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THE NORTH SUN. Building the autonomy in Bakur

Documentary about the Kurdish liberation movement in Bakur, the kurdish region in southeastern Turkey.

From 6.000€
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I want to plant flowers anywhere the enemy rampages and burns forest

                 Women in Kurdistan, Gerd Schumann

The kurdish people don’t appear on maps

If we look at a map for the place where approximately 40 million Kurds in the world live, we will not find it. If we seek what is Kurdistan, if it is a town, city or state...We will not find it. Kurdistan is an imagined territory. It is the historical territory shared by Kurds with many other ethnicities and since time immemorial is the subject of conquests, partitions or assimilation: the Persian Empire, the Ottoman, colonialism and the distribution of that territory after the World War between Turkey, Syria Iraq and Iran are proof of that .

The denial of their culture, identity and language is imprinted on the skin of the Kurdish people a rebellious spirit that drives a liberation movement based on self-criticism for more than 40 years. This fact has led them to reject the State and its structures and develop the Democratic Confederalism, a new political, social and economic model.

Project beginning

On 19 October 2015 we decided to travel to Bakur ("north" in kurmandjí), a territory that refers to the part of Kurdistan that lies within the borders of the Republic of Turkey. Once there, and not before, we decided to start this documentary.

Arriving at Amed, the capital of Kurdistan, we find people eager to explain that Bakur was undergoing a revolutionary process and, in addition, they were suffering repression of the Turkish state who control, punishe, detain and kill in order to stop the political project of the Kurdish movement.

During our stay we live the Declaration of Autonomy of many Kurdish cities and neighborhoods that were declared 'free zones' of the Turkish army protecting themselves with barricades and checkpoints. We also witnessed the violence with which the Turkish State behaves on the rebel kurdish population, and which still today subdues with such things as the curfew or the bombing of their cities.

Characteristics of the project

It is a totally independent project. We don’t have subsidies from public or private institutions.

Despite the conditions of war in which the Kurdish people in Bakur live, this is not a documentary about the war. We captured a moment in a process of resistance that started in 1978 and lasts until today with different forms and in different spaces of resistance and struggle. The documentary tells how Kurds in Turkey take the first steps to achieve their goal: a society based on the union of confederations whose axes are direct democracy, women's liberation and social ecology.

In Rojava, the Western territory of Kurdistan located within the borders of Syria, the war in the country has caused a vacuum of power that has allowed the idea of Democratic Confederalism to develop more widely. While In Turkey, Kurdish Liberation Movement has been presenting for elections with different pro-Kurdish parties for years. Now, they have gained the control in the cities with Kurdish majority with the Free Democratic Party (HDP), the actual pro-Kurdish party. There are differences in practice, but they have a common objective and resistance. It is, moreover, a proposal that goes beyond the interests of the Kurdish ethnic group and proposes a solution of peaceful coexistence for the middle east and for humanity.

What we want to explain? 

Why ethnic minorities in South-Eastern Turkey are still resisting the process of assimilation of the Turkish State?

How is the Kurdish liberation movement organized in Bakur? What are the social, political and economic structures that have developed independent of the State and capitalism? 

Upon what is democratic confederalism based?

What is the impact of the movement in civil society?

Will the struggle in Rojava and Bakur be able to configure new revolutionary concepts?

With whom have we spoken?

The documentary includes interviews with very different testimonies. Mayors and mayoresses repressed by Turkey; members of various committees of the democratic society Congress (DTK) and the Congress of free women (KJA), activists from other movements, sociologists and researchers.

Synopsis and datasheet

It is said in Kurdistan that the Sun rises in the West in reference to the revolutionary process in Rojava, which means "West" in kurmandji. This autonomous region of Syria is famous around the world for being able to govern themselves democratically and defend themselves in the middle of a country at war. "The North Sun. Building the autonomy in Bakur" is a tribute to its neighbouring sister, the northern region of Kurdistan, in the southeast of Turkey, which also resists the assimilation of the Turkish State and the imposition of the dominant system.

Production title: El Sol del Nord. Construïnt l'autonomia a Bakur (The North Sun. Building the autonomy in Bakur)

Project length: 65 min.

Production: IVARDIA Produccions

Genre: Documentary

Original languages: Kurmanji, Turkish, English, Catalan

Languages: English, Catalan, Spanish

Year: 2018

Why do we need you?

Bakur trapped us in two frantic months of meetings, reflections and discoveries that we recorded with our cameras.  Upon returning from our trip last December, we feel the responsibility to bring these voices to our territory to understand and learn about the revolution. Since then, we have lived six months of intense work to give shape to the copyright material. To be able to complete the project we need 6,000 euros. This money will not cover travel, only necessary elements in order to finish the documentary.

