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Developing the continents

It is a trip around the five continents, it is an analog photograph exhibition which analyzes our cultural differences and similarities.

Claudia Fernandez

A project of

Created in

From 900€
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Developing the continents is a trip around the continents. It is an analog photography exhibition which analises our differences and similarities despite the culture. The pictures that will be part of this exhibition will be the elements that have influenced the development of a person throughout their life given by the culture and society where they live.

Five girls from the five continents will be the authors and all of them will photograph the same, but from their point of view. The photographs will therefore be unique, since each one will convey a different culture.

Developing the continents will be an interactive exhibition in which you, the visitors, will have to find out what photography belongs to which author. Through social networks, you will be informed about the lives of these five girls and also, on the exhibition day, you can read a small biography of each of them.

Who am I?

I am Claudia and I am studying Communication and Cultural Industries in University of Barcelona.

Developing the continents was born after one year living in Groningen, Netherlands.I met there all kind of people and all of them from different cultures. I bought an analog camera a month before I left to photograph everything that had marked and influenced me of that city. Once I revealed the photographs, I thought how these photographs would be made by people of totally different cultures and in that moment the idea of this project came to me.

Universitat de Groningen
Universitat de Groningen

Once with the idea in mind, I started looking for the participants of this project. I was sure that they were girls, since we are in a world full of male photographers, and in addition, all of them had to be students and middle class in order to create a defined photographs profile.

Through contacts and contacts I reached these five girls, ready to photograph what I will tell them. Therefore, as the director and producer of the project, I will inform them of the eighteen photographs that should be photographed.

The five girls

They don't know each other and the only contact they have in common is me. An interesting element is how from Barcelona, five girls are contacted and there is no connection between them, this exhibition is created.

These five girls will be the ones who will make the pictures. Starting from the left, we find Jisoo Kim from South Korea, then Alicia Rodríguez from Spain , then Sisitha Ndungane who is from South Africa, then Tatiana Villaseñor, who is originally from Mexico but has lived all her life in California, United States and finally Genn Lai who is from Sydney, Australia. All of them have an age between 21 and 25 years, they are students or have recently finished studying and are middle class. In order to have the maximum information of them, via social networks you will be given information about them and in addition, the exhibition will show a complete biography of each of them.

Where will your money go?

This will be the distribution of the budget:

About the reward

The bookmark, the postcard size A-6, the poster of the exhibition, the tote bag, the magazine and the analog camera can be picked up in the same exhibition. If you can not attend, you will be sent rewards by mail.

For the visit one hour before the exhibition and the two beers you should contact [email protected] to specify a date that fits you.

For the original photo of Developing the continents you can choose it during the exhibition and will be delivered in hand before June 23.

Front of the bookmark
Front of the bookmark

Back of the bookmark
Back of the bookmark

Tote bag
Tote bag

Analog camera
Analog camera


Pictures - March

Developing of the films - April

Printing photos - 14th May - 25th May

Communication campaign - 1st May - 25th May

Exhibition - 26th May - 10th June

Socials Network


Contact: [email protected]


There are none published yet.

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#02 / Objectiu aconseguit! / ¡Objetivo conseguido!

Moltes gràcies! A falta de 3 dies per acabar la campanya, hem aconseguit el nostre objectiu!

En breus ens posarem en contacte amb vosaltres mitjançant el correu i us comunicarem la manera de rebre les vostres recompenses.

Tot i haver arribat a l'objectiu, quantes més donacions reucadem, més podrem invertir en la qualitat d'impressió i en les vostres recompenses. Així que el procés no ha acabat encara!

Recordem que el dia de la inauguració serà el 5 de juliol a les 19:30 a l'Escola de Fotografia Fotoespai. (Carrer de Coroleu, 72-74, 08030 Barcelona)

¡Us esperem!

¡Muchas gracias! ¡A falta de 3 días para acabar la campaña, hemos conseguido nuestro objetivo!

En breves nos pondremos en contacto con vosotros mediante el correo y os comunicaremos la manera de recibir vuestras recompensas.

Aunque se ha llegado al objetivo, cuantas más donaciones recaudemos, más podremos invertir en la impresión de las fotografías y en vuestras recompensas. ¡Así que el proceso no ha acabado aún!

#01 / Ja tenim lloc per exposar! / ¡Ya tenemos sitio para exponer!

L'inauguració de l'exposició "Developing the continents" serà el dia 5 de juliol a les 19:30h a l'Escola de Fotografia Fotoespai - Carrer Coroleu 72-74, 08030 Barcelona!

Durant la inauguració podreu gaudir de càtering a més de xerrades a càrrec de la directora sobre com és el procés de creació d'un projecte cultural. L'exposició durarà fins el 27 de juliol i els horaris encara estan per confirmar però en breus us informarem sobre ells.

Volem donar les gràcies a tots els mecenes per les vostres donacions i ens morim de ganes de donar-vos totes les vostres recompenses. A falta de 5 dies, encara queda la recta final, falta el 20% del objectiu, encara esteu a temps d'ajudar-nos!

Durant els següents setmanes anunciarem quines són les categories de fotografies que podreu veure a l'exposició.

Estigueu atents!

La inauguración de la exposición "Developing the continents" será el día 5 de julio a las 19:30h en la Escuela de Fotografia Fotoespai - Calle Coroleu 72-74, 08030 Barcelona!

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