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“Amor i ràbia”, Emília Rovira Alegre’s new album

After many years of creative work the time has come for me to record my first album as a singer-songwriter. Would you like to help me?

Emília Rovira Alegre

A project of


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From 2.500€
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Amor i ràbia (Love and Rage) is an album inspired by the people and things that I love. However, it is also my own way to express my rage towards the injustices that occur in the world and in my own country, Catalonia. The album will have 10 songs, some of which will have my own lyrics and music, and others will have lyrics written by my father, the poet Pere Rovira. During the upcoming months I will work intensely with arranger and producer Jose Ramon Madrid and with several other top musicians to record an album where hopefully each song will shine with its own light. Would you like to join me on this adventure?

How will Amor i ràbia sound?

I am trying to create a timeless and classic sound for the album. I have been inspired by the work of some of the greatest singer-songwriters, such as Leonard Cohen, Joan Baez, Joni Mitchell, Tom Waits or Maria del Mar Bonet.

On March 8 (Women’s Day) I released the music video of the first single of the album. The song Rei de l’Inframon (King of the Underworld) condemns male sexual violence towards women. Here’s the music video:

Last Christmas I also released on social media an acoustic version of Nadala, a Christmas song dedicated to the Catalan political prisoners. Nadala will also be one of the songs included in the album.

Who are we?

Emília Rovira Alegre

Photo Llorenç Melgosa
Photo Llorenç Melgosa

I consider art a tool for the transformation of consciousness. It is always necessary that artists take sides. Art does not exist outside the world, it belongs to it. I cannot make music without taking into account the three big issues that concern me as a citizen: the refugee crisis, the male violence towards women and Catalan politics. I know that taking clear sides might imply that some people disagree or feel upset, but I have to be honest with myself and I believe that art should be sincere. It is what emerges from you, and you cannot cheat. I cannot suppress a part of myself in order to please a broader audience, although I do not judge those who do not think the same. Excerpt from an interview with Segre newspaper 23/10/2019

Singer, pianist, composer and poet from Lleida (Catalonia). I have released two albums where I set music to Catalan poetry: Contra la mort - Against Death (Quadrant Records, 2017) and Com la veu de l'aigua. EnVers canta Màrius Torres (Quadrant Records, 2010). My first poetry book Oslo (Viena Edicions, 2016) won the Ciutat d’Olot Poetry Award 2015. I have also collaborated on the soundtrack of two major video games: Lords of the Fallen (2014, nominated for the Hollywood music in Media Awards) and Expedition: Vikings (2017). I have performed my music in several countries and I have worked and lived in Scotland and Norway. I am also the founder and manager of Oslo International Piano Studio. emiliaroviraalegre.com

Jose R. Madrid Alonso

Jose R. Madrid Alonso, music producer
Jose R. Madrid Alonso, music producer

Guitarist, arranger and producer born in Lleida. I have an open-minded conception of music and I let others label what I do (and I like to make it difficult for them!). I have been formally trained as a classical guitarist (ESMUC) but I also play bass guitar and I am deeply influenced by flamenco, jazz, gospel, salsa, traditional music, film music, etc. As a guitarist I have participated in national and international projects, both as a live musician and as a studio musician. During the last 10 years I have been working on projects as a composer, music producer and arranger. I have toured the world for 5 years with the international show Burn the Floor (EUA, Italy, France, Australia, Japan, China, Caribbean, etc). During the last 2 years I have also been the musical director of the UK and Japan tour.

Josep Maria Bossa

Sound engineer. I am the owner of Bossa Records, a music studio based in Lleida. I have been recording, mixing and mastering albums for more than 25 years and I have worked with some of the biggest names in the industry.

How will I spend your contribution?

Your contributions will cover some of the production costs of the album:


Studio musicians

Recording: Studio rental and sound technician

Editing and mixing

Professional mastering

Design of booklet

Physical album production

The overall costs of the album production (self-funded!) are 5000 euros, so it would be wonderful to collect more than 2500 euros in this crowdfunding campaign.

About the rewards:

Christmas is approaching and you could give some of the rewards to your loved ones. The patrons who buy rewards as gifts for someone else will find downloadable vouchers on my own website.

The rewards will be handed out at the album presentation concert. The patrons unable to attend the concert will receive the rewards by mail. Please, buy international shipping reward if you live outside Catalonia.


27 November 2019 - 5 January 2020: Verkami crowdfunding campaign.

November, December, January: Arrangements.

February: Recording and editing.

March: Mixing and mastering. Manufacturing of the physical album.

After April 2020: Presentation concert and handing over the rewards to the patrons.

+ Info

Emília Rovira Alegre's website


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  • Carles


    over 4 years


  • carles.mateo


    over 4 years

    Endavant artista! :)

  • Núria Albesa

    Núria Albesa

    over 4 years

    Molta sort i endavant, Emília. Carles i Núria

  • Julián


    over 4 years

    Amor i ràbia: ben trobat!

  • Carlafboix


    over 4 years

    Ja casi estàs! Endavant bonica!!

