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VerdSions: Album + Novel

9th WorkAlbum by VerdCel. Book-CD of Catalan adaptations of pop and international song + Fragmented novel with illustrations and photos.


A project of


Created in

From 3.500€
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View project in Català and Castellano

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What is VerdSions?

With VerdSions we celebrate 15 years since the edition of the first WorkAlbum, PaisViatge.

VerdSions will be the 9th work by VerdCel in this format which is already characteristic of him, where the songs from the album accompany a book creating a complete work.

Definitive cover of the 9th WorkAlbum by VerdCel:
Definitive cover of the 9th WorkAlbum by VerdCel: 'VerdSions'

In this case the volume that complements the music will be a fragmentary novel, a story book with illustrations and photographs. A narrative brittle that draws a large mosaic as a Life Soundtrack in the format of Book-CD.

The album, only in this limited edition, will include 19 songs. 5 more songs than the digital distribution of the disc on platforms or in any other publications.

VerdCel, through this collection of ‘VerdSions’ proposes to enter the most bright moments in our lives and connect with beautiful emotions.

He gives us a compilation of little musical jewels which are part of a whole map of emotions.

Pop and international songwriting themes from different languages (English, Spanish, Italian and French) adapted to our own language and sifted through the verdceliana sieve.

They are clips of memory well hooked with the best of adhesives, a song.

A sort of biography that hides behind a selection of songs, some facts that are particular, but at the same time shared and universal.

Idea > Project > Reality
Idea > Project > Reality

Some ideas become projects, and only a few projects end up turning into reality.

And in that sense you are crucial. This wouldn't make any sense without you by our side.

It's all about rewriting here and now, bringing to the present time, this "palace of the good memories”. And we will do it through crowdfunding: the process of participation and collective creation.

Take part of it and make VerdSions possible, taking in return a reward, which we will make sure is fair and generous, according to your donation.

We have prepared a series of rewards that we think may interest you.

About the rewards

From this campaign you can have access to exclusive rewards such as illustration prints, photograph prints of the work, handwritten lyrics, concerts at home and for organizations, etc. or also special discounts in the purchase of previous works.

All these rewards (except for the simplest one including only MP3) include the main work of this project: the Book-CD VerdSions.

Summary of the rewards
Summary of the rewards

The Print rewards will be printed in A3 (29'7 x 42cm) size, with illustrations by Daniel Olmo and/or photographs by Juan Miguel Morales. You can choose between:

  • Reward 'Print'. An illustration OR a photograph.

  • Reward '2Prints'. An illustration AND a photograph.

Illustrations by Daniel Olmo. Choose reward
Illustrations by Daniel Olmo. Choose reward 'Print/s'. Print in A3 size.

Find here a sample, although when the time comes we will send you a specific email where you can make your final choice.

Photographs by Juan Miguel Morales. Choose reward
Photographs by Juan Miguel Morales. Choose reward 'Print/s'. Print in A3 size.

Regarding the handwritten lyrics reward, we will also ask you the title of the 3 songs you choose.

The Book-CD VerdSions can be dedicated and signed if you wish so. Before shipping, we will ask you to whom it should be dedicated.

Sample image of the
Sample image of the 'VerdSIons' open book

Shipping costs included in the reward price for destinations within Spain, Catalunya Nord, Andorra and l'Alguer.

Other destinations, we will add the corresponding shipping costs according to the area where the reward must be sent:

Outside Spain and the PPCC, you must add the shipping amount according to destination and reward.
Outside Spain and the PPCC, you must add the shipping amount according to destination and reward.

Where do your contributions go?

The amount collected will be invested in the manufacturing of the Book-CD, as well as the prints, illustrations and photographs, and the shipping costs, bank commissions and the Verkami platform commission.

If we exceed the manufacturing financing figure, then we will set a second goal. On the one hand we will expand the project reaching other areas also necessary in the follow-up and launch of a cultural project such as VerdSions, carrying out audiovisual works with Clips and Video Lyrics. On the other hand, it will be helpful to assume part of the high costs of music and book production.

Shipping schedule:

  • MP3-WAV of the full album with the 19 songs: December 2021.

  • Rest of rewards: between January and February.

We indicate February in the rewards so as not to step on our fingers. lvThe sooner we have it resolved, the sooner you will receive it. In this sense, we will do everything in our power.

It will be essential that you reply to the emails with your data for shipment and your choices in cases where the reward requires it.

