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And in the end, Delay

Waiting, attention and patience dialogue through folklore and contemporary dance to give value to the artisanal, to the homemade.

La Antigua

A project of


Created in

From 3.000€
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"And in the end, Delay"

"And in the end, Delay" is a Contemporary Dance Project with folkloric air that inquires about the value of the delay. In this society where you live in a hurry and everything has to be immediate, we want to reflect on the value of the process, of taking your time.

foto Danilo Moroni
foto Danilo Moroni

We would like to make a parallel between industrial production and crafts. The first quick: I see it, I want it, I buy it and I have it; the second one that needs time and patience to make a product that is unique.

The industrialized life, in which the value is given to the speed, the product, the accumulation of capital and the success, in opposition to the artisanal life in which the value has what you do for yourself, with your hands, with traditional techniques, usually taking your time and that in my opinion opens the door to your most personal knowledge.

foto Danilo Moroni
foto Danilo Moroni

About the rewards

  • We have decided to separate the patrons according to their commitment to the La Mancha culture and their proximity to it. So we will call you: From the Capital, Outsider, Someone's Grandson, El Guacho, Manchego.

  • The rewards have the form of events to share the world of La Antigua; so you can join us on our journey of respect for culture and good humor.

  • Each contribution will help us move forward and be able to make this project bigger, thanks to you.º

foto Danilo Moroni
foto Danilo Moroni

About us

This company is born by the impulse of Eva Escribano creates a work about its roots and its way of seeing the world. He gathered us little by little and made us understand the manchego that is in us and the importance of knowing him.

Now that we are understanding it, we want to share with you our discoveries in this regard.

foto Danilo Moroni
foto Danilo Moroni

In case you want to gossip us:

Our bodies:

Our ears:
Alex Paton

Our eyes:

foto Danilo Moroni
foto Danilo Moroni

What will we allocate your contributions to

Your contributions will be used to pay for the residence we will make at the Losdedae headquarters. These expenses include the work of Alex Paton, our musician, who performs a unique work for "And in the end, Delay". Also the costs of Danilo Moroni who will chase us with his camera portraying our adventure.

Of course, maintenance of all equipment and production of the work, costumes, gasoline and other things.

Planned calendar

Of course, in our future destinations, Albacete. There we will carry out a work with the Popular University between the months of February and April 2020.

We want to tour La Mancha and we will rely on the network of theaters in Castilla La Mancha (God willing) for next seasons. And so enjoy your bread, your oil, your culture and your wine.

foto Danilo Moroni
foto Danilo Moroni


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