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EUROPE IN 8 BITS is a documentary about reusing outdated technology in creative ways to revamp the music scene.

Europe in 8bits

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From 5.000€
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After one year working in the production of EUROPE IN 8 BITS www.europein8bits.com, we are quite close to reach the necessary budget to finish the documentary. That’s why we decided to use the Verkami platform with the purpose to attain the necessary budget to finish the film.


The main objective of EUROPE IN 8 BITS is promoting throughout the general public the existence of this new music style based on the reuse of old computers and videogame hardware of the 80’s. The audiovisual speech will arise from a European perspective based on multiculturalism and the new generations.


Today we live in a changing society full of technological innovations that incorporates all that is new and discards the old. However, obsolete media need not be forgotten and disappear. They can be recovered, but not to fill a gap on a shelf but to take on new, hitherto unimaginable purposes.


EUROPE IN 8 BITS is a documentary that explores the world of chip music, a new musical trend that is growing exponentially throughout Europe. The stars of this musical movement reveal to us how to reuse old videogames hardware like Nintendo's GameBoy, Atari ST, NES, Amiga or the Commodore 64 to turn them into a tool capable of creating a new sound, a modern tempo and an innovative musical style. This is a new way of interpreting music performed by a great many artists who show their skills in turning these “limited” machines designed for leisure in the 80’s into surprising musical instruments and graphical tools. It will leave nobody indifferent.


The documentary’s story tells us about the beginnings of this musical trend, which is mushrooming throughout Europe. EUROPE IN 8 BITS travels across Europe conducting interviews with the movement’s main artists and seeing its events, talking to the most brilliant software designers, musicians and visual artists as well as the most eccentric and peculiar followers. EUROPE IN 8 BITS scans the current European music scene, revealing the reasons for the emergence of chip music in the 21st century. For although it may appear that music in 8 bits is out of date, never has the appearance of this music based on recycling technology been so timely.



Music in 8 bits began simultaneously in various parts of the world, but Europe was the continent that mostly led its progress. In the 80's, Europe was the cradle of the Demoscene and later, early in the 21st century, the 8 bits scene. Here there were significant programmers and pioneers such as Gebhard Sengmüller, Gino Esposto, Michael Burkhardt, Johan Kotlinski, Oliver Wittchow, Goto80, Covox, Stu, Gwem, Ralp and Tonylight to name but a few. Internet was also pivotal in the emergence of this movement, and European pages like www.micromusic.net revolutionized communication between artists and their music. * EUROPE IN 8 BITS* visits cities and concerts and conducts interviews with those involved in this music scene throughout the continent. The countries include, among others, Italy, Germany, France, England, Sweden, Norway, Holland and Spain. * EUROPE IN 8 BITS* is a comprehensive project that will reveal a multi-faceted Europe, but an increasingly united one.

[Soundcloud item unavailable]


EUROPE IN 8 BITS has music by the greatest writers in the chip music scene in Europe. In total, there are over 60 artists from different parts of Europe who have worked or want to collaborate with EUROPE IN 8 BITS, providing their music and giving up their original works. This musical anthology will be indispensable in showing this flourishing musical culture from within and familiarizing the viewer with sounds that create a unique experience. The soundtrack thus becomes a significant part of EUROPE IN 8 BITS. It is the main thread accompanying the revelation of this social phenomenon and which will help us understand why its existence became necessary.


Music in 8 bits is an innovative movement that has been mushrooming significantly throughout the entire European continent over the last decade. This movement’s young artists are the pioneers of a musical trend that will very soon be jostling among the most representative modern musical trends of this decade. For this reason, EUROPE IN 8 BITS is a documentary produced at just the right time, since it has the chance to create a portrait and analysis of the emergence of this movement, which will very soon be on everybody’s lips. So far, no documentary about the chip music movement has been made in Europe, so that EUROPE IN 8 BITS is an innovative, pioneering and original project.


