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Felpeyu: Cerquina

Felpeyu turned 25 years old last November, but they didn’t want to celebrate it before they had finished recording their new album “Cerquina” (“Really Close”). Now the time has come and through this site you can contribute to the band’s sixth Long Play, which will also be their first vinyl.


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From 4.000€
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View project in Castellano, Asturianu and Asturianu

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Felpeyu Cerquina

On the occasion of the band’s 25th anniversary, they set up this crowdfunding campaign, aiming to publish a vinyl LP, something they hadn’t done up to now.

The new album consists of twelve tracks, six of which have lyrics (written by Felpeyu and Boni Pérez) with melodies that are partly traditional, partly original. The instrumental pieces delve into the most common rhythms in the Asturian tradition: pasucáis, muñeres, saltones, xotes, dances and alboraes.

The album was recorded at Estudios 15:40, with lead singer Senén Fernández as sound engineer. Mixing and mastering was done by Sergio Rodríguez at Tutu Estudios. Photographs were taken by Xurde A. Chachero and Ruma Barbero, the band’s percussionist, who was also in charge of graphic design.


The album will be pressed on 140 gram vinyl with a 31 x 62 cm full-colour gatefold cover, which will include an inner sheet featuring credits and lyrics in both Asturian and English, all within a transparent plastic cover for better conservation. Your pledges will mainly be used for manufacturing and shipping the vinyls. Should any extra funds be gathered, they will be used to pay for the recording and production expenses of two videoclips which have already been scripted.

All the band’s previous albums, offered in some of the pledges, come in high quality full colour digipacks. They contain separate booklets with full colour photos, credits and song lyrics in Asturian and English.

Felpeyu, "Canteros", Tierra Discos 2008

Felpeyu, "Yá!", Tierra Discos 2003

Expected timing

Delivery of rewards can be expected within four to six weeks after the end of the crowdfunding campaign.


You can follow this links to keep updated on concerts and news about the band.

felpeyu en facebook


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  • Minin


    over 6 years

    falta munchu pa que mos manden el pediu ???

  • carlopsychiatry


    almost 7 years

    Hola Felpeyu: soy Carlopsychiatry. Verkami me envió un mail para colocar mis datos para la autógrafa: Mi nombre es Carlos Vera Scamarone. Los sigo desde hace casi diez años y anhelaba tener un vinilo de vosotros. Vivo en Perú. Así que si llega el vinilo ya es bastante. dedicarlo a Carlos, seguidor de Felpeyu, saludos al Perú. Nada más.

  • Felpeyu


    almost 7 years

    Gracias por tu aportación. Un placer recibir apoyos desde tan lejos. ¿Cómo nos conociste?

  • carlopsychiatry


    almost 7 years

    Más que pregunta, un comentario. Desde Perú, los felicito. Es una alegre noticia saber que sacan un vinilo conmemorativo. Los sigo desde hace mucho. Ahí va mi aporte, y para adelante.

  • Felpeyu


    almost 7 years

    Hola, Víctor.

    Podríamos mandate los tres últimos discos "Yá!", "Canteros" y "Cerquina" (de la que salga). Anque pa esto, lo meyor ye qu'aportes na opción que tenemos pa ello nesti micromecenazgu. Podemos conseguite tamién el "Live Overseas" (discu en directu editáu namás n'Australia) ensin mayor problema. Lo que va tar más complicao ye que consigas los dos primeros "Felpeyu" y "Tierra", editaos pol sellu Fonoastur, que yá peslló.

  • Víctor


    almost 7 years

    Hola buenes, la mi entruga ye si habría alguna posibilidá de facese con toda la discografía orixinal. Munches gracies po la vuestra atención. Bayurosu aniversariu!!

  • Felpeyu


    almost 7 years

    We can send you the CD's "Live Overseas", "Yá!" and "Canteros". The first two CD's, "Felpeyu" and "Tierra", recorded with "Fonoastur" label, are difficult to get today.

    Please send us a e-mail to [email protected]

  • eric edwards

    eric edwards

    almost 7 years

    I will make a pledge but how do I get all the back catalogue of music my CDs are very overused and need replacing Eric

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