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El Viaje, a tale for babies

A high-contrast book that stimulates visual development from birth and encourages attachment through a story to share.


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From 4.600€
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We are looking for backers to edit "El Viaje", a tale to share with babies from their first weeks of life. It is composed of high-contrast images that tell a story open to fantasy.

A tale... for babies only?

"El Viaje" is a tale that babies can watch, but people of any age will enjoy imagining about the story. It is a picture book, without text, innocent and a little absurd, that will captivate science fiction lovers, aerospace engineers and philologists.

But babies and families will find some more benefits in this book. "El Viaje", on the one hand, stimulates the development of the little ones' vision and, on the other hand, helps to create emotional bonds with the people around them if they opt for shared reading as a play. It will also be made of safe and resistant materials, so that it can be used as a toy when it is time to explore and experiment.

Stimulates visual development

High-contrast images contribute to babies' visual development in their first year of life. Sharp lines and geometric shapes help begin to coordinate eye muscles and the brain.

During their first weeks of life, babies see in black and white, and gradually incorporate red, green, yellow and blue. By four months, they see all colours, but they continue to be attracted to the higher contrast combinations.

"El Viaje" illustrations take advantage of all these keys to be useful and attractive to babies from their first weeks of life.

Helps to create emotional ties

Sharing the reading of stories with the newborn helps to create emotional bonds. Using different tones of voice, laughter, sounds, songs... the baby gets to know the people around him and understands reading as a game.

Unlike other high-contrast books, "El Viaje" presents a fantasy tale so that we can play telling the story and share it with older brothers or sister too.


For this campaign, we have designed several rewards that we believe will be very useful for both babies and adults:

"El Viaje" book. It is a cardboard book with spacers in a glossy laminated finish, with dimensions of 140x140mm. It consists of six hand-drawn double-page illustrations with well-defined strokes and high-contrast colour combinations (mainly black and white, but also red, yellow and blue).

A user guide. For those who have not yet tried reading stories with their babies (or those who already do and are looking for new ideas), we have prepared a user guide with information and tips to make shared reading a good experience. Among other things, we talk about baby's positions and tricks for interaction. In addition, we include our version of the story of "El Viaje" (which is neither the only one, nor the best!).

A backpack. A perfect bag for kindergarden, but it can also be used to carry books, snacks, toys... whatever comes up. It is made of cotton and there are two models to choose (black or natural tone), both with motifs from the story of "El Viaje".

Information for backers

If you have decided to become a backer, you will be pleased to know:

This is an "all or nothing" campaign. If the project does not reach its funding goal, you will receive your contribution back at the end of the fundraising period through the same payment method you used.

If the aim is reached by the end of the campaign, this is the planned schedule for the delivery of rewards for patrons:

Shipping costs are free within Spain. The shipment is made by ordinary mail through Correos. However, we include registered and international shipping options that can be selected on the right side of the campaign, in the form of rewards.


I am Ana Vega, a communicator by training and trainer by profession. My career began in the publishing world, but I have been working in social action for more than a decade.

I have been exploring children's literature for years and building illustrated stories for my captive audience. With CuentosCrecientes I want to open a door to self-publishing projects that have been meaningful to me, and that I think may be of interest to others.

"El Viaje" was initially created to give shape to a sleepless night, and ended up becoming a series of black and white drawings that sought to attract the attention of a lazy baby. When it proved to work, we share it. We consulted fifteen families who got involved, fought to stop their babies from eating the story models, and sent us their experiences and suggestions for improvement, which have been transferred to the final version that we will publish. So, in a way, all of them are also behind "El Viaje".

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  • For what ages is this book recommended?

    It is a book for children from 0 to 3 years old. During the first months, high-contrast images are useful for visual development and as an incentive for tummy time. Once this stage is passed, it becomes an object-toy to be manipulated and investigated, and ends up being an illustrated story for the pre-reading stage.

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#03 / Nuestros personajes, en un videojuego

Mientras dábamos los últimos retoques a “El Viaje”, surgió la oportunidad de prestar la imagen del libro a un videojuego para móvil y tablet. LHC estaba desarrollando un sencillo puzzle de agudeza visual y las ilustraciones de nuestro cuento encajaban perfectamente en el proyecto.

Así surgió “El Viaje”, un juego para toda la familia gratuito y sin publicidad, que consiste en intercambiar imágenes con el fin de conseguir alinear tres o más del mismo tipo (en horizontal o vertical). Es un reto visual de movimientos limitados en el que la dificultad radica en el número y similitud de las imágenes presentes en el panel de juego. Además, cuenta con una clasificación online para medir tu habilidad con el resto de jugadores.

Si queréis jugar, os dejamos el enlace:

Descarga gratuita en PlayStore (versión Android)

#02 / De cómo iniciamos "El Viaje"

“El Viaje” cuenta una historia en seis imágenes. Puede parecer poco pero, cuando aparece una puerta dimensional a medio camino, dan para mucho. Aunque no os desvelaremos el final, aquí adelantamos una de las ilustraciones más dramáticas. ¿Podéis imaginar cómo acaba?

Aunque el cuento nació una noche de insomnio hace más de tres años (anécdota, como un proyecto de patchwork), dibujamos su versión en blanco y negro en 2020. Necesitábamos algo que llamase la atención de una bebé poco aplicada en sus ejercicios boca abajo, pero que tenía fijación por ciertos cojines estampados. Indagando, topamos con las teorías sobre el desarrollo de la visión y el alto contraste, y creamos las láminas que ahora componen “El Viaje”.

Al ver que el cuento funcionaba como reclamo, lo compartimos con 15 familias con bebés de menos de un año, que lo usaron y nos mandaron propuestas. De esa fase, surgieron ideas sobre el formato, la inserción de nuevos colores o la creación de una guía de uso y lectura.

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#01 / ¡Empezamos!

¡Comenzamos el blog de la campaña de “El Viaje, un cuento para bebés”!

Muchas personas de las que nos seguís ya sabéis que esto es un proyecto en el que llevamos trabajando bastantes meses, que ha crecido poquito a poquito (como crecen las cosas que se llegan a amar). Algunas de vosotras incluso habéis formado parte del proceso.

En ese espacio, queremos hacer memoria y contárselo también a quienes se acercan a “El Viaje” a través de este Verkami. Y, por supuesto, os mantendremos al tanto de todas las novedades de la campaña.


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