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Crowd Wine: the wine from Penedès, for you

Participatory project to produce and elaborate white wine 100% Macabeu from one of the oldest wine vineyards in el Penedès!


From 5.500€
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View project in Català and Castellano

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The Vineyard at Ca l'Escalló

Planted in 1951, has prevailed through time until today, where it became a symbol of experience. It's located in the municipality of Guardiola de Font-rubí (in Alt Penedès region) and is one of the oldest vineyards in the region.

It's part of the Penedès region, an internationally recognized area for its Cava production. The region is characterized by the Mediterranean climate, with mild-temperatured winters and warm, dry summers.

Furthermore, a mild sea breeze reaches the area, due to its proximity to the coast and the two mountain ranges between the coast and Penedès, which act as essential factors to protect the area from the heavy winds and low temperatures.

Different seasons at Ca l
Different seasons at Ca l'Escalló vineyard

The cultivated grape strain is called Macabeu, being a traditional variety from Penedès with a compact form that has a fruity scent and a balanced acidity.

Grape strain Macabeu
Grape strain Macabeu

The grape picking is done manually, following the method that has prevailed through many years. The recollection period for this variety is between the last week of august and the first week of September, depending on the temperature variations during the year.

About Crowd Wine Penedès

It will be a white wine 100% Macabeu which it takes place in a stainless steel tank during two months, applying the battonage technique. That way it gives a consistency and density in the mouth.

Crowd Wine is a participatory project where the followers can become involved in the process of the bottle creation: choose the design for the bottle, the serigraphy... The purpose is to commonly decide how the bottle should be and look.

Winning design of the bottle Crowd Wine Penedès
Winning design of the bottle Crowd Wine Penedès

After posting on Instagram, with a record of participation, with more than 240 comments, a 89% of participants preferred the design with the chain of grape vine leafs, which is a representation of the individual contributors to the campaign, that together make the project possible.

About the rewards

The more bottles you reserve, (if you want to give it as a gift to friends, family, clients...), the bigger the discount will be. We go straight to the point!

Pack 6 bottles International shipping
Pack 6 bottles International shipping

Visit to the Jordi Lluch winery

Once we recollect the grapes, the next stage is to start the elaboration process. The contributors that reserve four or more bottles from Crowd Wine will be able to visit the vineyard and winery at Ca l'Escalló, where they will enjoy a unique experience.

  • We will observe how the battonage technique is put into practice, which consists in building up the lows from the fermentation among the entire wine's surface.

  • Tasting the recently fermented wine from Crowd Wine for experiment the wine's evolution: from the beginning of the elaboration process to the end, where we receive the rewards.

Jordi Lluch Cellar wine and cava producer
Jordi Lluch Cellar wine and cava producer

On October 13th and 27th a guided visit will be organized by Jordi Lluch (the winery's owner) to get to know, learn about, and experience the elaboration process first hand, both the wine's and the cava's elaboration (*).

We'll be visiting the winery's most important parts such as the bottling room, both for cava and wine, the cellar, where the bottles rest during their maturing cycle, the area where the barrels made of American and French oak and the tasting room... That way the different steps required to transform grapes into wine will be presented and uncovered.

The guided visit in question will last approximately between 1,5 h. and 2 h.

Who we are

Jordi Raventós | Project initiator

I remember that from when I was very young, they used to take me to the vineyard, where my grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousin, my parents and I were. The vineyard at Ca l'Escalló is in my memory. At the time, the grapevines were as big as trees, as they have remained after all this time. This wine represents good memories and special moments with family and being able to enjoy it at the table with the best company.

Jordi Lluch | Wine producer

I'm passionate about producing wine from the grapevines I see evolve from their vegetative cycle. The same happens when your children grow up; you remember when they were young and ask yourself what they will do when they grow up to be adults.

Where the contributions will be destined to

All contributions will be invested in wine production. In the case that the funding surpasses 5.500€, the rewards will be improved, by adding extra gifts related to the world of wine production for all the contributors.

Where the contributions will be destined to
Where the contributions will be destined to

Expected calendar

Between the last week of august and the first week of September the grape picking will start at the vineyard at Ca l'Escalló. The next step will be the wine's fermentation, which lasts between 10 and 12 days and once finished, the battonage technique will be applied. This means that the rewards will be delivered between the 1st and 2nd week of December at the transport agency (maximum 2-3 days).

+ Info

You can ask for further information at our Instagram, Facebook, webpage or write an email [email protected]

(*) (Winery visit: whoever can't make it on October the 13th and 27th, can agree on another date)

Winery's location: Barri Les Casetes del Raspall, s/n, 08777 Sant Quintí de Mediona, Barcelona


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  • Judit


    over 5 years

    Pel meu primakoh!

  • m_sas_bla


    over 5 years

    Espero que llegue a realizarse ese maravilloso vino

  • francgm


    over 5 years

    Con un poco de buen vino la vida es más divertida, ¡mucha suerte Jordi!

  • Mateoalfaro


    over 5 years

    Jordi NP

  • Nestor Cervantes

    Nestor Cervantes

    almost 6 years


  • Jordi Raventós Pujadó

    Jordi Raventós Pujadó

    almost 6 years

    Cap problema Pepet! Un cop acabi la campanya enviaré un formulari on podràs escollir el dia que vols fer les visites i els acompanyants! Salutacions i gràcies per formar part del projecte! ;)

  • Pepet de la Tona

    Pepet de la Tona

    almost 6 years

    Si pot ser la visita la fará la meva filla Isa Gallardoi el seu marit que viuen més a prop

  • andresfnt


    almost 6 years

    Ho aconseguiras crack !!!

