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Around the Dream

A documentary about the artistic work of Ángel Marcos, one of the most important and internationally recognized photographe

El Colectivo

A project of

Created in

From 4.500€
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The documentary is intended to tell a really extraordinary and little known story outside the specialized circles: the personal and creative journey of Angel Marcos.

He was born in 1955 in Medina del Campo (Valladolid), in the middle of the postwar period and very far from the culture and the art world. Despite this, he forged himself from nothing, he has managed to position himself as one of the most prestigious and renowned artists in the international scene.

The creative work of Angel Marcos began in 1992 although it did not begin to really settle until five years later with the series Landscapes. After that a constant creative work that has also evolved continuously to the present.

Angel Marcos has a very strong relationship with his homeland and is also a tireless traveler around the world. His work is located in diverse and distant places as Spain, Cuba, China, Senegal or Las Vegas. This creative work has had repercussion and international success, being present in recognized cultural centers such as the Museum of Contemporary Art and the Reina Sofía in Madrid, the Maison Européene de la Photographie in Paris or the Rockefeller Center in New York.

In these two videos, related to his project Lizard´s Tale, Planning and strategy, you can get a little closer to the philosophy and personal and artistic approaches of Angel Marcos.

Guided tour of the exhibition
Lizard's tail. Planning and strategy

In this link you can see a video about one of the international exhibitions of Ángel Marcos, in this case in Vienna (previous photograph).

Here you can see, if you are interested, a masterful talk by Ángel Marcos

Around the Dream is not a biographical documentary (although some essential references will be included), but rather aims to focus on the cultural and creative area. It is about collecting, explaining and diffusing that personal and creative evolution of the author outside the professional circles. For this we will have the testimony of the artist himself and also of several prestigious and recognized specialists in the art world.

Your contribution

The forecast of use of the funds obtained through this campaign is the following:

Postproduction costs (infographics, original music, final editing, audio, audio and sound, translations and subtitling)

Expenses derived from this campaign (Verkami services, taxes, bank management, etc.)

Expenses derived from rewards (printing of documents, shipments, DVD's, USB's etc.)

About rewards

The rewards are designed to encourage and thank the help of all those who are interested in the project going forward. All the rewards are related to the documentary that is intimately linked with culture and art in general and the work of Ángel Marcos in particular.

The contribution you make will integrate you directly into the realization of a documentary that has the vocation of being collective, that is, promoted and supported by many, by all those who have an interest and sensitivity in art and contemporary culture where artistic photography Is part of and Angel Marcos is an outstanding exponent. For this reason you will be an active part and protagonist of an initiative with which we also want to promote awareness and appreciation for culture and art.

Predicted Calendar

We anticipate that the project will be completed by September 2017. The reward will be delivered a few days after the film's release, whose date we can not specify at this time. The idea or the initial approach is to release it as soon as possible, and also to look for a forum or event that helps its subsequent diffusion, which prevents us from engaging with a calendar in a real way. Yes we are committed to informing you promptly of the steps that are taking place, it seems to us the most honest.

+ Info

Web de Ángel Marcos


There are none published yet.

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  • Laurags


    almost 7 years

    ¡Mucha suerte y a por todas!

  • Cristóbal Medina

    Cristóbal Medina

    almost 7 years

    Un nuevo documental de José Ramón Rebollada, sobre el viaje personal y creativo del medinense Ángel Marcos.

#01 / La campaña está teniendo repercusión en los medios de comunicación


Esta campaña de crowdfunding está teniendo repercusión en los medios de comunicación. Esperamos que la difusión pública sirva para que te sientas reconocido como parte del proyecto, y también para animar a otras personas que puedan estar interesadas.

Ávilared fue el primero en publicar la noticia:

Después El Norte de Castilla, uno de los periódicos más importantes del país:

Y por último, de momento, la Cadena COPE, también se ha interesado por el asunto:

Seguimos adelante.

Muchas gracias.

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