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Bilingual tale English - Spanish "The brave princess and the selfish dragon/ La princesa valiente y el dragón egoísta"

Bilingual reversible tale English/Spanish, with games and activities. Recommended for children between 5 and 10 to take care of nature.

Cristina Roma

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From 2.200€
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Synopsis: Bilingual tale from the serie "Read, learn and play in English" /" Lee, aprende y juega en español" (there are two previous autopublished books). A princess is expelled from her castle by a dragon who wants everything for him. Looking for her father, she will find out the environmental problems her kingdom is involved and the consequences those imply. With the help of a magic present and her own bravery, she will solve the problems of her kingdom and will discover that teaching by acting as an example is the best weapon against pollution, since damaging the planet is damaging ourselves.


Under the brand "La estanteria de Cris" borns this collection of bilingual books English-Spanish which have their origin in the theater. The texts of these tales were created as a script for storytellers that years later and after having place in many stages for children audience is adaptated for narrative. The idea was to get with their messages and fun to all kind of children.

The physical books present double cover and confronted pages. The two previous books were made in soft cover while this last will be made in hard cover. They include games and didactic activities.

They can be enjoyed at home or as a didactic resource for Spanish language, English or Values.

They help to encourage reading, improving creativity and cognitive development. They can serve to work grammar, reading comprehension and writing.

They can be used as a theater play working speaking and listening in a fun way for the children.

In 2019 the first bilingual book is published under the name "Amigos en el bosque"/ "Friends in the forest" trying to be a funny tool for teachers, parents and children by learning values and languages.

Friends in the forest
Friends in the forest

Synopsis: Willy is a hedgehog who lives in a forest. Some day, he meets a mouse called Bob, who travels around the world. Bob will teach Willy how to be a good explorer meanwhile friendship is raising.

Values: Friendship, multiculturality, integration.

In this line is created in 2020 "¡Fuera de aquí monstruos!" /"Go away monsters" which deals with bullying as an increasing problem in schools.

Go away monsters!
Go away monsters!

Synopsis: Sarah loves going to school until Halloween's disguised children appear in her school annoying everyone. Sarah stops eating, sleeping and does not want to go to school anymore. Among teachers, parents and pupils bullying situations will be stopped.


Friends in the forest and Go away monsters! audiobook

In 2020 borns this product as a complement of the previous books. Whic benefits do audiobooks have? Children can be gratefully benefited using audiobooks in their daily routines given that they provide an easy way of training listening skill as well as helping to understand the information they are reading. Children are like sponges absorving new knowledge every time, therefore, listening audiobooks about different topics can help to develop their minds, improving their reading comprehension, imagination, creativity, etc. Besides, using audiobooks with physical books will contribute reading learning, grammar, puntuation, intonation and acquiring the reading habit.

On the other hand, tutors and parents can also be benefited since they do not need to do the effort of reading every time their children want to read a book.

About the prizes

There will be a variety of prizes: the book in hard cover of 22x20cm in stucco paper, bookmark of the book and your name in the acknowledgments will be present in every prize.

Moreover, you will be able of acquiring the previous books of the collection with their corresponding bookmarks and the audiobook.

There will be other products as magnets, stickers, posters, pictures for colouring, textile bags, puzzles and an activity book for teachers.

Every prize includes shipment expenses for Spain. For international shipment there will be additional prizes (one for european countries and other one for the rest of the countries). There will be a certificated shipment option as well.

Who are we

Cristina Rodríguez Martínez
Cristina Rodríguez Martínez

The author of this book and the bilingual collection is Cristina Rodríguez. She loves books, tales and children. She is an actress, animator and English teacher.

Cristina Rodríguez is graduated in Performance Arts since 2009 by the ESAD of Murcia.

She is working for more than six years performing bilingual storytellings and giving English and theater classes for children between three and sixteen years old. She is working in children's theater for ten years. Furthermore, she worked as a children tales speaker in Edinburgh and is working with kids since she was very young.

She has lived in Scotland, EEUU and Sweden where she have been improving her English language skills. In 2020 she was graduated in Bilingual Primary Education in the University of Murcia.

During the last years, she has been training in voice dubbing and children's literacy.

María Gutiérrez
María Gutiérrez

In her team is babuinoestudio, created by María Gutiérrez, psychologist and graphic designer who appart from draft the books launchs now as a new illustrator for this project.

María Gutiérrez was councel of Media Communication in La Verdad newspaper in Murcia where she elaborated and planned writing and digital press in communication campaigns for different compannies in the region. In 2018 she jumped to the editorial area working as a graphic designer creating didactic resources, infographics and illustrations and as a editorial designer designing studies's manuals.

In 2020 she continues her proffesional career in Soycomotu fundation where she is currently working. She works as projects' coordinator and corporative and didactic resources design, mixting in this way, her knowledge about psychology and design. At the same time she works in her own brand babuinoestudio, making editorial and graphic work on request.

Where will your contributions go?

The contributions will be destined to pay illustrations, editorial design, edition expenses, prizes and printing.

Calendar for the project

August: campaign launching

September - October and November: Illustrations and editorial design

November: Printing

December: Postman delivery

+ Info

Web La estantería de Cris

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La estantería de Cris

La estantería de Cris


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  • Cristina Roma

    Cristina Roma

    over 2 years

    ¡Muchas gracias Luz!