  • Èlia Lucas Gardeñas

    Èlia Lucas Gardeñas

    almost 6 years

    Molta sort, Jordi. Endavant!!

#05 / Embotellat i encapsulat - Embotellado y encapsulado

Aquesta setmana hem embotellat i encapsulat el Crowd Wine, vols descobrir com ho vam fer?

Durant aquest cap de setmana, prepararem tots els packs i el dilluns vindrà l'agència de transport a recollir-ho. Per tant, està previst que a partir de dimecres comenceu a rebre el vostre pack.

Esta semana hemos embotellado y encapsulado el Crowd Wine, ¿quieres descubrir como lo hicimos?

Durante este fin de semana, prepararemos todos los packs y el lunes vendrá la agencia de transporte a recogerlo. Por lo tanto, está previsto que a partir de miércoles empecéis a recibir vuestro pack.

#04 / Verema a Ca l'Escalló - Vendimia a Cal Escalló


Avui per fi hem veremat la vinya de Ca l'Escalló. La meteorologia d'aquesta setmana ha sigut una mica complicada perquè les pluges intermitents han condicionat la collita.

Tot i això hem aconseguit arribar als 10,7 graus amb una qualitat del raïm molt bona. Aleshores, una vegada estigui elaborat el vi es preveu arribar als 11 graus d'alcohol.

Pots veure totes les fotos i vídeos de com hem veremat la vinya a l'Instagram del Crowd Wine. Accedir aquí.


Hoy por fin hemos vendimiado el viñedo de Cal Escalló. La meteorología de esta semana ha sido un poco complicada porqué las lluvias intermitentes han condicionado la cosecha.

Aun así hemos conseguido llegar a los 10,7 grados con una calidad de uva muy buena. Entonces, una vez esté elaborado el vino se prevé llegar a los 11 grados de alcohol.

Puedes ver todas las fotos y vídeos de cómo hemos vendimiado al Instagram del Crowd Wine. Acceder aquí

#03 / Recta final - 7 dies


Estrem a la recta final de la campanya, només queden 7 dies!

Segons la D.O. Penedès es preveu una verema de gran qualitat, ja que la baixada de temperatures dels darrers dies permetran una maduració més lenta del raïm i una collita més espaiada en el temps.

Nosaltres collirem la vinya Ca l'Escalló en aproximadament tres setmanes. Aquest és l'estat actual de maduració del raïm:

La D.O. Penedès afegeix: "Enguany s’han complert unes condicions de pluviometria adequades, cosa que permetrà obtenir raïms amb una bona acidesa i, posteriorment, uns vins amb major recorregut, més aromàtics, afruitats i de major qualitat."

Ara és el moment decisiu per aconseguir-ho. Si tens familiars, coneguts o amics a qui els hi agradi el vi i vulguin formar part del projecte, només cal que reservin algun dels diferents packs. Link de la campanya: www.vkm.is/crowdwine


Entramos en la recta final de la campaña, sólo quedan 7 días!

Según la D.O. Penedès se prevé una read more

#02 / I ara què? - Y ahora qué?

A 25 dies d'acabar la campanya hem aconseguit el 50% amb més de 60 mecenes que donen suport al projecte.

A més, el primer restaurant que ha apostat pel projecte és Entre dos mons. Un restaurant de cuina de fusió de la cultura catalana i peruana situat a Palamós.

Es preveu collir la vinya Ca l'Escalló durant la primera setmana de setembre.

Aquest any la verema no s'està avançant com els anys anteriors, ja que ha estat més humit i amb temperatures suaus.

Com ho podem aconseguir?

Doncs només cal que comparteixis la campanya a través de les xarxes socials!

Aquesta és la URL màgica: https://www.verkami.com/projects/20771-crowd-wine-el-teu-vi-del-penedes

Altre cop, moltes gràcies i una abraçada!

A 25 días de terminar la campaña hemos conseguido el 50% con más de 60 mecenas que apoyan el proyecto.

Además, el primer restaurante que ha apostado por el proyecto es Entre dos mons. Un restaurante de cocina de fusión de la cultura catalana y peruana situado en Palamós.

read more

#01 / Crowd Wine Penedès:

Només us puc dir: Gràcies!

Moltíssimes gràcies a tots :) Sense vosaltres aquest projecte no sería possible!.

Ja portem un 31% del total amb més de 1.722 € recaudats, tot i així encara estem lluny de l'objectiu.

Entre tots aconseguirem arribar al 100%, només falta que més mecenes s'apuntin a formar part del projecte.

Com ho podem aconseguir?

Doncs només cal que comparteixis la campanya a través de les xarxes socials!

Aquesta és la URL màgica: https://www.verkami.com/projects/20771-crowd-wine-el-teu-vi-del-penedes

Altre cop, moltes gràcies i una abraçada!

La vinya segueix el seu pas i cada dia que passa el Macabeu va madurant una mica més!

Sólo os puedo decir: ¡Gracias!

Muchísimas gracias a todos :) Sin vosotros este proyecto no sería posible!.

Ya llevamos un 31% del total con más de 1.722 € recaudados, aún así todavía estamos lejos del objetivo.

Entre todos conseguiremos llegar al 100%, sólo falta que más mecenas se apunten para formar parte del proyecto.

read more

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