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CRAM - a CD-MAP of our trip around the American continent

CRAM "No more daily grind. Let's hit the road". These are the songs that we wrote on a ten-month trip from Cuba to Argentina.


A project of


Created in

From 2.500€
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You will find a CD with all the songs we wrote and composed along the journey. You will come across different music styles depending on the places we visited and the imprint their culture left on us. It will be recorded with the help of twenty musicians-collaborators.

In order to interact, you are given a MAP (the size of a poster) that will also be used as the CD case. Thus you can follow the route and listen to the songs at the same time. You will also find the beaches and towns we visited and the mountain summits we climbed highlighted on the map.

Each of these places will be shown together with a QR code that will provide further info. QR codes can be scanned via mobile phone. You will see our daily life there, you can read our travel journal together with some juicy anecdotes, photos and videos.


Rewards will be given to everyone's taste, fitting different budgets; whether you go for the digital version of the project or maybe you want to enjoy a private concert that serve as a first-hand account of our adventure. We will hand in the rewards the day of the presentation of the project (see calendar).

If you can't come, don't worry, get in touch with us*.

We highly recommend you choose the Photo Album since you'll get, a CD-MAP, the digital version, your name will appear in the supporters' section and you will get a selected choice of 150 of the best photos from the trip. We have been to wonderful places such as Havana, Chichén Itzá, Oaxaca, Yellowstone, Uyuni salt flats anb Buenos Aires.

(NOTA: fotografies realitzades amb una DSLR EOS Canon 70D)
(NOTA: fotografies realitzades amb una DSLR EOS Canon 70D)

If you think 30€ is too much but you've got some friends you'd like to share it with, go for the 4-people pack : 15€ each x4 = 60 euros. With this option, the photo album will be included as well.

The minimum charge reward is 8€. It includes a digital download of the project and you will also appear in the supporters' list, of course.

The reward called "Postcard" is a limited edition of the postcards we bought during our trip. You will get them with our personal dedication. Mind you, they'll sell out soon!

If you're a bit of a joker, the photoshop pack is for you. Great for confusing and misleading your friends. How? well, because you'll also be part of the show. All you have to do is send us some photos and you'll be part of the adventure.

There's even a reward for those of a refined palate. You'll enjoy an exotic dinner for 2 served with traditional dishes from the trip together with a handful of anecdotes to go with it.

Last but not least, our final reward will be a private concert. We will come as a duet to a private venue of your choice, your place, your bedroom or maybe as a private "fiesta" on your roof terrace where you can invite friends and neighbours.

(* we cannot guarantee any physical rewards to be received outside Catalonia. Any further queries, contact us at: [email protected])


Aleix and Pol. Soul mates, born in the heart of Catalonia. Devoted music lovers. It took us four days to purchase a new guitar as soon as we landed in Cuba. There was no way we were gonna be on this trip without a guitar. We had to start making songs.

Aleix is a mechanical and robotic engineer and he also teaches how to play the guitar. He has already taught over 100 students so far. Aleix started Faust, a rock-and-roll band together with Pol and 2 other musicians in 2014. He was the lead guitarist. He also took part in the production and recording of the CD "El principio de los Tiempos Modernos" together with songwriter E. Ambert Aleix was the pianist and guitar player in that production.

Pol is an audiovisual communicator. He started playing the saxophone, the drums and later the guitar. He was the singer, guitar player and composer for Faust. He also started a duet called P... de P..., where music and humour are combined. He is a songwriter.


  • Record the songs at the Red Factory Studio - 1800€

  • Design the map - 200€

  • Design the QRs- 50€

  • Packaging - 200€

Total . 2250€

Verkami and bank charges - 250€

Verkami target: 2.500€


You will receive your rewards in January 2020 on the date of the presentation of the project. Previously we will be:

  • Working on the arrangements of the songs so as to provide the best sound quality.

  • Rehearsing with the help of 20 artists-collaborators.

  • Recording at Red Factory Studio

  • Designing the map and preparing the digital contents and QR.

  • Working on the design and layout of the map and CDs.


Click here for a short clip of the songs we recorded during our trip while you wait for the end product which will be coming very soon.

You can find more information on
Web Page


There are none published yet.

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  • Judit


    about 5 years


  • blancvalles


    about 5 years

    Us estimo i admiro!

  • Júlia Pessarrodona

    Júlia Pessarrodona

    about 5 years

    Sento que vaig formar part d'un trosset, encara que minúscul, d'aquesta aventura i em fa mil ilusió participar-hi. Un petó enorme als dos!

  • Martí Roca

    Martí Roca

    about 5 years

    Segur que serà un CD xulíssim! ;)

  • Mercè Carralero Castells

    Mercè Carralero Castells

    about 5 years

    Jo vull molt fort una postal, si us en sobreeeeeen! Una abraçada gran gran, guapus! :)

  • Emmabaf


    about 5 years

    Les grans idees mereixen recolzament

  • mribera


    about 5 years

    Hola soc l'Avia Caterina i vull sortir ben guapa a las fotos amb vosaltres

  • Joanpauls


    about 5 years

    Col·laboració de la Marta Peralta i un servidor amb molt d'amor i només dues condicions: sopar a Terrassa per conèixer la Marta, i col·laboració de la Marta amb veu o trombó en una de les cançons! :)

  • mribera


    about 5 years

    Ànims a veure si ho aconseguiu visca la musica

  • mribera


    about 5 years

    Ànims a veure si ho aconseguiu visca la musica

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