What will we do with your donations?

The money raised thanks to your help will be primarily earmarked for post-production of the documentary, but also to cover some of the costs of the production and cost associated with the distribution of the tape.  See below for detaiiled explanation of these costs.


  • Translation and subtitling of the documentary and trailer from kurdish or turkish to catalan, spanish and english.

  • Postproduction of the image and the sound of the documentary and the trailer

  • Graphics design.

Distribution of the documentary

  • Editing and designing of the DVD

  • Copies of the DVD

  • Hosting of website

  • Promotion of the documentary (merchandising, communication, presentation to festivals).

Translation team

Col·lectivaT is a group of people living in Catalonia, who were born in different countries of the Middle East and Southern Europe, and still feel they belong to both places. They know in depth the particular socio-political issues related to their countries of birth. Not only they are activists who use this knowledge to defend and link the international revolutionary struggles, but also they are people of various multidisciplinary profiles and researchers who apply the appropriate methods to the field of languages and communication. That is why they have decided to come together as a group, with the aim of building a cooperative, which mainly offers cultural translation services and research regarding the issues of the Middle East from a critical perspective. They collaborate in the documentary project 'El Sol del Nord' with the translation of the interviews from Kurdish and Turkish to Catalan.

Predicted schedule

We'd like to be able to release "El Sol del Nord" in November 2016. The documentary is currently in the first phase of editing.  Our idea is to continue with the phase of the editing throughout the summer. Parallel to editing, a collective of translators will do the planned translations, subtitling and synchronization with the image. By mid-September, we hope to have the film ready for the last phase of post-production, to edit both the image and the sound. In a month and a half, we would have the final tape. Throughout the months of November and December, you will receive your rewards and it is when we would like to release the documentary.

It is a collective project. Who collaborates with us?

Ivardia Produccions
Plataforma Azadî
Rojava Azadî Madrid

Music: Kaya Project

Sound: Sol de Sants, Guillem Cortina

Kurdish/turkish translations: Col·ectivaT (Özgür Güneş Öztürk, Pelin Dogan, Baybars Külebi, Nihal Mumcu, Massoud Sharidi Dryaz and Federica Capranico)

English/french translations: Daniel Peralba, Jordi Lillo, Miquel Rodríguez, María Fernanda Hurtado, Irene Ortiz

Design: Mariona Asín Pueyo, Arnau Terrassa Gomar, Eva Martín Escobar

Filming: Camila, Omar, Gunes and all those who welcomed us into their homes and made the interviews possible.

If we overcome the 6000 euros we could translate the documentary into more languages, improve its quality and recover some of the costs of filming the documentary, mainly in audiovisual material! Will you help us?

NOTE: Those who want to participate in financing the film but do not have a credit card, can send us an email to [email protected] and we will provide an account number.

+ Info

MAIL: [email protected]

WEB: www.ivardia.org


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  • Ivardia Produccions

    Ivardia Produccions

    almost 8 years

    Hola Maria!!

    La campanya de Verkami acaba el 28 de juliol. Serà l'últim dia que es puguin fer aportacions :)

    Gràcies pel teu interès!


    Ivardia Produccions

  • Maria


    almost 8 years

    Fins quin dia tinc temps per fer la meva aportació?

#06 / Estrena El Sol del Nord i recollida recompenses


Estimats/des mecenes,

Sabem que algunes de vosaltres ens heu seguit per les xarxes o personalment. Les que no, us demanen disculpes per avançat per aquest silenci, ens havíem oblidat del blog de verkami! Esperem que ens ho pugueu perdonar perquè tenim una molt bon notícia: estrenem el documental “El Sol del Nord. Construint l’autonomia a Bakur”.

A partir de la primera setmana de juny rebreu les vostres recompenses. Poseu atenció al correu perquè començareu a rebre les indicacions per a la recollida.

En breus anirem confirmant els passis de presentació del documental. De moment, tenim la primera data a Barcelona: 6 de juny a les 20.30 hores als Cinemes Girona. Ben aviat confirmarem les persones que ens acompanyaran durant l’acte de presentació. Totes aquelles que vau escollir entrades per l’estrena, rebreu un correu aviat demanant-vos confirmació. Si no teniu entrades, us donarem també les indicacions per adquirir-les.

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#05 / ¡Seguimos trabajando!, Seguim treballant!

