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From Istanbul to Cairo: 2.500 km on foot through Middle East. Two woman's way connecting with the women from the other Mediterranean side.

Gemma i Ginebra

A project of


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From 7.500€
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it means for her to lengthen two cm every one of her steps,

for me, to reduce every one of mines

to find the exact measure that gives sense to the word “together”.

74 cm

About this project

74 cm names after our steps avarage measure. Our project consists in a photographic trip that connects the cities of Estambul and Cairo by foot, walking more than 2.500 km through Middle East.

We are two woman, mother and daughter, who want to get closer to the women from the other side from the Mediterranean sea, to share their everyday life as we mo-ve along. Despite not being newsable, we believe those woman normal stories have the great power to unite people deeply, precisely for its character of universality every-day life has. We will travel by foot, to perceive the slow changings of landscapes and people’s traditions, giving ourselves the time to get into the villages and cities, and to create with these encounters, a tale of life of this close middle east that bare-ly appears on the/ our news.

And we want to share it with you, day by day, in a travel notebook as an honest and transparent personal diary through our blog and social networks, in which the people we meet lives will fusion with our owns.

Who we are

I am Gemma, I hold a bachelor in Contemporary History and Public Administration. I have been working in the ICF for more than 30 years, and I have been studding Ge-stalt therapy and PNL for a while. I am passionate about travelling and writing, and this trip will allow me to combine them both. I have always lived in Barcelona, where my sons Trabal and Ginebra were born.

I am Ginebra, I hold a Bachelor in Fine Arts and I am a photographer. I lived two years in Cameroon thanks to Zerca y Lejos, the NGO I have been collaborating with since 2011, and I now live in Peru working with Suyay against family and gender violence.

Where will your contributions will go


We are arriving to Istanbul on June the 12th, and we plan to arrive to Cairo on December.

Acknowledgments will be appearing on the website, blog and social networks the day after the end of the Verkamis campaign.

The other rewards will be delivered maximum on a month and a half time from our arrival to Barcelona.

The origin

We are not tourists, we are not travelers, nomads, or adventurers, none of these apply. The reason for our journey is to make a man’s dream ours, a man who is not here anymore, Robert, Ginebra’s and Trabal’s dad, my dad. We are two regular women sharing a special moment, a unique opportunity in our lives that we do not want to miss.

My dad was a photographer too. He was diagnosed with an stage IV pancreatic cancer on September 2015. Together, we shared a photographic diary about life, love and family through the social networks until he passed away, on February the 1st, 2017.

He died happy and quiet, surrendered by the one who loved him the most, but far too soon. He couldn’t accomplish one of his biggest dreams: the one of this trip. So, it is with your help that we are becoming his legs and his eyes, and will take him all these kilometers long that connect these three cities he felt in love with when he was young.


Instagram: @my_dad_for_a_while

Youtube: 74 cm



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  • Helen


    almost 6 years


  • Mercè


    almost 6 years

    Endavant noies!! Una gran aventura!! Un gran pas!!!

  • Christelle enquist

    Christelle enquist

    almost 6 years

    Muchísimos ánimos para este precioso proyecto.

  • Ester Gimeno

    Ester Gimeno

    almost 6 years

    Bon viatge, germana Gemma i nenoba Ginebra (G&G). Una experiència de vida i la realització d'un projecte compartit en el temps. Molta força i sempre endevant, estarem amb vosaltres. All my love.

  • jr.sanroma@gmail.com

    [email protected]

    almost 6 years

    Bona sort !! Compartirem el vostre cami!! Ramon “JRS”

  • Adrià&Paula


    almost 6 years

    Bon vitge Ginebra i Gemma. Estarem amb vosaltres a cada passa sobretot en aquelles més dures de fer.

  • rosairis


    almost 6 years

    Me parece un proyecto bellísimo y lo quiero compartir!

  • Marga


    almost 6 years

    Estem amb vosaltres!

#02 / Gairebé ja ho tenim / Casi lo tenemos / We almost got it!!

Moltes gràcies amigues i amics pel vostre suport!! Ja gairebé ho tenim. Ens uns dies, un cop es tanqui la campanya, publicarem la llista d'agraiments en el web: www.74cm.net. No deixeu de seguir-nos!!

Muchas gracias amigas y amigos por vuestro apoyo. Ya casi lo tenemos. En unos días, una vez se cierre la campaña, publicaremos la lista de agradecimientos en nuestra web: www.74cm.net. ¡No dejes de seguirnos!!

Thank you very much friends for your suport. We almost got it. In a few days we will be publishing the list of acknowledgements in our web: www.74cm.net. Follow us!

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