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Olabaà: play buildings

Play and create countless buildings with the U-01 module. Collaborate in its production!


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From 4.000€
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Olabaà has created a modular building to play with!

We present you the MODULE U-01: a versatile module with which you can build, invent and create countless buildings!

Modular architecture is the concept behind this game proposal.

The U-01 is a small building consisting of two levels with a double space that connects them. The walls of the module are perforated as a lattice or staircase, so that a texture and a spatial quality are given. In addition, the module spaces works both stand and upside-down!

A single module is a space where you can already play, but if you don't have enough, the combination of several modules allows to make multiple constructions, and to generate a great wealth of spaces and paths. You will never end them!

Educational values

The U-01 modules are a game proposal that brings the symbolic game to the field of architecture, favors the development of the spatial conception and the creative abilities, as well as the development of sociability.

It is an open game proposal free of gender stereotypes, and that allows a free playing.

For the little ones, the manipulative possibilities that the modules allow are a good incentive, and for the older ones it can be both the manipulation and the geometric and spatial possibilities, as well as the game -whether it is symbolic or a more abstract game - that can be given in relation to the spaces and paths that are created.


An exclusive toy, the result of a good design, made with quality materials, durable and resistant. A timeless toy and for life.

• birch plywood, PEFC/FCS certificate

• water-based varnish, environment-friendly.

• 0,9 kg module

• in centimetres

• Cardboard box


Do you want to play?

If you collaborate with Olabaà now, you can take home the U-01 modules to play and build your modular building at a special pre-sale price, before the modules are sold in stores.

The more modules you want, the better price you will get!

Do you have an educational space, a school, a play center?

We offer you the exclusive opportunity in this campaign, to collaborate with our project in exchange for having an entire city to play with!

If you want to set up a play area with our collection of play buildings we will lend you our material for a week so you can enjoy, play and experience all the possibilities of play offered by the small big city of Olabaà.

Our city consists of:
• 1 skyscraper GR-500
• 2 hangars H-13
• 1 museum M-20
• 4 modules U-01

We tell you a little about our collection below. You can also find more information on the web:


What is Olabaà?

Olabaà is an ideas and projects lab on architecture and play.

We believe that architecture and the city are areas of knowledge and experimentation that enrich us on many levels and that through design and play we can offer the possibility of exploring these values.

The spaces and objects that we design are an invitation to explore and recognize the urban structures and the spaces we inhabit.

We like objects that concentrate the qualities of design and that go beyond any functionality.

We have started with our collection of play buildings, which will gradually grow, but we are also interested in doing other projects related to architecture, space and gaming on a larger scale, both in educational environments and domestic, as in urban environments.

Play buildings collection

These are small architectural structures based on building typologies present in the urban environment. Playful objects, free of gender stereotypes, open to the imagination to encourage creativity and sociability through play.

SKYSCRAPER GR_500: it is a vertical building wich is inspired by tower blocks and skyscrapers. The different floors are communicated with an elevator operated manually.

HANGAR H_13: it is a big and open space inspired by the old hangars for planes and zepelins, the industrial buildings, the stations. Includes a mobile ramp to access the sidewalks.

MUSEUM M_20: it is inspired by museums and exhibition spaces. The building is generated from a continuous path that connects the different levels through ramps.

MODULE U-10: it is a versatile module that works both stand and upside-down. The flexibility of combining several modules gives rise to a multiple of buildings.

Safe and responsible design

Our small buildings are the result of a design process where from the beginning all European regulations regarding the safety of toys are taken into account (EN 71 Safety of toys).

The wood coating is an environmentally friendly matt water-based varnish that complies with EN 71-3 (Safety of toys - Part 3: Migration of certain elements).

The wood with which we make our buildings is a birch plywood with PEFC / FCS certificate (wood from sustainably managed forests).

Local production

Our small buildings are resistant and durable wooden toys, and are designed and manufactured entirely in Barcelona. We work with local suppliers.

Olabaà makes its toys semi-handcrafted, taking great care of the finish.