¡Hola a tod@s! Os escribimos para anunciaros que estamos entrando en la recta final del montaje de 'El Sol del Norte. Construyendo la autonomía en Bakur'. Los últimos meses han sido intensos, hemos tenido que encarar problemas técnicos inesperados así como grabar nuevo material para la mejor comprensión de la situación en Bakur, la región kurda del sudeste de Turquía. Aún así, estamos contentas de anunciaros que ya tenemos montada la primera versión del documental. En unas semanas empezaremos con la corrección de los subtítulos y los retoques de color y sonido. Esperamos que este proceso sea lo más ágil posible para poder finalizar en los próximos meses.

También tenemos preparadas vuestras recompensas. Os enviamos una fotografía de la bolsa. Os damos de nuevo las gracias por estar y nos disculpamos por haber atrasado el estreno del documental. El equipo estamos trabajando con ilusión para haceros llegar el resultado lo antes posible.

¡Un abrazo y hasta pronto!


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#04 / Vamos lentos... porque vamos lejos :) Anem lentes... perquè anem lluny :)


Estimadíssimes mecenes!

Fa temps que no us escrivim. Seguim molt centrades en el muntatge de El Sol del Nord. Com ja us haureu adonat, hem endarrerit l'estrena del documental. El motiu principal ha estat voler anar una mica més lluny del previst en la narració i incloure l'última onada repressiva que ha afectat la població de Bakur. Si voleu saber més sobre la situació, us convidem a assistir a aquest cicle de xerrades organitzat per Azadî, Plataforma en Solidaritat pel poble kurd.


Encara no podem donar una nova data de l'estrena, però preveiem que serà en els pròxims mesos. Seguim amb molta il·lusió i ganes de fer-vos arribar aviat el documental. Esperem que pugueu entendre la nostra tardança.

Aprofitem el post per ensenyar-vos una de les postals que algunes de vosaltres rebreu com a recompensaread more

#03 / Seguimos trabajando en el documental


Hola a tots i totes!!

Us escrivim per posar-vos al dia sobre els avanços en la realització del documental ‘El Sol del nord. Construint l'autonomia a Bakur’.

Com ja sabeu, després del tancament de la campanya de Verkami vam engegar les traduccions de les entrevistes en kurd, turc i anglès. Aquests mesos l'equip de Col·lectivaT ha estat treballant i ja tenim llestes les primeres traduccions. Durant les properes setmanes estaran totes finalitzades i podrem tancar el guió i seguir amb el muntatge del documental. A més a més, en els darrers mesos algunes persones implicades en el documental han viatjat al Kurdistan nord i han gravat més imatges que ens ajudaran a reflectir la situació actual a la zona (per a més informació, recordeu que podeu consultar la pàgina web d'Azadî i Rojava Azadî Madrid).

Sobre les recompenses, en pocs dies rebreu un formulari en el que us demanarem les dades que necessitem per acabar de gestionar-lesread more

#02 / Una celebración colectiva


REPTE ACONSEGUIT! El documental El Sol del Nord. Construint l'autonomia a Bakur serà una realitat. MOLTES GRÀCIES per tot el suport que ens heu donat, ens sentim molt agraïdes i acompanyades en el projecte.

Hem aconseguit 6.625 euros de 182 mecenes. És una victòria col·lectiva pensar que entre tots i totes som capaces de realitzar un documental sobre la lluita i resistència popular al Kurdistan nord.

Ara ens toca a nosaltres materialitzar el documental, que narrarà com el moviment kurd dóna els primers passos per aconseguir el seu objectiu: una societat basada en la unió de confederacions els eixos de les quals són la democràcia directa, l'alliberament de la dona i l'ecologia social. Es tracta de l'opció d'un poble durament reprimit, que pateix atacs diaris per part de l'Estat turc.

Aprofitem l'ocasió per solidaritzar-nos amb Qamishlo, ciutat kurda fronterera entre Síria i Turquia, que va patir el passat 27 de juliol un atemptat. Ens sumem a la campanya de suport:


#01 / ¡Hemos llegado a los 6000!

Buenos días! Hoy nos hemos levantado con una muy buena noticia: hemos conseguido llegar a los 6000 entre todas! Muchísimas gracias a las personas y colectivos que habéis hecho vuestra aportación y a todas las que nos habéis apoyado de tantas otras formas en este proceso! Entre todas conseguiremos hacer de altavoz del movimiento de autoorganitzación popular en Bakur (Kurdistán turco). Todas las aportaciones que recibamos a partir de hoy servirán para traducir el documental 'El Sold el Norte. Construyendo la autonomía en Bakur' a más lenguas y mejorar su calidad, así como para cubrir gastos en material audiovisual. Un abrazo, seguimos, que todavía quedan 7 días para finalizar la campaña!!!

Bon dia! Avui ens hem llevat amb una molt bona noticia: hem aconseguit arribar als 6000 entre totes! Moltíssimes gràcies a les persones i… read more

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