  • LuzAGomez


    over 2 years

    Ay qué ganas de recibirlo! Muchos éxitos! @atmacuentos

  • VG escritor

    VG escritor

    over 2 years

    Mucho ánimo Cris

  • Cristina Roma

    Cristina Roma

    over 2 years

    Escribí desde la cuenta de mi padre, la tenía abierta en el móvil, perdón, jaja.

  • Cristina Roma

    Cristina Roma

    over 2 years

    Muchas gracias, me alegra enormemente que os encanten :)

  • Juan José Rodríguez M

    Juan José Rodríguez M

    over 2 years

    Muchas gracias, me alegra enormemente que os encanten :)

  • Mar


    over 2 years

    Nos encantan tus cuentos!

  • Cristina Roma

    Cristina Roma

    over 2 years


  • José Antonio

    José Antonio

    over 2 years

    Mucha suerte!

#05 / Libros recibidos y próximos a caer en vuestras manos si aún no lo han hecho

Buenas a todos,

Los libros llegaron de imprenta el 27 por la tarde, por tanto dentro de lo previsto, el grupo de los que los necesitaban para reyes fue enviado entre el 28 y el 29 por la mañana, me dijeron que os llegarán dentro de entre 3 y 5 días laborables. Todos los paquetes y los envíos fuera de España los he mandado certificados para mayor seguridad. De los no prioritarios también he ido enviando algunos por correo o contactando en persona, poco a poco os irán llegando a todos. SI tuvieseis dudas o no recibís vuestros libros en los próximos días no dudéis en contactar conmigo. ¡Feliz 2022! Os deseo un año bonito, lleno de salud y amor.

Hello there,

The books arrived 27th afternoon (just as… read more

#04 / Nombres para los agradecimientos

Buenos días mecenas,

El proceso avanza y necesitamos saber el nombre que quieres que aparezca en los agradecimientos del libro. Si tu nombre se corresponde con el nombre de usuario que tienes en Verkami, ignora este post. Si por el contrario, tu nombre de Verkami es un alias o un correo y quieres que en el libro aparezca tu nombre real, comenta este post con el nombre que quieres que reflejemos. Tienes de plazo 8 días para responder. ¡Gracias!

Good morning friend,

The process go on and we need to know the name that you want we use on the acknowledgments of the book. If your name corresponds to the name you have in Verkami just ignore this post. If, by contrast, your Verkami's name is an alias or an email and you want to see your real name on the book, comment this post with the name you want we write in it. You have 8 days to respond. Thanks!

#03 / Novedades / News

Buenas mecenas, este es un e-mail informativo sobre como va el proceso. En este punto la maquetación está prediseñada, las ilustraciones aún están siendo elaboradas y ya tenemos

recompensas de distintos packs
recompensas de distintos packs

listas el resto de recompensas: puzzles, bolsas de tela, pegatinas, pósters, imanes y marcapáginas. Os envío una foto para que veáis como han quedado. Una vez creado el diseño, tuve que buscar materiales ecológicos a un precio asequible (esa fue la parte más difícil), pero era imprescindible que así fuera para que el cuento tenga sentido. Estoy bastante satisfecha con el resultado. Espero que a vosotros también os gusten.

Aunque muchos de vosotros no pedisteis este tipo de recompensas, habrá algunas extra disponibles para los que estén interesados.

Las fechas estimadas no han cambiado con lo que esperamos tener los cuentos listos para enviar en diciembre antes de navidad. Seguiremos informando. Que tengas un buen día amig@.

Hi there,

read more

#02 / ¡Objetivo conseguido! Goal achieved!

Parecía que no llegábamos ¡pero lo conseguimos!, Muchas gracias a todos los que habéis creído en mi proyecto, gracias a vuestras aportaciones "La princesa valiente y el dragón egoísta" será una realidad.

En esta fase, babuinoestudio ya está trabajando a toda marcha en el borrador de las ilustraciones y maquetación del cuento. Durante este mes y el mes que viene trabajará en conseguir la mejor versión posible de esta historia. Primero lo hará con la parte de español y luego utilizará la maqueta creada para la parte en inglés. La última fase (a primeros de Noviembre) será crear la versión final juntando las dos partes en formato ebook y PDF para la posterior impresión.

Os mantendremos informados de como va el proceso. Cuando el proyecto esté cerca de finalizar mandaré un formulario con la información necesaria para hacer los envíos.

Feliz otoño

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#01 / Gracias y novedades en el proyecto

Buenas mecenas,

Muchas gracias por tu participación y apoyo. Ya van quedando pocos días y nos encontramos al 50% del objetivo conseguido. Para darle un empujoncito al proyecto he decidido añadir el audiolibro del cuento (en inglés y español) en formato mp3 ¡por sólo 3€ más!.

"¿Y para que quiero yo un audiolibro?" pensarás. Los audiolibros son otra forma de entender y disfrutar de un libro. Puedes escucharlos mientras descansas, ayudando a desarrollar la fantasía y la imaginación, además de producirte un estado de ensoñación placentero. Además, se pueden usar para trabajar idiomas, mejorando la pronunciación y dicción en la lectura y habla de dicho idioma.

Si puedes y te interesa, te animo a que cojas esta nueva recompensa antes del 10 de Septiembre. El enlace al proyecto es vkm.is/princesavaliente .


Un abrazo enorme.


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