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De Ushuaia a La Quiaca (con algo de México)

An Argentine travelbook with a jump to Mexico. A trans-american graphic diary, more than 100 drawings made with ink and watercolor

Maria Meijide

A project of


From 5.500€
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My name is María Meijide and I'm a painter. I have been making travel books for years but it is just recently that I have made auto-edition projects.

In 2007 I flew to Argentina, and there I started a several months journey from Ushuaia to Bolivia, crossing part of the Chilean Patagonia. A beautiful and somehow bumpy ride through incredible landscapes, villages and cities. When I was arriving to the northern border, in la Quiaca, I received the news that I would become a scholarship in Mexico, so the trip took a leap to the State of Zacatecas.

From Ushuaia to La Quiaca (with a bit of Mexico) is the graphic diary of this whole journey.

A project that, thanks to your contributions, will be a book made with ink and watercolour, printed in full colours with a selection of over 100 drawings made during this trip. A book with also texts written as a diary, notes in pencil, drawings with a good finish and others in the form of sketches.

Moving through the pages you can see the icy landscapes of Ushuaia (the southernmost city in the world), the glaciers of Torres del Paine, the iconic Perito Moreno, beautiful views drawn in endless bus hours, the Che Guevara Museum in Cordoba, the Cerro Uritorco, the Zócalo capitalino in the city of México, the funeral of Antonio Aguilar in Zacatecas, the colorful clothes of the Huicholes tribe, and much more!

# What are the benefits of contributing to this campaign?

In the first place, thanks to your contributions through Verkami-web I will edit a precious book, that otherwise would be condemned to a much narrower exposure (artist's book) format.

Thanks to this co-financing everybody can enjoy this American trip in a edition free of intermediaries and at a more advantageous and affordable price. (Through this platform the book is acquired at 22 €, while its price in bookstores is 25 €)

The contributors to this campaign can also obtain original watercolors, Custom films edited in high quality and also original travel books.



The book will resemble the original book as closely as possible, in the same line as my previos book: From Malaysia to Kuala Lumpur(2015).

19x18 cm.

148 pages.

Semi-hard tops.

There wil be a short prologue in Spanish/ Galician / English .

I will make a first printing of 1000 copies.

En algún lugar de la Patagonia
En algún lugar de la Patagonia
El Chaltén
El Chaltén

Destination of your contributions

Book Printing and accessories

Packaging and Shipping

Crowdfunding 5% tax + 21% VAT + 1.35% bank tax.

If the project exceeds the budget I will devote the money to cover the costs of layout and design, to expand the circulation of the book, and if possible to charge author fees.

Quebrada del Condorito
Quebrada del Condorito

On the rewards

Different possibilities:

Signed and dedicated book.

18x18 y 20x40 cm sheets, high quality reproductions of drawings from the notebook

50x70 cm sheet, a super emotional map of Santiago de Compostela, an authoral cartography, plenty of life and colors.

Prints of an erotic watercolor series (20x40 cm)

For great contributions there is the possibility to acquire original pieces:

Series of original watercolors, or even the option of an original graphic diary.


I will begin the shippings on late December (at the end of the crowdfunding campaign), from Santiago de Compostela (Spain). The layout process of the book is already finished and just hoping for a boost of funding to be taken to print.

In any case, shipments will begin before January 5.

Parque Lezama
Parque Lezama

Guadalupe, México
Guadalupe, México
Un millón de vacas
Un millón de vacas

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#04 / Presentación en Santiago de Compostela

Queridos mecenas,

O vindeiro xoves 22, as 20.00, na libraria Lila, na rúa Travesa nº7 de Santiago de Compostela, estarei presentando este caderniño trans-americano.

Serán unha palabras breves pero intensas, e despois, se vides, tomamos un viño!

Falarei, claro, dos debuxos pero tamén do proceso de autoedición vía crowdfunding, da elaboración coidada desta edición facsimil que poderemos contrastar con cadernos orixinais... e outras sorpresas!

Vinde, vinde o xoves as 20.00!!
(E para aqueles mecenas que ainda non recolleran a súa recompensa esta é a ocasión!)

Queridos mecenas ,

El próximo jueves 22, a las ocho, en la librería Lila de rúa Travesa nº 7 (en Santiago de Compostela), estaré presentando este cuadernito trans-americano.

Serán unas palabras amenas -espero- e intensas acompañadas de imágenes. Y después, si queréis, nos tomamos un vino!

Hablaré, claro está, de los dibujos pero también

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#03 / Envíos de las recompensas, Rewards shipments

Queridos mecenas, estoy al fin! acabando los envíos de las recompensas así que imagino que algunos de vosotros ya habréis recibido el libro en casa. Para los que esperais recibir también láminas de 40x20cm o bien el mapa emocional, os conmino a que estéis atentos al buzón estos días porque seguramente os dejarán aviso. El tubo es grande y va en un envío separado con respecto al libro!

Cualquier cosa no dudéis en contactarme, claro!

Espero que os guste y gracias mil a todos !!!

Dear patrons, finally I am finishing the rewards shipments so I guess some of you have already received the book at home. For those who expect to receive sheets of 40x20cm or the emotional map, I urge you to be aware to the mailbox these days because the post service will surely leave you notes. The tube is large and goes in a separate shipment !

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any big delay or something.

I hope you like the book and thanks so much to everyone!

#02 / Primeiras entregas: Chegou o libro!! / The book just arrive!

Queridos mecenas! Os libros acaban de saír do prelo e chegar a casa. Para os que esteades en Compostela ou contorna e non queirades agardar polos envíos postais, podedes recoller o voso libro (máis láminas) no meu estudio. É na praza do Toural 9, 3º.

Pode ser mañá xoves 4 de Xaneiro de 17.00 a 21.00 ou tamén o venres 5 das 18.00 as 21.00.

Se non vos convén este horario, poñédevos en contacto comigo vía mail e combinamos outra opción.

Para os que prefirades o envío postal, en breve recibiredes uns formularios para preencher cos votos datos.

Grazie mile!!


Dear friends, if you are around Compostela, the next days you can pick your book at my home-atelier.

The adress is Praza Toural 9, 3º.

Could be tomorrow Thursday January the 4th (from 17.00 to 21.00) or even the Friday 5th between 18.00 to 21.00. If you need another combination please don´t hesitate to contact by mail.

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#01 / Gracias a todos! Grazie, merci, obrigada! thanks so much, danke!!

Queridos mecenas!! La campaña ha sido un éxito! Gracias mil a todosss los que apoyasteis y compartisteis. En breve , antes de reyes, llegará el libro de imprenta y podré comenzar a repartir las recompensas!

En apenas unos días recibiréis los formularios conforme a vuestra recompensa, donde podréis solicitar qué queréis de dedicatoria, donde recibir el libro, etc. Para los que estéis en Santiago ajustaremos una fecha en torno al 3-5 de Enero!

Enseguida más noticas!

Y gracias otra vez!

Dear patrons! The campaign has been a success! Many Thanks to all those who supported and shared.

The book is almost arriving from the print process so soon, before January6th, I will be able to start the rewards distribution!

In just a few days you will receive the forms according to your reward, where you can request about a dedication, where to receive the book, etc. For those of you who are in Santiago we will set a date around January 3-5!

Soon more news!

And thank you again!

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