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Ara Comença l’Scooter Run. Scooterisme a Catalunya 2009-2019

120 pages. Over 90 pictures. All about one of today’s wildest and most exciting subcultures.

Hector Vilar

A project of


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From 3.300€
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Welcome to the "Ara comença l'Scooter Run. Scooterisme a Catalunya 2009-2019" crowdfunding campaign page. A site dedicated to a new photographic book documenting the Catalonian scooter scene.

The book’s main characters are the scooterists, and the Vespas and Lambrettas that took part in a big array of rallies, gigs and parties from 2009 to the present day.

The pictures were shot with a low-cost camera, and often with expired or poor-quality film. This gives it a distorted and imperfect look that’s closely linked to the underground and analog world it documents - all totally removed from fashion and artifice.

The intention with this project is to put this small, authentic and exciting reality on record. Attending the scooter rallies armed with a 35mm film camera, my original plan was to log the scooters that made an appearance. The Vespas and Lambrettas often customised to their owners’ tastes, and upgraded by a huge array of modern spare parts, into reliable and powerful machines.

After a while however, the relatively small size of this scene meant that I soon ran out of new scooters to shoot. But my original motivation was transformed when I realised that scooter owners were more interesting than their machines anyway. Lovers of miles, parties, Northern Soul, Jamaican music, Punk, Oi! And Ska. All of them part of a subculture that was born in the United Kingdom during the 60s, grew in awareness in the 80s and settled down in Catalonia in the late 90s.

About the rewards

In addition to the book you’ll have the chance to acquire enhanced quality prints of the pictures in 30x45cm (12x18in) size, the maximum possible with 35mm analog film.

Mock up image, framework not included.
Mock up image, framework not included.

You will also have the opportunity to pre-order a batch of 5 or 10 copies. In this case, your logo and/or web address will appear in the book's credits page.


Hector Vilar is the scooterist and documentarian who will conduct this project from beginning to end; including photography, design and layout, pre-printing, advertising and more.

Where will your contributions go?

All money raised will go towards the printing of 300 copies of the book, the photographic prints and shipments.

Planned timetable

Once we have achieved the objective, we will begin printing the book and getting in touch with those of you who have booked enlargements of the photographs. From here we can send you a selection of images to choose from.

A month after we reach our goal, and have made contact with you all, we’ll start shipping.

All being well, this should happen beween the beginning and middle of April.

After that you’ll be able to enjoy your unique and authentic photographic record of scooter rallies over the years.

+ Info

For any questions or information about the project, you can e-mail us at [email protected]

You can find more details on our Facebook and Instagram

Thank you very much in advance.


There are none published yet.

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  • Charles


    about 3 years


  • Lydia


    about 3 years

    Hectorino, quina classe! Coneixent-te segur que és un llibre amb una direcció d'art finíssima. Can't wait de tenir-lo aquí a Flix, artista de la pista!

  • Carlos Egüen Sevillano

    Carlos Egüen Sevillano

    about 3 years

    La CSC finiquitando!!!😂😂😂

  • Egg198966


    over 3 years

    Moltes ganes de que surti aquest llibre de l'història escooterista



    over 3 years

    Enhorabuena por la iniciativa, ahora a esperar para poder tener el libro en mis manos.

  • gloria carmen doz bria

    gloria carmen doz bria

    over 3 years

    Quan tinguem el llibre físicament, el disfrutarem molt. Vinga, animeu-vos!!!

  • Martafreire


    over 3 years

    Fantastic book!!

  • Daniel Muñoz

    Daniel Muñoz

    over 3 years


  • Marina QB

    Marina QB

    over 3 years


  • Agustí Bernal Lucas

    Agustí Bernal Lucas

    over 3 years


#02 / Escalfant motors // Calentando motores

Després d'uns petits ajustos a la maquetació, estem en condicions d'entrar a màquines. Yiiiihaa! Si encara no hi som és degut tan sols a la burocràcia. Petits detalls que allarga el procés i ens escurça les ungles més del que ens agradaria.

Per part vostra, seguim trobant a faltar algún formulari emplenat que ens és necessari per fer l'enviament i la factura.

Reviseu sisplau la vostra carpeta d'spam al correu electrònic, no sigui cas que s'hagi quedat per allà.

I res més, esperem que la propera connexió ja sigui des de la impremta. Fot-li!


Después de unos pequeños ajustes en la maquetación, estamos en condiciones de entrar a máquina. Yiiiiihaa! Si aun no estaos ahí, solo se debe a la burocracia. Pequeños detalles que alargan el proceso y nos acortan las uñas más de lo que nos gustaría.

Por vuestro lado, echamos de menos algun formulario rellenado que nos es necesario para el envío y la factura.

Revisad por favor vuestra carpeta de spamread more

#01 / Ho hem aconseguit!!


Hola scooteristes i altra gent de mal viure.

Suposem que ja sabeu que la campanya de micromecentage ha estat un èxit i hem aconseguit l'objectiu. Moltíssimes gràcies a tots.

En aquests moments, Verkami està acabant de recaptar les vostres aportacions. En alguns casos, no ha estat possible per algún problema amb la targeta; reviseu sisplau el vostre e-mail per si ha entrat alguna notificació.

També us arribarà un formulari que haureu de retornar amb les vostres dades d'enviament i facturació.

Paral.lelament a la burocràcia, ens posarem en contacte amb la impremta per tancar la pre-impressió. Ja us anirem explicant els detalls.

Gràcies de nou, sou increïbles.


Hola scooteristas y demás gente de mal vivir:

A estas alturas ya sabréis que la campaña de micromecenazgo ha sido un éxito y hemos llegado al objetivo. Muchísimas gracias a todos.

read more

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