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Guillem MiTchel's new EP 'Foliage'

'Foliage' is the title of my upcoming EP, written and recorded in Catalonia and the UK. Help me to make it bloom!

Guillem miTchel

A project of


Created in

Bath, United Kingdom
From 3.000€
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View project in Català and Castellano

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What is 'FOLIAGE'?

This is a 4 track EP in which I've stepped out from my usual acoustic guitar/vocals format to arrange and produce the songs for a larger group, including drums and bass, electric guitars, piano, percussion, backing vocals, a brass trio a string quartet... For this occasion I wished to bring to life all the sound colours and textures I had in my mind.

Take a listen to the same song bit in acoustic and 'foliage' version, so that you can have an idea:
[Soundcloud item unavailable]

That's why the EP is called ‘Foliage’.This is also illustrated on cover, which is a painting by the artist Toby Rainbird-Webb created specifically for this project.

To make honoer of the bright and colourful character of the record, we're going to officially release it on March the 20th,celebrating the Spring Equinox.

Who are we?

More than 20 people, including musicians, sound engineers, artists, etc. have collaborated in the project so far.


Guillem Mitchel: Vocals and guitars

Pol Maresma: Bass

Narcís Corominas: Piano

Pere Foved: Drums

Sarah Loveridge: Violin and viola

Dury Loveridge: Cello

Pol Padrós: Tenor Sax

Leo Torres: Trumpet

Darío García: Trombone

Chloe Tyghe: Vocals

Lauren Bradford: Vocals

Jose Cattaneo: Percussion

Sound engineers:

Jose Cattaneo: Recording and mix

Juanjo Alba: Recording

Dominic Bayley-Clay: Recording

Pol Maresma: Recording

Pete Maher: Mastering


Toby Rainbird-Webb

Jordi Calvet

Other collaborators:

Victor Partido: Aclam Records

Marcel Cavallé: guitar tech at Aclam Records

With your support you can also become a collaborator!

About the rewards

we've designed very interesting rewards. There are packs for all budgets with an excellent quality/price ratio.

  • You can find the EP in digital or physical edition.

  • There are two special editions for this campaign patrons only'

  • All the rewards will be dedicated and signed personally on the website and the special brochure included with the EP.

  • There are exclusive items including high quality framed posters, t-shirts, notebooks, launch party tickets, private concerts... All sorts!

What are we going to invest the money raised in?

Most of the artistic production is now finished (recording, mixing, mastering, artwork...).

We'll invest your contributions in the executive side of the production, which is essential for a music project. In a way you'll become producers!

  • First edition of cds and merchandise

  • Music video

  • PR campaign (to make a booze about the release, interviews and reviews in music magazines, radio airplay, publishing, social media, etc.).

We'll keep all of you who take part posted about the news related to the project, the stages and deadlines of the production, all interviews, reviews and everything else related to the PR campaign.


  • We'll run the crowdfunding campaign from late November/December to mid January.

  • From late January to March we'll lead the PR campaign and produce the music video.

  • The EP release is due on the 20th of March coinciding with the Spring Equinox.

All the patrons will receive their EP in digital format exclusively 2 weeks before the release.

All the other rewards will be sent or handed - depending on the pack - to the patrons after the release.

+ Info

Guillem MiTchel

Toby Rainbird-Webb

Aclam Records

Nine Volt Leap Studio


There are none published yet.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

Ask the author


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  • Núria Oranías

    Núria Oranías

    over 5 years

    Endavant Guillem!!!!

  • Núria Oranías

    Núria Oranías

    over 5 years

    Endavant Guillem!!!!

  • Jordi Torrent

    Jordi Torrent

    over 5 years

    Una abraçada company!

  • Anthony Avison

    Anthony Avison

    over 5 years

    Very pleased to sponsor this project.

  • Fecheruano


    over 5 years

    La Mejor para vos Guillem. Good job!

  • Croldan13


    over 5 years

    Molta sort!!

  • Guillem miTchel

    Guillem miTchel

    over 5 years

    Moltíssimes gràcies!!! Thank you so much guys!!! Molte grazie!!!

  • Adamo Volpe

    Adamo Volpe

    over 5 years

    Auguri Guille!!!!

