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IGNORANT, serie documental

12 breaking chapters that will introduce you to young artists from various backgrounds. Listen to their stories, you'll want to join them.

Las Lobas

A project of

Created in

From 5.000€
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The project IGNORANT embraces three elements: a documentary series, a magazine, and an event.



The project’s idea arises from the initiative of reflecting the effort, talent, and obstacles that people in the artistic and cultural sphere currently face.

The documentary series consists of twelve episodes. Each of them is themed in different artistic or cultural subjects, with an approximate length of 15 minutes. Every episode will be led by two or three characters, in which there will be shown the precariousness that surrounds their work performance and their own viewpoint of the current picture.

All participants are based in Valencia (Spain, since we are focusing on art and culture from a local level, for the purpose of spreading it in a national as well as international one.

Thus, we intend to:

  • Report the precariousness young people face, especially in the artistic and cultural sphere.

  • Claim a reassessment in relation to culture and art by adding subject areas and breaking traditional concepts.

  • Esthetically and thematically portray a generation that finds itself lost between millennials and gen-Z.

The project aims to raise youth’s voices that reflect about their own generation, such as the lack of support, the feeling of emptiness, the fear of an uncertain future, hope, and the new values and ways of understanding life.


The magazine and documentary series are complemented by and interact with each other. We want our project to move through different channels. If the series’ characters spread an interesting discourse that is unable to be tackled in the documentary, it would be deepened in the magazine, and vice versa.

As an example, there’s an aesthetic-themed episode in which upcycling, a clothing brand, takes part. Its story, projects, and obstacles will be comprised. Nevertheless, in order to deeply cover the fast-fashion criticism, local trade support, and ecological values that upcycling embraces, it will be reflected in the magazine.


We’d like to do a IGNORANT’s release event open to the public. All artists involved in the project will be joint, creating thus a multidisciplinary space. In due to COVID-19, we can’t assure the event taking place, but we’re hopeful since it’s programmed for next summer.

This is a story for all of us to tell, and that is why we trust in Verkami for the project’s financing. We’ve perceived community and support-to-culture values in this platform which we strongly feel identified with, a vision from where IGNORANT is based and intends to expose.

We think that it's best to work by goals.

  • 5.000€ the documentary series can be made and produced.

  • 7.500€ the event will take place.

  • 12.000€ IGNORANT’s second season.

About the rewards

To facilitate the accessibility to support the project for people facing different economic contexts, we’ve created many different rewards for alternative prices.

Furthermore, we’ve included very limited exclusive rewards. You can find us on social media or at our email address to solve any question you may have about the rewards.

The exclusive packs are at a higher price because they offer a unique opportunity. For example, we offer a pack that includes the original film negatives of an analog camera during the making of. That camera will pass through every artist from all episodes so all of them can picture something from their day-to-day life.

You have the opportunity to get those unique film negatives and all digital copies. There’s only one camera per episode, so hurry up!

About us

Las Lobas is an audiovisual producer founded by Mar Castel and Claudia Estrada. Our main purpose is to create a feminist space in the film industry. We want to support emerging creators, making thus an effort in fighting against the glass ceiling, and creating content that is based on these values to spread them.

Oculum raises from Las Lobas. I was created to release the first IGNORANT edition magazine. We are related organizations that were created and now grow together. Both organization members were friends before founding them, and we know no better way of working than this one!

IGNORANT arises from the same doubts and uncertainty we have since we are also entering as professionals in the cultural sphere, as all characters in the series and many of you who are reading this. We are lost and don’t know how to look at the future since this isn’t by all means clear.

Despite this, we love art and we are going all up for it. IGNORANT retains all those feelings: fear, frustration, uncertainty, thrill, and excitement for art. It portrays this story, which is not only ours but many other youths’ who face the same situation.

How will the funds be allocated?

Your contributions will be allocated to get technical equipment that allows us to create quality content. In addition to prints, the magazine layout, and the Verkami campaign expenses.


Our idea is to send the rewards as soon as the campaign ends, so all shipments are thought to be sent by mid-February and early March.

Moreover, the shooting of the documentary series will begin in February. We have calculated approximately three months of production and its release to take place in May. We will be updating this information on our social media, in addition to online events for the preview. The magazine will come out with the documentary screening since its content is meant to be consumed simultaneously.

More Info

If you want to know more about the audiovisual producer, the project, or its leading characters, don’t forget to follow us on social media! We release daily content so you get to know all of them.

Thank you very much for your support.