Previous projects

VerdCel has recently accomplished, with your help, several crowdfunding projects. Since 2011 they have cultivated this complicity and is a guarantee of success and quality.

6 are the projects carried out with the complicity of the people
6 are the projects carried out with the complicity of the people


Indi(e) and polyhedral songwriting.

VerdCel is songwriting in 3D. Interdisciplinary, indigenous and independent. It embraces song, image, text, action and points out where commitment and beauty blend into the horizon. Indi(e) and polyhedral songwriting .

More than 20 years on stage, 13 published albums, 8 books and several audiovisual works (documentaries, short films, clips, lyrics). They have received awards for their albums, songs, live performance and design. With 8 works of their own, they have also worked in depth the historical memory and poetry related to other authors' songs, as well as the work by Raimon and Ovidi Montllor.

To Alfons, everything is born from the writing, from the emotion of sharing, the message to be transmitted. He is used to living together with art, theatre, poetry, photography, video, etc, which has led him to naturally mix disciplines in his creative process.

Always from an activist perspective, certain values, people, nature, social justice, own language and culture in the face of cultural hegemony.

Inside book illustration
Inside book illustration

Inside book illustration
Inside book illustration

Networks and links:
VerdSions Project-
Facebook VerdCel -
Instagram -TikTok -
Facebook Alfons -
Twitter - Youtube -
Spotify - BandCamp -
Estudi Grafema-


  • Can I now access Discounted Rewards already sold out?

    ⚙️ Some of those registered in the Priority List have received the 1st mail late due to an error in the mail manager.
    👌🏽 If this is your case and you had planned to contribute to a "Mañanera" reward with a discount, you can contact us and we will solve it.

    Follow these steps:

    📧 - Write to us at [email protected] and tell us with which email you were registered in the "priority list".
    🎁- Indicate to which reward, of those that had a discount (those that you will find below the verkami deactivated), you wanted to contribute.
    ✅- Also indicate the email with which you are registered with Verkami.
    💳- Indicate which way you prefer to make the deposit: Bizum, transfer or paypal.
    ✒️- We will indicate data for the entry and once you do it, it will be done.

    We will communicate it to Verkami internally and they will add it to your account, thus appearing among the rewards. It will be recorded for the rest of the communications and steps such as shipping.

    • 🌬️Many people have already given us their boost. 🤗 1000 Thanks 🤗

    At the beginning it is essential. -

Do you have any other queries or questions?

Ask the author


If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.

  • VerdCel


    over 2 years

    Gràcies per l'aportació Veronica. Abraçada enorme!!1 <3

  • Veronica Compañ Olmo

    Veronica Compañ Olmo

    over 2 years

    Gran projecte!

  • VerdCel


    over 2 years

    gràcies Adrià per l'empenta! Esperem amb delit que ho pugueu gaudir. Amb ganes de compartir!

  • Adrià Coll Torrents

    Adrià Coll Torrents

    over 2 years

    Endavant amb la música !!!

  • VerdCel


    over 2 years

    Tominyet. Per ací també hi ha ganes de poder compartir-ho i que ho gaudiu molt!

  • Tominyet


    over 2 years

    Amb ganes de veure el vostre treball. Gràcies i salut des d'Igualada

  • VerdCel


    over 2 years

    Gràcies per l'empenta txeic-tgn . Igualment. salut i força! ;) <3

  • txeic-tgn-


    over 2 years

    Força i Salut !

  • VerdCel


    over 2 years

    Quin goig llegir-te des del Delta. Bona terra i millor gent. Gràcies per l'empenta. Amb tot l'entusiasme de què el pugueu gaudir. 🙌🏽🙌🏽 💚💚

  • adam


    over 2 years

    Amb moltes ganes d'escoltar el disc sencer. Salutacions des del Delta de l'Ebre.

#07 / ✌🏼Victòria col·lectiva. ✅2n objectiu aconseguit.

✌🏼 Es tracta d'una victòria col·lectiva.
🏆 Ho heu fet possible. ✅ Verkami aconseguit.
📈 Hem arribat més enllà del 2n objectiu, amb 4300€ i 125 aportacions.

🤗 Agraïm tota la participació, el seguiment i la difusió de tothom.