  • pererovira


    over 4 years

    Felicitats i moltíssima sort! Ja esperem el disc amb ganes!

  • Toni López Valverde

    L'Antoine LV

    over 4 years

    Molta sort en aquest nou projecte! i recorda que algun dia vull gravar-te!

  • Annabel Encontra Pons

    Annabel Encontra Pons

    over 4 years

    Sort Emilia

  • Josep M. Oroval

    Josep M. Oroval

    over 4 years

    Estimada Emília, m'ha agradat molt la cançó "Rei de l'Inframon". Desitjo que aconsegueixis el teu objectiu amb la campanya de micromecenatge i que tinguis molt èxit en el teu primer disc com a cantautora solista



    over 4 years

    Per tú. Desitjo que el teu somni es faci realitat.

#05 / Single "Dona ferida"

Estimades i estimats mecenes,

Sembla que, en el post anterior, potser no s'ha compartit correctament el vídeo de Dona ferida, el nou single d'Amor i ràbia. Aquí el teniu. Espero que el gaudiu i que us aporti una mica de "bon rotllo" durant aquests dies de confinament.

Una forta abraçada!


#04 / "Amor i ràbia", resum de la situació present!

Estimats i estimades mecenes i amics i amigues,

Espero, de tot cor, que us trobeu bé de salut, i que porteu el confinament amb paciència i bon humor.

Us escric per fer-vos saber en quin estat es troba el projecte "Amor i ràbia", del qual tots vosaltres en sou partíceps essencials. A finals de febrer/principis de març vam acabar els enregistraments amb tots els músics que han col·laborat en el projecte. Quan va començar la crisi del coronavirus ens trobàvem a la fase de mescla i masterització, la darrera etapa de producció de l'àudio del disc. Malauradament, degut a les mesures de confinament, vam haver d'aturar la feina quan faltaven pocs dies per tenir l'àudio del disc enllestit. Quan puguem retornar a l'estudi amb seguretat ens hi tornarem a posar i acabarem el disc. Sereu els primers a saber les noves dates previstes de llançament i, tal i com us vaig prometre, rebreu una descàrrega anticipada de l'àlbum abans que la resta de públic.

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#03 / 2.500 euros aconseguits! Intentem arribar als 3.000?

Estimades i estimats mecenes, amigues i amics, ja hem assolit l'objectiu de 2.500 euros! Mil gràcies i enhorabona a tots! M'heu fet immensament feliç! Durant els propers dies us aniré escrivint un a un per donar-vos les gràcies individualment!

Com bé sabeu, el cost total de producció del disc superarà els 5.000 euros. Veient que queden quasi 3 dies de campanya a Verkami (fins la nit de Reis) i que encara hi ha gent que m'ha comentat que vol participar-hi, he decidit plantejar un segon objectiu: 3.000 euros! Com que ja hem superat l'objectiu inicial de la campanya (2.500 euros), tot el que es recapti de més a partir d'ara i fins l'últim dia de campanya també ho tinc assegurat (encara que no arribem als 3.000 euros).

Si arribem al segon objectiu, tots els mecenes (antics i nous) rebreu de regal un llibre en format pdf de totes les cançons del disc amb lletra i acords per a què les pogueu tocar.

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#02 / 17 de desembre: concert en benefici de "La Marató de TV3"

Estimades i estimats mecenes,

demà dia 17 de desembre de 20h a 22h es farà una nova edició del "Rodautors" (micro obert per a cantautors) a l'Antares de Lleida. Jo hi seré com a convidada especial interpretant unes quantes cançons al final del concert. Hi esteu tots convidats!

L'entrada és lliure, i l'acte també servirà per a recaptar fons per a La Marató de TV3, enguany dedicada a les malalties minoritàries.

Aprofito per donar-vos les gràcies a tots els i les mecenes que heu col·laborat durant els darrers dies i als qui encara no he escrit individualment (prometo fer-ho!). :)

Una abraçada i moltíssimes gràcies per ser-hi!


#01 / Vals descarregables per a regal!

Estimats mecenes,

En primer lloc: moltíssimes gràcies! Avui hem superat els 1000 euros, i només portem 5 dies de campanya! Us estic molt molt agraïda i us escriuré individualment durant els propers dies. Gràcies per la vostra generositat.

Exemple val Nadal
Exemple val Nadal

També us volia comentar que he creat uns vals per si enguany us ve de gust fer un regal especial per a l'amic invisible, Nadal, Reis, etc. Podeu fer mecenes a qualsevol dels vostres amics o familiars i imprimir els targetons que he dissenyat per a l'ocasió.

Si compreu recompeses per a regal, no cal que signeu amb el nom de la persona a qui regalareu la recompensa, podeu simplement signar amb el vostre nom. Quan acabi la campanya jo em posaré en contacte amb tots vosaltres i llavors em podreu dir els noms de les persones a qui heu fet els regals (així podré signar els CDs a nom seu, enviar-los les entrades del concert, etc).

Exemple val Nadal 2
Exemple val Nadal 2

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