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L'espurna is a book, collection of quotes and aphorisms to ignite minds and bring social change.

David Palau

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The book

** The book is a collection of nearly 1.000 quotes, aphorisms and even some poetry or long text ** from authors of all time, which aim to make people think and wonder, and that would lead us to act for social change.

The tittle of the book is L’espurna, which means the spark, following the idea that each one of the quotes will be the spark that ignite the flame!

This book is a compilation of the best quotes that over the last six years have been published on my blog L’espurna, plus many others that have not been published ever.

These "sparks" are classified into 14 major groups, such as "struggle, freedom, collective consciousness, feminism, culture, education," etc. And each large block is divided into different chapters.

You can find some examples of the quotes that will be on the book by checking out my bloc L’espurna

Advantages to contribute to the campaign

** This book cannot exist without you, it would make no sense. ** It is a book to share culture, and from there, think globally and act globally to change the world. But it makes no sense if we don’t do it between all of us, from all of us. This is why we want this book to be born from a collective action.

If you participate in this exciting project and help us to make L’espurna a dream come true, we offer in return the book, tickets the book launches that will take place in Barcelona, and Girona, and many other rewards, all conceived from a desire of social transformation.

And, of course, a deep and infinite gratitude! From my heart.

Like Nelson Mandela said, It always seems impossible until it’s done.

Who are we?

We are Lo Diable Gros, an independent publisher from Tarragona, south of Catalonia, and the blog site Lespurnabloc.cat, from its David Palau, always committed to the culture as "the most revolutionary political option in the long term."

What will we do with your contributions?

The money coming from this crowdfunding intends to cover part of the expenses of the first edition of the book. Creation, production, printing and distribution.

Without your help we cannot do it!

Additional objectives if we overcome the basic objective

If we exceed the revenue that we have as a basic objective of this crowdfunding, we will be able to make even more copies for our first edition of the book! And besides, we have some surprises for everyone is helping us...

Our calendar

If we achieve the objective, the book will be available the last week of March. The first people to receive the book will be those who are attending the recitals of Barcelona and Girona.

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  • David Palau

    David Palau

    about 7 years

    Hola Jordi, em sap greu però la recompensa de 1 llibre + enviament s'ha esgotat; si vols encara queden les opcions de 2 llibres + enviament, o 1 llibre a recollir als punts de recollica, o qualsevol de les altres opcions. Esperem que sigui del teu gust i moltes gràcies per l'interés!

  • Jordi!


    about 7 years


    no em deixa seleccionar l'opció de llibre + enviament. És correcte? Alguna forma d'escollir aquesta opció?


  • David Palau

    David Palau

    about 7 years

    I tant Alba, només faltaria! Tu agafa la recompensa tranquila i ens posarem en contacte amb tu per gestionar-ho.

    Gràcies per fer-ho possible!

    Una abraçada

  • Alba Fluixà

    Alba Fluixà

    about 7 years

    Hola! M'interessa el PACK LLIBRE + DISC 'PROPOSTA' DE CESK FREIXAS però no puc anar a recollir-lo, hi hauria cap possibilitat de fer l'enviament a domicili a València? Moltes gràcies!

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