In keeping with a common demand from the media in recent times, * EUROPE IN 8 BITS* has created an interactive platform located on the net: www.europein8bits.com. This is a web.doc platform that will regularly provide different audiovisual content such as exclusive video capsules, news, reports and activities related to developments in music in 8 bits and about the documentary. The web.doc www.europein8bits.com is already up and running and is connected to social networks and other collaborating websites, thereby generating a large number of daily visits and constant new links to other websites with issues related to the music. The web page www.europein8bits.com has already become the exemplary meeting place for this trend’s European musicians and all those curious people who visit the web.doc every day out of interest in this musical movement.


Much of Europe has been subject to the scourge of an economic recession that has been squeezing it in recent years. This affects the vast majority of the member countries’ industrial sectors, which have been hit by severe budget cuts, with the cultural sector being among the top casualties. On the other hand, we think it is important to point out the difference between culture and creativity since, contrary to expectations, in times such as these creativity becomes honed and good ideas take on an unexpected yet necessary role. This is the case with music in 8 bits - a musical trend that has decided to dispense with new consumer technology to create its works and is currently experiencing considerable growth and playing a significant role on the international music scene. Yes, for music in 8 bits there is no recession.



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  • Europe in 8bits

    Europe in 8bits

    almost 10 years

    Hola Damián y gracias por escribirnos, como hemos ido actualizando por correo, estamos a falta de concretar la BSO del documental, ahora mismo la está masterizando en Inglaterra uno de los protagonistas del documental y esperamos tenerla pronto acabada. Una vez la tengamos lista mandaremos todas las recompensas que faltan, la gran mayoría ya las tiene en sus casas afortunadamente, y como hablamos por email ofrecemos la oportunidad de mandar un screener online gratuito a todos los mecenas, para que puedan ver el documental ya. Un saludo y aquí estamos si quieres que te lo mandemos, un abrazo y perdón por la demora.

  • damian


    almost 10 years

    Más de dos años después, el documental ya se estrenó hace un tiempo, incluso está a la venta en la web de europein8bits, pero los mecenas no tenemos noticias sobre nuestra recompensa... me hacía ilusión, pero hace tanto ya que no la recuerdo...

  • Europe in 8bits

    Europe in 8bits

    about 10 years

    Hola, y mil perdones por la tardanza, hoy vamos a escribir un post informativo, muchas gracias por la paciencia.

  • tehachece


    over 10 years

    este proyecto dinalizo hace mucho ya y no tengo noticias de la bso ni del film

    que paso con el proyecto

  • Europe in 8bits

    Europe in 8bits

    over 11 years

    Perdona no entiendo muy bien la pregunta, una vez en tus manos el qué? Un saludo y perdona por el retraso en contestar ;-)

  • tehachece


    almost 12 years

    Tengo una par de recreativas para uso personal he aportado en este proyecto crees que una vez en mis manos podria usarla para que sonara de fondo cuando selecciono los juegos??????


    retrogame forever

  • Europe in 8bits

    Europe in 8bits

    almost 12 years

    Lo siento pero ya no se activara :-(

  • Ferranico23


    almost 12 years

    Ya ha finalizado el plazo para poder conseguir el abono al Arenal Sound para estar con Meneo?!! :(

    Vais a activarlo de nuevo o no? porque estoy muy muy interesado.


  • Europe in 8bits

    Europe in 8bits

    almost 12 years

    Seguro que sí, ¡¡nos estáis ayudando mucho!! Un abrazo y mil gracias por el apoyo

  • dacostyle


    almost 12 years

    Quiero mi cd ya! :D:D larga vida a la gameboy , espero que consigáis sacar el proyecto adelante. ;)

#08 / Europe in 8 Bits NEWS!!

Hola a todos! // Hi to everyone!

Lo primero de todo nos gustaría pedir perdón por la tardanza en dar novedades, ha pasado mucho tiempo y no, no nos hemos fugado a una isla desierta... jejeje Hemos estado trabajando muy duro en el documental y podemos anunciar a día de hoy que finalmente lo hemos terminado!! Hemos luchado durante más de 5 meses en la edición en Madrid y ha sido un proceso increíble la verdad. Jamás hubiéramos imaginado que nos iba a llevar tanto tiempo y en lo que se ha convertido finalmente y hemos de decir de parte de todo el equipo que estamos muy contentos con el resultado y tenemos muchas ganas de que todos recibáis vuestras merecidas recompensas, para que esperemos, las disfrutéis al máximo!