⚙️ Per la nostra banda, finalitzarem el procés de creació de l'edició completa, del Llibre+CD, i procedirem a la seua fabricació amb la resta de recompneses. ⚒️

🎁 Volem brindar-vos un treball amb tot l'amor. 💚 Perquè s'ho mereixeu.
💐 Esperem que el pugueu gaudir moltíssim.
🙌🏼 Tenim moltes ganes de compartir-lo.

🗣️ Tindreu notícies nostres en breu.

🙏🏼Novament, gràcies eternes! 🌸

👉🏽Apunta't al Canal ☎️ de 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦: https://t.me/canalverdcel on et contem motivacions del treball i altres pericipècies.

#06 / 🗣️Últim tram. 5 dies. Nou objectiu. 🎁 Regal si l'assolim!

[CAST debajo - ENG BELOW]

🛣️ Ara sí que estem a l'ú𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐦 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐦.
🗣️Tenim al davant un nou objectiu i 𝐧𝐨𝐦é𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝟓 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬. 🤞🏼

📙💿 Amb 10 noves aportacions per al Llibre-CD ho aconseguiríem!
💥 Hi ha una nova recompensa pel 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐝'𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐚 a Bcn de VerdSions. 🎟️ Preu verkami 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐚 𝟏𝟎€ 🎫 - en taquilla 15.

🎁 Si assolim el segon horitzó tots els mecenes rebran el regal d'una làmina xicoteta (17x24cm).

👉 https://vkm.is/verdsions 🔗

🙌🏽 Ajuda'ns a fer-ho possible: 👉 https://vkm.is/verdsions 🔗

Apunta't al Canal ☎️ de 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦: https://t.me/canalverdcel on et contem motivacions del treball i altres peripècies.


🛣️ Ahora sí que estamos en el último tramo.
🗣️Tenemos por delante un nuevo objetivo y solo quedan 5 dias. 🤞🏼

👉 https://vkm.is/verdsions 🔗

📙💿 ¡Con 10 nuevas aportaciones para el Libro-CD lo conseguiríamos!
💥 Hay una nueva recompensa por el concierto de estreno en Barcelona de VerdSions. 🎟️ Precio verkami 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐚 𝟏𝟎€ 🎫 - en taquilla 15.

🎁 Si logramos el read more

#05 / 💥 🅝🅞🅥🅐 🅡🅔🅒🅞🅜🅟🅔🅝🅢🅐. 🎟️ 𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐚

[CASTELLANO debajo - ENGLISH below]


🎟️ 𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐚 VerdSions a BCN. Preu especial Verkamistes 10€ (taquilla 15€).

📅 Divendres 4 Març 20h Casinet d'Hostafrancs.
🎫🎟️ Podeu comprar-ne tantes com vulgueu.
📙💿 També teniu el paquet d'Entrada + Llibre-CD.

🛣️ Hi ha un segon Objectiu al davant. 🧱Tota pedra fa paret.
💪Fes el pas, clica l'𝐞𝐧𝐥𝐥𝐚ç i emporta't el teu 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥:
👉 https://vkm.is/verdsions

☎️ Uneix-te al canal de 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦: https://t.me/canalverdcel

🎟️ 𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐝a 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜i𝐞𝐫𝐭o 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧o VerdSions a. Precio especial Verkamistas 10€ (taquilla 15€).
📅 Viernes 4 Marzo 20h Casinet d'Hostafrancs.
🎫🎟️ Puedes comprar tantas como desees.
📙💿 También tienes disponible el paquete de Entrada + Libro-CD.

🛣️ Hay un segundo Objetivo por delante. 🧱Toda aportación es bien recibida.
💪Da el paso, clica el 𝐞𝐧𝐥ace y llévate tu 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥o:
👉 https://vkm.is/verdsions 🔗

☎️ Únete al canal de 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦: https://t.me/canalverdcel


read more

#04 / 🎉1r Objectiu assolit en 30 dies. 🔓 Ampliem termini i horitzó 💚

🎉 Ho heu tornat a fer!!
💪Sou molt grans, enormes! 💚

💥 En 𝐧𝐨𝐦é𝐬 𝟑𝟎 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬 hem aconseguit l'objectiu marcat.
🔓 Obrim 𝟏𝟓 🅳🅸🅴🆂 🅼é🆂 el Verkami i ampliem l' H O R I T Z Ó 🛣️
⚠️ Estigues atent que llançarem 𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐬 🎁
👉 https://vkm.is/verdsions 🔗

✅ Hem assolit la fabricació i despeses de VerdSions.
🏆 Amb el segon objectiu de 4200€ podrem cobrir costos per realitzar Vídeo Lyrics de les cançons. 📺 📽️

😻 Quan 𝗺é𝘀 𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗿𝗲, més dolç 🙌🏽

Desenvoluparem el projecte assolint altres àmbits també necessaris en l'acompanyament i llançament d'una obra cultural com VerdSions.

