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VerdCel 2017 Book + Album

VerdCel is willing to release a new album by 2017. This new work will include a book and an LP. The main element is 'Earth'. The great Carles Dénia is joining Alfons Olmo's current team. Be a part of it, help making it possible and find out all the details of this new adventure. Will you join us?


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After 'Els dies del Saurí' and 'Argilaga' (water and fire) the main element is 'Earth'.

The great Carles Dénia is joining Alfons Olmo's current team, with the purpose of taking the songs back to its roots.

We would love to gradually unveil the details together of this new adventure, from the title to the last verse of the last song.

The book will be masterfully illustrated by Daniel Olmo.

Will you join us?

We would love to count on your impulse in the latest steps of creation, by offering this new album + book and a list of rewards so you can make it your own, be a part of it and help it see the light.

Last spring began the structuring of the texts and musical annotations, as well as the creation of the first songs, which were fully composed in summer, simultaneously with the path of the book which complements this new work.

During the fall and the winter, we have combined the work at the rehearsal space and the preproduction with Carles Dénia, who was fully involved in taking part of this challenge and contributed to lay the foundations of a brand new musical direction. Carles offered the ultimate orientation towards the roots, which are the north of this new musical travel which, from the singing-songwriting, embraces the different traditions from all over together with its particular modern touch.

We started at the recording studio in late January and are currently working on the recording. Some recording, mixing and mastering of the album is still left.

Simultaneously, the work on the book continues: the texts, the storyboard and the illustrations by Daniel Olmo Boronat.

The production of this work is full of sentiment and devotion, and we are convinced it will be worth it, both as a book and an album.

We expect to have the rewards ready on the release day, 6th of April 2017, and start the shipping as of that day!


  • The new Album + Book.

Its elaboration is global, album and book. A CD which expands widely through a book, and a book which is complemented by the listening of a CD. The two things constantly intertwine. The work blends a double language, the songs and the literature. 'Earth' is the main element upon which a whole universe is built, with verses, melodies, texts, illustrations. A work from the roots towards the fruits. It wonders about existence and proposes to take life by the reigns. It is about the symbolism of growing and harvesting, what makes us human, in harmony with human times. Criticism gives way to building alternatives, laying new foundations.

  • The movie. Journey: Distance is no frontier.

A journey through VerdCel's trajectory from the beginning to today is the excuse to deepen in the current situation and cultural relationship of the Catalan speaking territories. With the participation of over 20 personalities from here and there: sabel-Clara Simón, Xavi Sarrià, Raimon, Núria Cadenas, Fernando Lucini, Cesk Freixas, Juli Cantó, Miquel Gil, Amalia Garrigós, Pedro Campos, Xavier Aliaga, etc.

  • Illustrations.

You can purchase one of the wonderful illustrations of the book created by Daniel Olmo, ideally to be framed.

  • Premiere, Ovidi poster, shirts and discography.

Tickets to the premiere next 6th April in Barcelona, poster of the VerdCel canta Ovidi Del cor a les mans show, shirts from the Argilaga album, live albums and complete VerdCel discography.

  • Shows.

Different special premiere shows if you book during the microfinancing period. At your place or organisation, both in a reduced and band format.


  • Part of the book and album production.

  • Manufacturing.

  • Shipping commissions and taxes.

At this very moment we are facing the final line of the project. Your help now is crucial to make it possible and give meaning to it.

Creating a new work means being aware that you are there, alive with us, so we can feel alive with you. This is why we start moving, motivating, thinking that, what we gestate long ago will finally become something real, thanks to sentiment and emotions.

The work is never completed until it is listened to, watched, felt by others. It is not a topic, we truly believe it: the work is finished when someone else reconnects all the parts of a text, a drawing, a song, an album, with their interpretation.

Everything needs to be drawn, written, tracked and slowly sculpted, highlighting the set off. Sharing that emptiness, the final set off is the reason why we do it, what encourages us. Empathizing as human beings through different expressions is what fills us with illusion, enthusiasm, the main gas.

Knowing your thoughts is essential for us to know this makes sense, to know you are there, and we are here.

Your silence is natural, it is a part of being together, but there is a time for everything. If you participate, if you make it possible, if you get to know the project and finally let us know your thoughts, the wheel will speen on, stronger than ever!

Now is the time to feel close, very close.

Time has come for us to find and meet again, in other faces, in the trees, the oceans, the smiles, the mountains, through the desert, the bites of life, drinks of passion, bad times we deconstruct together, so we understand each others and re-building like a crab, our house and the sand from the beach near the broken wave... we will need to invent or reinvent or recover, light up, reconnect.

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  • Header photo by Juan Miguel Morales.


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#01 / NOMÉS 5 DIES. Ho feu possible?

Queden només 5 dies. Entre tots ho aconseguirem.

Com sabeu VerdCel vol editar a l'abril un NOU Llibre-Disc. 13 cançons i un llibre de 150 pàgines a color amb poesia, prosa, assaig i il·lustracions.

Només tenim fins dilluns per recaptar els diners necessaris per la campanya de micromecenatge: http://vkm.is/verdcel2017

Feu les vostres aportacions com a mecenes (enviament recompenses ja inclòs).

Ho estrenem el dia 6 d'abril de 2017 a Barcelona*. Hi ha una recompensa que inclou 2 entrades per l'estrena a preu reduït.

Fer un nou treball comporta saber que hi sou ací, saber-vos vius amb nosaltres, sentir-nos vius amb vosaltres. És pel que comencem a moure'ns, a motivar-nos, pensant que això que estem començant a gestar, de manera embrionària, amb el sentiment i l'emoció per davant, amb el que hem viscut, reflexionat, etc. li podem acabar donant forma.

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