Sin embargo aquí vienen las malas noticias..... Tras haber acabado la película, nos hemos encontrado con que para poder estrenarlo en un festival… read more

#07 / ¡QUEDAN 3 DÍAS!

¡Buenas tardes a todos y todas!

Queremos dar las gracias a todos los que habéis participado hasta ahora ya que el objetivo está más cerca que nunca. Con los granos de arena que habéis aportado y el apoyo recibido vamos a conseguir que el proyecto se lleve a cabo.

Solamente falta un empujón final...
... y para ello vamos a añadir una recompensa de última hora:

2 Abonos VIP para el Arenal Sound 2012 (Burriana) y poder estar en el backstage con MENEO! (Artista de 8 Bits peculiar y divertido donde los haya).

Cada abono son 60 euros... ¡Nos los quitan de las manos!

Un abrazo enorme de parte de todo el equipo de Europe in 8 bits y Turanga Films.

Good afternoon to everybody!

We are really close to make our crouwdfunding project a fact. Your help has been very important to put us where we are and now we just need the last push!

We offer as a new award:

2 Tickets for the Arenal Sound 2012 (Burriana's beach) and be able to share the backstage with Meneo. (8 Bit spanish artist)

read more

#06 / Quedan 2 semanas!! :-)

Bueno hasta el día de hoy os damos las gracias a todos los que nos habéis ayudado con la campaña de Verkami, ya sea promoviéndola o aportando pequeñas o grandes cantidades para ir creciendo poco a poco.

Vamos por muy buen camino y tenemos mucha ilusión en conseguir el objetivo; tenemos una misión y 15 días para cumplirla :-)

Por ello os pedimos un último esfuerzo a los que podáis, para difundirla entre amigos, conocidos y familiares a los que creáis que les pueda interesar el proyecto, ya que sería una lástima no alcanzar el objetivo y que no se consiguiera nada. Hemos añadidos recompensas muy económicas y esperamos que así se anime más gente!

Un abrazo a todos y de nuevo muchas gracias!!

#03 / Hemos empezado! // We have started!


Bueno parece que la cosa ha arrancado con buen pie :-)!

Lo primero dar las gracias a los 13 mecenas que han colaborado hasta ahora y a la gente que ha curioseado nuestro proyecto, ¡eso ya nos hace felices!

Tenemos 38 días por delante donde habrá muchas novedades y y con toda la difusión que estamos haciendo entre todos (en las redes sociales, los blogs, publicaciones de prensa etc) se sumarán más aventureros que nos ayuden a conseguir el objetivo.

Os animamos a que visitéis la página web:


Para descubrir a más artistas, más fotos y más vídeos de este apasionante universo!

Un abrazo a todos y gracias por el apoyo!

El Director: Javier Polo



Well, it seems that the campaign is working out :-)!

First of all we would like to thank to the 13 crowdfunders that have collaborated so far and the people that have visited our project, that makes us happy already!

read more

#02 / T-SHIRT



Bueno queridos mecenas, aquí os presentamos la camiseta que podréis recibir con el logotipo del proyecto!

pd:La Máscara no está incluída jajaja




Dear crowdfunders, here you can see the t-shirt that you could get with the logo of the project.

pd: The mask is not included hahaha





Aquí tenéis los Ítems pixelados que podéis escojer con el PACK 8 BITS o por separado con la recompensa de 6€.

Imán, pendiente, posavasos, pulsera, llavero, diadema; de "Invaders", Piraña, Transformer, fantasmas, setas, Super Mario...

¡También se aceptan posibles diseños por encargo!




Here you can see some of the items that you can choose with the 8 bit pack or with the individual reward of 6€.

Magnets, earings, coasters, bracelets, key rings, diadems; of "Invaders", Piranha, Transformers, Phantoms, Mushrooms, Super Mario...

Remember that you can always suggest us new desings! :-)


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