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"From the heart of Africa": Esclat Gospel Singers live recording

Esclat Gopel Singers have set themselves a goal: the live recording of their new show From the heart of Africa, together with the Big Latin Band at Teatre Kursaal in Manresa on 27th of November. Do you want to help us with the cost of recording the DVD + CD?

Esclat Gospel Singers

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From 5.300€
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At Esclat Gospel Singers we are celebrating! We are marking the 15th anniversary with the new show From the heart of Africa,and we have set ourselves a goal: together with the Big Latin Band, we will producea live recording of the show in Teatre Kursaal de Manresa on the 27th of November. During the recording, we will also showcase our pool of young singers from Esclat Gospel Junior.

David Casamitjana, the Great Master, will be in charge of producing the live session and the CD + DVD combopack will be released by the end of February 2017.

From the heart of Africa will be our sixth recording and it will contain songs that originate from African gospel. Our director, Ramon Escalé, will share beautiful, rhythmical melodies and songs with a special message from all around Uganda.

How your donation can help us

The total cost of the production of the CD and DVD is €5,300.

This figure includes all the expenses needed to reach the funding goal. It will pay for the recording and editing of the concert, the production and making of the CD + DVD. It also includes the design, photography and printing costs of the CD and DVD, as well as unique rewards for everyone that contributes to our project, as a token of our appreciation.

About the rewards

We will give out the rewards during an event where Esclat Gospel Singers will get to meet all our patrons to celebrate sucessfully reaching the goal that we set ourselves.

The event will coincide with the release of the CD + DVD, and will take place in February or March, if everything goes as planned (we will keep you updated). For any of you that are unable to attend, we will contact you to ensure that you receive your rewards.

If you have any questions or want further information, or you even want to make a contribution that is not considered in the rewards list, send an email to [email protected] and we will reply as soon as possible.

Production schedule

According to our production schedule, the editing process of the CD + DVD will take three months at the latest. However, the fact that the concert will be recorded live will save us a lot of time.

Once the CD + DVD are recorded, we will celebrate this with you, our patrons at an event and the rewards will be given out.

For thosethatcan’t make it to the event, they will receive their reward by regular mail within a month.

Additional Information

In case you need further information about the company or want keep up-to-date on on our progress, visit our website, Facebook page or follow us on twitter.

We are also on instagram and we have a youtube channel where you can see photos and videos of what our work is like.

Thank you for your support! We have no doubt that together we will achieve our goal!


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#04 / Avui... que ningú es despisti!!!

Per què?

Doncs perquè avui, a les 8 del vespre... comença la festa!!!.

És la nostra forma d'agrair-vos tota l'ajuda que ens heu donat. Hi haurà actuacions, pica-pica, presentarem el DVD, lliurarem les recompenses... i moltes coses més.

Així doncs, ens veiem tots i totes al Casal de Viladordis (C/ de la Salut, 29 | Viladordis - Manresa). No us ho perdeu, SERÀ BRUTAAAAAAAL!!!


No hi falteu. Ens hi veiem!


ESTIMATS MECENES, estem preparant una festassa per poder compartir amb vosaltres una molt bona estona, parlarem, riurem, recordarem ...........ENS FA MOLTISSIMA IL.LUSIO!!!!

Recordeu que us esperem el dia 21 d'abril a partir de les 8 de la tarda al CASAL DE VILADORDIS (Carrer de la Salut, 29)

US ESPEREM!!!!!!!!!!!!

#02 / Festa amb els mecenes i entrega recompenses

Bona tarda, el dia 26 de març varem emetre un correu on parlavem de la festa i la gestió de les recompenses.

En aquell correu hi constava una contrasenya que havieu d'utilitzar per respondre el formulari al que s'accedia a traves de l'adreça: esclatgospelsingers.com/mecenes. Us demanàvem que ho fessiu, abans del dia 7 d'Abril per tenir marge d'organització.

Si no l'heu rebut, agrairem ens ho feu saber, el més aviat possible, ja que hi ha alguna adreça que ens ha donat problemes.


#01 / Anem per feina!

Bona tarda mecenes!

Fa dies que no us diem res, i us volíem fer saber que, un cop fet l'enregistrament d'àudio i vídeo al Kursaal, ja estem treballant-hi per poder-los tenir ben aviat!

Properament, ens posarem en contacte amb vosaltres per demanar-vos quina mida de samarreta voldreu, els qui hi teniu dret per la vostra aportació.

També estem començant a preparar la festa que us vam prometre, per la presentació i entrega del disc, a la qual estareu tots convidats!

Per avui res més; us seguirem informant a mesura que el procés avanci.

Bon cap de setmana!

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