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Castellers de Sant Cugat visit Castellers of London

As patrons of Castellers of London, we will travel to London to perform together.

From 1.500€
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On 14 October 2017, Castellers de Sant Cugat will travel to London to do a joint performance with Castellers of London. Castellers of London are a newly formed group (founded in 2015) and Castellers de Sant Cugat are their patrons in the casteller world.

CoL image
CoL image

The targets of the performance are to share a weekend with CoL, to share experiences with them and to give participants from both collas the opportunity to meet face to face.


It is difficult for collas abroad to organise performances with other collas, and Castellers de Sant Cugat, as their patrons, are really proud to share this event with them.

About rewards

We propose 3 types of rewards:

  • Green spirit: for castellers and people close to the colla who would like to own the commemorative t-shirt and bandana.

  • Performances: for people outside the colla who would like to experience, from the inside, one or two casteller performances of the highest standard. Here the main goal of Castellers de Sant Cugat is to complete our first castle of 9 levels.

  • Partners: for companies that would like to help with the trip and also have the possibility to enjoy a castells workshop for their employees.


Who are we?

Castellers de Sant Cugat (Gausacs) are a casteller group founded in 1996 and therefore has more than 20 years of history. Now that we are already completing medium and high difficulty castells of 8 levels, we are planning to make the leap to 9 levels. Although we do not own a place for rehearsals or to complete management tasks, we find ourselves in a good moment both socially and technically.

Castellers de Sant Cugat photo
Castellers de Sant Cugat photo


Presidenta (+34 699 123 544): Gemma Aristoy

Vicepresidència: Bernat Alonso

Secretaria: Elena Ramis i Isabel Pahissa

Tresoreria: Àlex Pascual

Comunicació: Miquel Royo i Víctor Biete

Relacions públiques i contractació (+34 639 963 937): Marcel Serra i Marc Serra

Web: www.castellersdesantcugat.cat

[email protected]

What are we using your contributions for?

The funds from the sponsors will be entirely used to finance our trip to London, in order to be able to perform in the first joint event between Castellers of London and their patrons. Part of the income will be used to pay for the trip, and the rest will be used for the accommodation during the 2 days in the city, when we will hold a joint rehearsal and joint performance with CoL.

Planned schedule

We will travel to London on 14 October. All the castellers who join us on the trip will be able to pick up the T-shirt and the bandana the previous week during Sant Cugat’s rehearsals. The rest of the sponsors will be able to pick up their T-shirts and bandanas from 2 November 2017. They will also be able to confirm dates and schedules for the companies’ workshops from this date.


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  • Si viatjo a Londres com a casteller, podré disposar de la samarreta i el mocador abans del viatge?

    Sí, tots els castellers i castelleres que ens acompanyin a Londres, podran recollir la seva samarreta i el seu mocador abans de viatjar. Uns dies abans rebreu un qüestionari on podreu indicar la talla desitjada.

    La resta de mecenes podran gaudir de les recompenses un cop tancat el projecte, si s'ha aconseguit l'objectiu.

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  • Maria Creixell

    Maria Creixell

    over 6 years

    Cap a London falta gent!

  • pandachris


    over 6 years

    Good luck! I wish Julie and I could be there but we're flying back from New York that day. Hopefully I will make it to the diada in Tarragona, though.

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