🌸 𝗘𝗻𝘀 𝗮𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗻𝘆𝗲𝘀? 💐
💪Fes el pas, clica l'𝐞𝐧𝐥𝐥𝐚ç i emporta't el teu 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥:
👉 https://vkm.is/verdsions 🔗

☎️ Uneix-te al canal de 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦: https://t.me/canalverdcel

#03 / 💐 Escolta en primícia un avançament de VerdSions [CAST - ENG] 💚

[CASTELLANO más abajo - ENGLISH Below]

✨ Un primer pas.  Aquest és el primer avançament del 💐 disc VerdSions (LlibreCD). 

🤗 La volem compartir amb vosaltres, per agrair-vos el vostre impuls i animar als que encara no heu participat.

🎶 "Un i altre cop", adaptació de "Time after time" de Cyndi Lauper, és una de les peces d'aquest nou ObraDisc de VerdCel.

💿 En la seua versió física hi haurà 5 peces més que en l'edició digital (fins a 19 cançons!).

📙 A més, aquest treball vindrà acompanyat d'un Llibre amb una novel·la fragmentada, il·lustracions i fotografies.

🙌🏽 Comparteix el projecte, i no ho dubtes més: fes el pas, clica a l'enllaç i troba el teu regal:

🔗 https://vkm.is/VerdSions 👈👈👈

🖖🏽 Uneix-te al canal de Telegram: ☎️ https://t.me/canalverdcel



✨ Un primer paso. Éste es el primer adelanto del disco 💐 VerdSions (LibroCD).

🤗 La queremos compartir con ustedes, para agradecerles su impulso y animarread more

#02 / 50+50. 🌸 Anem per bon camí [CAST - ENG]

🤗 Us estem infinitament agraïts.
✅ Amb menys de quinze dies en funcionament, amb 50 aportacions rebudes i vora el 50% del projecte assolit, només podem dir que això pinta molt i molt bé. 💐

📉 Però el camí continua i no hem de baixar la guàrdia. 📈 El recorregut és llarg. Els propòsits compartits.

🌈 Així és que dona llum i fes possible aquest somni.
🌸 Encén-lo de vida.

👉 Participa, fes-ne difusió i uneix-te al canal de Telegram: ☎️ https://t.me/canalverdcel



🤗 Os estamos infinitamente agradecidos.
✅ Con menos de quince días en funcionamiento, con 50 aportaciones recibidas y cerca del 50% del proyecto alcanzado, sólo podemos decir que esto pinta muy bien. 💐

📉 Pero el camino continúa y no debemos bajar la guardia. 📈 El recorrido es largo. Los propósitos compartidos.

🌈 Así es que da luz y haz posible este sueño.
🌸 Enciéndalo de vida.

👉 Participa, haz difusión y únete al canal de Telegram: ☎️ https://t.me/canalverdcel


🤗 We are infinitely grateful to you.
read more

#01 / ⚙️Recompenses Matineres amb descompte ✅ Un aspecte tècnic.

[ESP Debajo - ENG Below]

⚙️ Alguns dels inscrits a la Llista prioritària heu rebut el 1r mail tard per una errada en el gestor de correu.
👌🏽 Si és el teu cas i tenies pensat agafar una recompensa "Matinera" amb descompte, pots contactar-nos i ho solucionem.

Segueix aquests passos:

📧 - Escriu-nos al correu [email protected] i indica'ns amb quin correu estaves inscrit a la "llista prioritària".
🎁- Indica a quina recompensa, de les que tenien descompte (les quals trobaràs baix del verkami desactivades), volies aportar.
✅- Indica també el correu electrònic amb que estàs donat d'alta a verkami.
💳- Indica quina via prefereixes per a fer l'ingrés: Bizum, transferència o paypal.
✒️- T'indicarem dades per a l'ingrés i una vegada fet, ja estarà tot.

Nosaltres ho comunicarem a Verkami internament i ho afegiran al teu compte, i així constarà entre les recompenses i quedarà registrat per a la resta de comunicacions i passos com l'enviament.

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