Olabaà is a project started by Adriana Salvat, a multidisciplinary architect who loves the architecture of small things.


What we will use your contributions for

The first production of the U-01 was made in a short serie, and it was such a success that now Olabaà wants to bet on making a new larger production of the U-01 module, in order to be able to market it in an adequate price and with a view to achieve the international market.

The amount raised in this campaign will be used to fund a new production of U-01 modules, as well as to cover campaign expenses and the sending of rewards.

Do you help us?


+ Info

follow us on instagram! @olabaa


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  • una_servidora


    over 3 years

    Quin goig veure iniciativas d'aquesta índole🥰 Si pot ser, m'agradaria rebre dues caixes de 2 unitats i una de 4. Ja que són els regala per al Solstici d'Hivern per a 3 infants diferents (2 són germans, per això🤗)

  • Mariona


    over 3 years

    Ànims que ja queda poc!!!

  • Irene Torregrossa

    Irene Torregrossa

    over 3 years

    Que ho aconsegueixis!

  • xandra


    over 3 years


  • Merx


    over 3 years


  • Victor centellas

    Victor centellas

    over 3 years

    Fan d'Olabaà

  • Teresa Miralles

    Teresa Miralles

    over 3 years

    Que tingui èxit, val la pena

  • Hug Salvat

    Hug Salvat

    over 3 years

    Som-hi, Olabaà!!!!!

  • Maribel


    over 3 years

    Mucho ánimo y felicidades por este proyecto tan chulo!

#03 / Primers mòduls enviats! | ¡Primeros módulos enviados!


Ja tenim una pila de mòduls fets, i hem començat a fer els primers enviaments! Encara trigarem algunes setmanes, però, a acabar de fer-los tots. Gràcies per la vostra paciència!

¡Ya tenemos un montón de módulos hechos, y hemos empezado a hacer los primeros envíos! Pero aún tardaremos algunas semanas en terminar de hacerlos todos. ¡Gracias por vuestra paciencia!

#02 / Preparació de la fusta | Preparación de la madera


Com ja deus saber, Olabaà treballa amb contraxapat de fusta de bedoll amb certificat PEFC/FCS (fusta provinent de boscos gestionats de forma sostenible). Abans de tallar la fusta la protegim amb un vernís mate incolor a l’aigua, respectuós amb el medi ambient, i que acompleix la EN 71-3 (Safety of toys - Part 3: Migration of certain elements). Ja tenim tots els taulells de contraxapat de bedoll envernissats, a punt per començar a ser fresats a partir d’aquest dilluns.

A partir d’avui, tots i totes les mecenes rebreu un mail des de Verkami amb un formulari per donar les dades d’enviament i facturació de les vostres recompenses. No t’oblidis d’omplir-lo!


Como ya debes saber, Olabaà trabaja con contrachapado de madera de abedul con certificado PEFC / FCS (madera proveniente de bosques gestionados de forma… read more

#01 / S’acaba la campanya i comença la producció! | Se acaba la campaña, ¡empieza la producción!

Gràcies al teu recolzament Olabaà ha aconseguit reunir prous diners per fer la nova producció de mòduls U-01!

Ara toca treballar de valent per tal de poder fer tots els mòduls i poder-los enviar abans que arribi Nadal.

Ja tenim al taller els taulells de contraxapat de bedoll, i d’aquí uns dies començarà el procés de fresat per tal de tallar i fer els rebaixos de les peces que composen els mòduls. Aquest és un procés que ocuparà unes dues setmanes, i després tocarà la part més artesanal, per tal de muntar els mòduls i fer-ne l’acabat i el packaging.

Durant les pròximes setmanes t’anirem informant de tot el procés, perquè puguis veure com va evolucionant la producció.

D’aquí uns dies t’arribarà un formulari des de Verkami per tal de recollir la informació que necessitarem per tal d’enviar-te els mòduls a casa.

Seguim en contacte!

¡Gracias a tu apoyo Olabaà ha logrado reunir suficiente dinero para hacer la nueva producción de módulos U-01!

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