doing so in 2022:

  • The Quòdlibet Cycle of Mollins del Rei

  • The Monastery of Santa Clara (Medina de Pomar, Burgos)

As well as sharing this programme via different performances, we want to go even further by leaving an everlasting vocal tribute to these unique works of sacred Catalan repertoire.


Who are we?

Choir Tessàlia

The Cor Tessàlia is a choir with a solid musical foundation and a long history in the field, with a repertoire comprising of ancient music right up to the 21st Century. It was founded in 1998 under the direction of Gemma Tatay, continuing with Jordi Marín, Damiàn Moragas and Laia Santanach. Currently it is directed by Xavier Garcia Cardona, in whose hands the choir has taken on a new lease of life and new projects for the future.

Enric Giné i Guix, sound engineer

He is the founder and coordinator of Tasso Laboratori de so Within the field of musical production, he specialises in classical and contemporary music, both instrumental and choral, traditional and jazz. Since 2009 he has co-produced nearly one hundred CDs and other audiovisual formats (DVD, video).

Daniel Tarrida, organist

Born in Barcelona, he began with piano under A. Giménez Attenelle, and continued his studies with C. Valero and A. Besses. He was awarded, among others, first prize in the XXVII Young Players and Young Musicians competition. He is the founder of the BZM project and director of the festivals BACHELONA and EDINBACH (in Edinburgh). With the field of the “Lied” he has worked with F. Poyato, A. Mateu, T. Ruf and M. Shirai, and has recently formed a duet with C. Tinnet. He is also making scenic proposals connected with classical music, such as the shows Somiant el Carnaval dels Animals (Dreaming of the Carnial of Animals) and La Casa Flotant (The Floating House) at the Liceu Opera House, and El Castillo Rojo (The Red Castle) at the 58th International Fesival of Music and Dance of Grenada.

Xavier García Cardona

Director, composer, pianist and teacher, he is licenced in Orchestral Direction at the Superior Conservatoire of the Liceu. He is Director of the Choir Tessàlia and the Quòdlibet Choral Society. He has directed the Barroque Orchestra of Barcelona, the Youth Operatic project and Youth Orchestra Barcino and has been Director of the Choir Diaula, the Choir Ariadna of the Madrigal Choir Group and is the founder and c-director of the Revoice International Vocal Ensemble, with whom he has performed in Italy, Germany, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Turkey and Poland. He is a member of the artistic team of the Federation of Youth Choirs of Catalonia. In the field of composition, he has been won various awards and his works are performed across Spain, Europe and Latin America.

What are we crowdfundng for?

To finance the costs, the complete process of the creation and redaction of the poster and digital programme, as well as the coordination and financing of the project, we will contribute half personally, through the unpaid work of the choir members. Therefore your contributions will be used to finance:

  • The sound engineer

  • The lease of the organ

  • The organist

  • Musical direction

  • Other financial costs

This graph shows how much we wish to allocate to what area:

Proposed calendar

The objective is to make the recording on 19th-20th February 2022 and to publish the album and perform the presentational concert around June 2022.

+ Info

You can find more information about the choir and the project and can contact us via our email, website and social networks:

[email protected]


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  • Quetes


    over 2 years

    Mucha suerte y saludos desde La Rioja

  • Alitinez


    over 2 years

    ¡¡¡Para vuestro proyecto, de parte de una "ex-tessalenca"!!!

  • alvaro


    over 2 years

    Garci me ha ayudado a conocer el negocio del cine.

  • GabinoC


    over 2 years

    Molta merda!

  • ferranhs


    over 2 years

    He iogurt fer tor el procés sense problema!

#04 / Seguim avançant

(en castellano debajo)

El temps passa volant i ja som pràcticament a final de curs!

Al Cor Tessàlia, a més a més de tota la nostra activitat, que ha estat frenètica, hem estat treballant en la finalització de Les Catedrals, els orígens. La postproducció avança a bon ritme i ja n'hem pogut sentir algun tastet que té mooolt bona pinta. I esperem tenir-ho tot plegat llest ben aviat.

Això també vol dir que s'acosta el moment de rebre les vostres recompenses!!!

Per això, en els propers dies rebreu les comunicacions amb els formularis corresponents perquè ens contesteu amb tot el que necessitem per a poder-vos entregar les recompenses de la manera més còmode possible.

Estarem encantats de rebre les vostres respostes i els vostres comentaris.

Sense vosaltres aquest nostre primer àlbum no s'hagués convertit mai en realitat. Moltes gràcies novament per la vostra ajuda!

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#03 / Gravació completada amb èxit i pas a postproducció

Ja fa tres setmanes de la gravació! I tot i que ens hem posat ja amb altres projectes i per això anem una mica tard en aquesta actualització (disculpeu-nos...), hem tingut temps d'assegurar que disposarem de molt bon material per completar la postproducció. Així que novament, moltes gràcies.

Cor Tessàlia - Enregistrament
Cor Tessàlia - Enregistrament

Tenim també dues notícies més a traslladar-vos: la bona, és que podrem fer el concert de presentació de l'enregsitrament a la mateixa Capella de l'Esperança i molt probablement amb el mateix orgue de la grabació; la no tant bona és que, mirant els calendaris, la postproducció no podrà estar finalitzada abans del juliol i, per tant, la presentació no la podrem fer fins la tardor.

En breu us passarem els formularis corresponents perquè aquells qui vindreu a un dels assaigs pogueu confimar-nos l'assitència i escollir el dia. I cap a finals de curs enviarem la resta dels formularis pels qui teniu entrades per al concert o per a la conferència.

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#02 / Ja ho tenim tot apunt

Gràcies a vosaltres, aquest serà un cap de setmana d'enregistrament!!!

Tenim per endavant dos dies molt intensos on farem tot el possible per fer lluir, tal com mereix, tota aquesta bona música que hem treballat els darrers mesos. I ens fa molta il·lusió.

I als mecenes que hagueu decidit acompanyar-nos en alguna de les sessions, ens veiem durant el cap de setmana.

Records a tothom i fins la propera actualizació!

#01 / Moltes gràcies, mecenes!

Moltes, moltíssimes gràcies a tothom qui heu contribuït a fer possible aquest projecte.

Amb la vostra ajuda podem tirar endavant i, tal com havíem planificat, el nostre primer enregistrament es farà el cap de setmana del 19 i 20 de febrer d'enguany.

A partir d'ara ens anirem posant en contacte amb vosaltres per anar perfilant com entregar-vos les recompenses: primer amb qui assisteixi a alguna de les sessions de grabació, per tal de concretar-ne el dia; més endavant amb qui vingui a un assaig amb nosaltres; finalment, una vegada haguem fixat la data pel concert de presentació, amb tota la resta, per a què ens confirmeu el nombre d'assistents a la conferència i al concert i també perquè ens indiqueu amb quines dades voleu aparèixer en els agraïments.

A través d'aquest blog us anirem informant de tots els avenços.

Records a tothom i fins ben aviat!

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