  • msiegerist


    over 5 years

    Good luck, Guillem! We look forward to hearing your new tracks :) Maaike & Jonni x

  • eva


    over 5 years


#04 / Properes setmanes / Next weeks / Próximas semanas


Belvolguts/des mecenes,

Us escric per posar-vos al corrent del desenvolupament del projecte a partir d’ara i de l’entrega de les recompenses.

Com deia el calendari orientatiu a la pàgina de Verkami, la data ideal del llançament oficial de l’EP serà el 20 de març, tot i que potser que varii per questions de la campanya promocional. Sembla que el 20 de març quedi lluny, però en aquests 2 mesos s’ha de fer tot això:

  • Gestionar la publicació dels cds i les recompenses

  • Gestionar les presentacions a Catalunya i UK (segurament es faran cap a mitjans d’abril)

  • Enregistrar i editar el videoclip

  • Actualitzar el web

  • Contactar amb l’agencia de PR i dur a terme la campanya de promoció, que normalment comença de 4 a 6 setmanes abans de l’estrena.

A finals de gener, principis de febrer, us enviaré un altre email per posar-vos al corrent del punt en el que estiguin totes aquestes questions.

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#03 / Aconseguit! / Achieved / Conseguido!


Estimats/des mecenes,

Aquest és un missatge breu per comunicar-vos que hem aconseguit l’objectiu de la campanya! Això vol dir que hi haurà cds, hi haurà video i també campanya de promoció!

Durant els propers dies us enviaré un email més extens explicant-vos el desenvolupament del projecte, l’enviament de les recompenses, etc.

Moltísimes gràcies per formar-hi part!



Dear patrons,

This is a brief message tol let you know we achieved the crowdfunding’s goal! This means we’ll have cds, we’ll have a music video and also a promotion campaign!

On the following days I’ll send you a more detailed email letting you know about the development of the project, the rewards, etc.

Thanks so much for being part of it!



Queridos/as mecenas,

Este es un mensaje breve para comunicaros que hemos conseguido el objetivo de la campaña! Eso significa que habrá cds, habrá videoclip y también campaña de promoción.

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#02 / Estimats/des mecenes! / Beloved patrons! / Queridos/as mecenas!


Bon dia estimats/des mecenes

Després dels primers 10 dies volia compartir amb vosaltres com va la campanya:

  1. Portem el 31% del total, així que la cosa va tirant.

  2. El Taller de Músics, que té un canal a Verkami, ha recolzat el projecte (jo hi he sigut alumne i professor), la qual cosa és molt bona notícia de cara a la imatge de la campanya!

  3. El vostre suport ha activat la meva part creativa i he començat a escriure una nova cançó dedicada a vosaltres. Aquí en teniu un trosset:

Moltíssimes gràcies de nou pel vostre support, seguim! xxx


Good morning dear patrons,

After the first 10 days I'd like to share some information with you:

  1. We've reached the 31% of the overall goal, so it looks like we're slow but steady!

  2. The music institution Taller de Músics who has a Verkami channel, has decided to support the project (I used to study and then teach there), which is great news in terms of the image of the campaign!

  3. read more

#01 / Benvinguda! / Welcome! ? Bienvenida


Bon dia a tothom!

Us escric per saludar-vos i agrair-vos la vostra participació.

Ja sou col.laboradors d'aquest projecte i, per tant, us mantindré informats/des regularment del seu desenvolupament.

La campanya va engegar dilluns i avui, dimecres al matí, hem arribat al 20% del finançament. Així doncs, de moment sembla que va molt bé!

A banda d'això, dir-vos que estic ideant maneres de seguir promocionant la campanya i intentaré crear nous posts per compartir a les xarxes, etc. Ja us informaré.

Bé, això és tot de moment, si teniu alguna pregunta no dubteu en contactar.

Gràcies i seguim! :)




Morning everyone!

I'm writing to welcome you and thank you for your participation.

You are now collaborators of this project, therefore I will keep you posted about its development regularly.

The campaign started on Monday and so far, Wednesday morning, we've reached the 20% of the overall goal. So it looks it's going well!

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