Email: [email protected]


There are none published yet.

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  • maneromarta


    about 3 years

    ¡Mucha suerte chicas con el proyecto!

  • Leila Perez

    Leila Perez

    about 3 years

    molta sort i espere que el projecte vaja endavant :)

  • zebra79


    about 3 years

    Mucha mierda chicas!!! Deborah muuassss

  • Panxa Jrr

    Panxa Jrr

    about 3 years

    Molt bona iniciativa. Endavant!

  • pep pérez

    pep pérez

    about 3 years


  • Roser


    about 3 years

    mil ganes de veure el resultat i un plaer ser mecenes :)

  • Maria Teresa Roman Espasa

    Maria Teresa Roman Espasa

    about 3 years

    Me encanta que mujeres tan jóvenes tengan proyectos tan chulos. Bravas!!!

  • Alfonso y Angela

    Alfonso y Angela

    over 3 years

    Como decía Gandhi: "Se el cambio que querrías ver en el mundo" ; un abrazo muy gordo !!

  • Alfonso y Angela

    Alfonso y Angela

    over 3 years

    Como decía Gandhi: "Se el cambio que querrías ver en el mundo" ; un abrazo muy gordo !!

  • Silvia Araque Navalón

    Silvia Araque Navalón

    over 3 years

    Mucha suerte y que lo consigáis!!!


Buenas tardes!

Todos los pedidos del Verkami que incluían camisetas y tote bags han sido enviados. Os recordamos que, para aquellos que compraron el pack de la revista impresa, esta llegará junto al estreno del documental. Muchas gracias por vuestras aportaciones y por vuestra ayuda!

Queremos comunicaros otra decisión que hemos tomado. Hemos optado por terminar con el proyecto de Las Lobas, pese a que es una iniciativa que nos encanta y nos motiva, y consideramos que es muy necesaria en el panorama audiovisual actual, se nos ha hecho difícil compaginar el proyecto con nuestros trabajos y estudios, y no hemos podido de dedicarle a Las Lobas el tiempo que merece. Por este motivo hemos decidido terminar con el proyecto.

SEGUIMOS CON IGNORANT! Nos encontramos terminando el rodaje y en breves empezaremos con la post-producción! Queremos remarcar que… read more


Hola mecenas! Ayer se cerraron os formularios que os mandamos para que nos dierais vuestras direcciones para realizar los envíos y especificarais lo detalles de cada pack, como por ejemplo la talla de las camisetas.

Si estáis interesados o interesadas en conseguir la camiseta tie dye nos podéis mandar un correo especificándolo a [email protected] . De lo contrario, os enviaremos la camiseta blanca que es la oficial que se encontraba en todos los packs.

Muchas gracias por vuestra paciencia y vuestro apoyo, un saludo

Las Lobas.


Queremos daros las gracias por todo el apoyo que hemos recibido. Han pasado 10 días desde que finalizamos la campaña de Verkami. Como sabéis, el dinero que aportasteis no se descuenta de vuestra cuenta hasta que la campaña de Verkami finaliza, es decir, todos los cobros de los pagos que hicisteis comprando las recompensas se llevan a cabo ahora.

Algunos de los pagos no han podido llegar a tramitarse. Verkami os ha enviado correos notificando esta incidencia a las personas que tenéis que realizar un último paso para realizar el pago. Por favor, mirad vuestro correo electrónico por si tenéis una notificación. La recaudación del Verkami funciona en base a las recompensas confirmadas, hasta que no se gestionen los impagos no podremos tramitar las demás recompensas porque no disponemos de la recaudación final.

¡Muchas gracias por vuestro apoyo!


Estamos muy contentas con el resultado del Verkami, y queremos daros las gracias de corazón a todas las personas que han participado por vuestra ayuda. Sabemos que la situación no es la mejor posible, así que queremos agradecer a todxs aquellxs que han contribuido a nuestro proyecto económicamente o con la difusión. También queremos dar las gracias a los medios que se han interesado por nuestra historia y nos han permitido llegar un poquito más lejos.

Ahora viene la mejor parte, esperamos que todxs estéis tan entusiasmados como nosotras para ver Ignorant ya terminado. ¡A nosotras nos hace mucha ilusión! Seguiremos realizando actividades desde Las Lobas, y os iremos contando poco a poco nuestro proceso de producción.

Sin embargo, tenemos una mala noticia, debido a las condiciones sanitarias en las que se encuentra Valencia ahora mismo, no podemos seguir el… read more

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